4 research outputs found

    A comprehensive framework for visual quality assessment of light field tensor displays

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    In recent years, light field technology has attracted the interest of academia and industry, thanks to the possibility of rendering 3D scenes in a more realistic and immersive way. In particular, light field displays have been consistently investigated for their ability to offer a glass-free 3D viewing experience. Among others, tensor displays represent a promising way to render light field contents. However, only a few prototypes of such type of displays have been implemented and are available to the scientific community. As a direct consequence, the visual quality of such displays has not been rigorously investigated. In this paper, we propose a new framework to assess the visual quality of light field tensor displays on conventional 2D screens. The multilayer components of the tensor displays are virtually rendered on a typical 2D monitor through the use of a GUI, and different viewing angles can be accessed by simple mouse interactions. Both single and double stimulus methodologies for subjective quality assessment of light field contents are supported in this framework, while the total time of interaction is recorded for every stimulus. Results obtained in two different laboratory settings demonstrate that the framework can be successfully used to perform subjective quality assessment of different compression solutions for light field tensor displays


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    Penjualan sepatu di Indonesia memberi setiap perusahaan peluang untuk mengembangkan bisnis kreatif untuk membuka pasar. Ini telah memungkinkan banyak merek alas kaki untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia. Perusahaan yang bergerak di industri sepatu tidak hanya merek domestik di pasar, tetapi juga beberapa merek asing yang telah berkembang di pasar Indonesia. Bahkan dengan masuknya berbagai merek asing, konsumen produk Indonesia sudah mulai lebih suka dan terbiasa memakai sepatu dari negara lain. Sepatu Bata Tbk adalah produsen alas kaki dan anggota dari Bata Footwear Organization (BSO).Perusahaan memproduksi berbagai alas kaki, yaitu sepatu kulit dan sandal, sepatu kanvas dan sepatu olahraga, tetapi penjualan telah turun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan minat pembelian kembali yang rendah adalah alasan untuk situasi ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan deskripsi persepsi kualitas dan reputasi merek yang menggambarkan niat pembelian kembali Sepatu Bata. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif verifikatif .Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dengan jumlah sampel 400 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur perangkat lunak Windows SPSS 22.0.Menurut hasil keseluruhan penelitian, nilai yang dihitung yang diperoleh dengan analisis jalur lebih besar dari nilai yang dihitung yang terdapat dalam tabel. Hal ini menandakan secara keseluruhan, perceived quality dan brand reputation memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap repurchase intention. Untuk meningkatkan repurchase intention, perusahaan harus selalu meningkatkan perceived quality yang baik dan memiliki brand reputation yang bijak. Sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi utama, Perceived quality dan brand reputation terhadap repurchase intention harus tetap dikontrol langsung oleh perusahaan agar memciptakan hasil yang selaras dengan tujuan. Kata Kunci : Perceived quality, Brand Reputation, Repurchase Intention ABSTRACT Audra Salsabila (1601791), "The Influence of Quality and Reputation Perceptions on Repurchase Intention" (Survey on Shopee Application Bata Shoe Reviewers). Under Guidance, Prof. Dr. H. Agus Rahayu, M.P. and Dr. Bambang Widjajanta, MM Footwear sales in Indonesia gives each company the opportunity to develop creative business to open the market. This has allowed many brands of footwear to be developed in Indonesia. Companies engaged in shoe industry not only domestic brand in the market, but also some foreign brand that has been growing in the Indonesