949 research outputs found

    Some Remarks about the Usage of Asymmetric Correlation Measurements for the Induction of Decision Trees

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    Decision trees are used very successfully for the identification resp. classification task of objects in many domains like marketing (e.g. Decker, Temme (2001)) or medicine. Other procedures to classify objects are for instance the logistic regression, the logit- or probit analysis, the linear or squared discriminant analysis, the nearest neighbour procedure or some kernel density estimators. The common aim of all these classification procedures is to generate classification rules which describe the correlation between some independent exogenous variables resp. attributes and at least one endogenous variable, the so called class membership variable. --

    Inducing safer oblique trees without costs

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    Decision tree induction has been widely studied and applied. In safety applications, such as determining whether a chemical process is safe or whether a person has a medical condition, the cost of misclassification in one of the classes is significantly higher than in the other class. Several authors have tackled this problem by developing cost-sensitive decision tree learning algorithms or have suggested ways of changing the distribution of training examples to bias the decision tree learning process so as to take account of costs. A prerequisite for applying such algorithms is the availability of costs of misclassification. Although this may be possible for some applications, obtaining reasonable estimates of costs of misclassification is not easy in the area of safety. This paper presents a new algorithm for applications where the cost of misclassifications cannot be quantified, although the cost of misclassification in one class is known to be significantly higher than in another class. The algorithm utilizes linear discriminant analysis to identify oblique relationships between continuous attributes and then carries out an appropriate modification to ensure that the resulting tree errs on the side of safety. The algorithm is evaluated with respect to one of the best known cost-sensitive algorithms (ICET), a well-known oblique decision tree algorithm (OC1) and an algorithm that utilizes robust linear programming

    Application of decision trees and multivariate regression trees in design and optimization

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    Induction of decision trees and regression trees is a powerful technique not only for performing ordinary classification and regression analysis but also for discovering the often complex knowledge which describes the input-output behavior of a learning system in qualitative forms;In the area of classification (discrimination analysis), a new technique called IDea is presented for performing incremental learning with decision trees. It is demonstrated that IDea\u27s incremental learning can greatly reduce the spatial complexity of a given set of training examples. Furthermore, it is shown that this reduction in complexity can also be used as an effective tool for improving the learning efficiency of other types of inductive learners such as standard backpropagation neural networks;In the area of regression analysis, a new methodology for performing multiobjective optimization has been developed. Specifically, we demonstrate that muitiple-objective optimization through induction of multivariate regression trees is a powerful alternative to the conventional vector optimization techniques. Furthermore, in an attempt to investigate the effect of various types of splitting rules on the overall performance of the optimizing system, we present a tree partitioning algorithm which utilizes a number of techniques derived from diverse fields of statistics and fuzzy logic. These include: two multivariate statistical approaches based on dispersion matrices, an information-theoretic measure of covariance complexity which is typically used for obtaining multivariate linear models, two newly-formulated fuzzy splitting rules based on Pearson\u27s parametric and Kendall\u27s nonparametric measures of association, Bellman and Zadeh\u27s fuzzy decision-maximizing approach within an inductive framework, and finally, the multidimensional extension of a widely-used fuzzy entropy measure. The advantages of this new approach to optimization are highlighted by presenting three examples which respectively deal with design of a three-bar truss, a beam, and an electric discharge machining (EDM) process

    The Random Forest Algorithm with Application to Multispectral Image Analysis

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    The need for computers to make educated decisions is growing. Various methods have been developed for decision making using observation vectors. Among these are supervised and unsupervised classifiers. Recently, there has been increased attention to ensemble learning--methods that generate many classifiers and aggregate their results. Breiman (2001) proposed Random Forests for classification and clustering. The Random Forest algorithm is ensemble learning using the decision tree principle. Input vectors are used to grow decision trees and build a forest. A classification decision is reached by sending an unknown input vector down each tree in the forest and taking the majority vote among all trees. The main focus of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of Random Forest in classifying pixels in multispectral image data acquired using satellites. In this paper the effectiveness and accuracy of Random Forest, neural networks, support vector machines, and nearest neighbor classifiers are assessed by classifying multispectral images and comparing each classifier\u27s results. As unsupervised classifiers are also widely used, this research compares the accuracy of an unsupervised Random Forest classifier with the Mahalanobis distance classifier, maximum likelihood classifier, and minimum distance classifier with respect to multispectral satellite data

    Integrating Information Theory Measures and a Novel Rule-Set-Reduction Tech-nique to Improve Fuzzy Decision Tree Induction Algorithms

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    Machine learning approaches have been successfully applied to many classification and prediction problems. One of the most popular machine learning approaches is decision trees. A main advantage of decision trees is the clarity of the decision model they produce. The ID3 algorithm proposed by Quinlan forms the basis for many of the decision trees’ application. Trees produced by ID3 are sensitive to small perturbations in training data. To overcome this problem and to handle data uncertainties and spurious precision in data, fuzzy ID3 integrated fuzzy set theory and ideas from fuzzy logic with ID3. Several fuzzy decision trees algorithms and tools exist. However, existing tools are slow, produce a large number of rules and/or lack the support for automatic fuzzification of input data. These limitations make those tools unsuitable for a variety of applications including those with many features and real time ones such as intrusion detection. In addition, the large number of rules produced by these tools renders the generated decision model un-interpretable. In this research work, we proposed an improved version of the fuzzy ID3 algorithm. We also introduced a new method for reducing the number of fuzzy rules generated by Fuzzy ID3. In addition we applied fuzzy decision trees to the classification of real and pseudo microRNA precursors. Our experimental results showed that our improved fuzzy ID3 can achieve better classification accuracy and is more efficient than the original fuzzy ID3 algorithm, and that fuzzy decision trees can outperform several existing machine learning algorithms on a wide variety of datasets. In addition our experiments showed that our developed fuzzy rule reduction method resulted in a significant reduction in the number of produced rules, consequently, improving the produced decision model comprehensibility and reducing the fuzzy decision tree execution time. This reduction in the number of rules was accompanied with a slight improvement in the classification accuracy of the resulting fuzzy decision tree. In addition, when applied to the microRNA prediction problem, fuzzy decision tree achieved better results than other machine learning approaches applied to the same problem including Random Forest, C4.5, SVM and Knn

    Interactive Decision Tree Creation and Enhancement with Complete Visualization for Explainable Modeling

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    To increase the interpretability and prediction accuracy of the Machine Learning (ML) models, visualization of ML models is a key part of the ML process. Decision Trees (DTs) are essential in machine learning (ML) because they are used to understand many black box ML models including Deep Learning models. In this research, two new methods for creation and enhancement with complete visualizing Decision Trees as understandable models are suggested. These methods use two versions of General Line Coordinates (GLC): Bended Coordinates (BC) and Shifted Paired Coordinates (SPC). The Bended Coordinates are a set of line coordinates, where each coordinate is bended in a threshold point of the respective DT node. In SPC, each n-D point is visualized in a set of shifted pairs of 2-D Cartesian coordinates as a directed graph. These new methods expand and complement the capabilities of existing methods to visualize DT models more completely. These capabilities allow us to observe and analyze: (1) relations between attributes, (2) individual cases relative to the DT structure, (3) data flow in the DT, (4) sensitivity of each split threshold in the DT nodes, and (5) density of cases in parts of the n-D space. These features are critical for DT models' performance evaluation and improvement by domain experts and end users as they help to prevent overgeneralization and overfitting of the models. The advantages of this methodology are illustrated in the case studies on benchmark real-world datasets. The paper also demonstrates how to generalize them for decision tree visualizations in different General Line Coordinates.Comment: 36 pages, 45 figures, 5 table

    Decision tree learning for intelligent mobile robot navigation

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    The replication of human intelligence, learning and reasoning by means of computer algorithms is termed Artificial Intelligence (Al) and the interaction of such algorithms with the physical world can be achieved using robotics. The work described in this thesis investigates the applications of concept learning (an approach which takes its inspiration from biological motivations and from survival instincts in particular) to robot control and path planning. The methodology of concept learning has been applied using learning decision trees (DTs) which induce domain knowledge from a finite set of training vectors which in turn describe systematically a physical entity and are used to train a robot to learn new concepts and to adapt its behaviour. To achieve behaviour learning, this work introduces the novel approach of hierarchical learning and knowledge decomposition to the frame of the reactive robot architecture. Following the analogy with survival instincts, the robot is first taught how to survive in very simple and homogeneous environments, namely a world without any disturbances or any kind of "hostility". Once this simple behaviour, named a primitive, has been established, the robot is trained to adapt new knowledge to cope with increasingly complex environments by adding further worlds to its existing knowledge. The repertoire of the robot behaviours in the form of symbolic knowledge is retained in a hierarchy of clustered decision trees (DTs) accommodating a number of primitives. To classify robot perceptions, control rules are synthesised using symbolic knowledge derived from searching the hierarchy of DTs. A second novel concept is introduced, namely that of multi-dimensional fuzzy associative memories (MDFAMs). These are clustered fuzzy decision trees (FDTs) which are trained locally and accommodate specific perceptual knowledge. Fuzzy logic is incorporated to deal with inherent noise in sensory data and to merge conflicting behaviours of the DTs. In this thesis, the feasibility of the developed techniques is illustrated in the robot applications, their benefits and drawbacks are discussed

    A Global Discretization Approach to Handle Numerical Attributes as Preprocessing

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    Discretization is a common technique to handle numerical attributes in data mining, and it divides continuous values into several intervals by defining multiple thresholds. Decision tree learning algorithms, such as C4.5 and random forests, are able to deal with numerical attributes by applying discretization technique and transforming them into nominal attributes based on one impurity-based criterion, such as information gain or Gini gain. However, there is no doubt that a considerable amount of distinct values are located in the same interval after discretization, through which digital information delivered by the original continuous values are lost. In this thesis, we proposed a global discretization method that can keep the information within the original numerical attributes by expanding them into multiple nominal ones based on each of the candidate cut-point values. The discretized data set, which includes only nominal attributes, evolves from the original data set. We analyzed the problem by applying two decision tree learning algorithms (C4.5 and random forests) respectively to each of the twelve pairs of data sets (original and discretized data sets) and evaluating the performances (prediction accuracy rate) of the obtained classification models in Weka Experimenter. This is followed by two separate Wilcoxon tests (each test for one learning algorithm) to decide whether there is a level of statistical significance among these paired data sets. Results of both tests indicate that there is no clear difference in terms of performances by using the discretized data sets compared to the original ones. But in some cases, the discretized models of both classifiers slightly outperform their paired original models

    Application of Machine Learning in Cancer Research

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    This dissertation revisits the problem of five-year survivability predictions for breast cancer using machine learning tools. This work is distinguishable from the past experiments based on the size of the training data, the unbalanced distribution of data in minority and majority classes, and modified data cleaning procedures. These experiments are also based on the principles of TIDY data and reproducible research. In order to fine-tune the predictions, a set of experiments were run using naive Bayes, decision trees, and logistic regression. Of particular interest were strategies to improve the recall level for the minority class, as the cost of misclassification is prohibitive. One of The main contributions of this work is that logistic regression with the proper predictors and class weight gives the highest precision/recall level for the minority class. In regression modeling with large number of predictors, correlation among predictors is quite common, and the estimated model coefficients might not be very reliable. In these situations, the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and the Generalized Variance Inflation Factor (GVIF) are used to overcome the correlation problem. Our experiments are based on the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database for the problem of survivability prediction. Some of the specific contributions of this thesis are: · Detailed process for data cleaning and binary classification of 338,596 breast cancer patients. · Computational approach for omitting predictors and categorical predictors based on VIF and GVIF. · Various applications of Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Techniques (SMOTE) to increase precision and recall. · An application of Edited Nearest Neighbor to obtain the highest F1-measure. In addition, this work provides precise algorithms and codes for determining class membership and execution of competing methods. These codes can facilitate the reproduction and extension of our work by other researchers

    Batch and incremental learning of decision trees

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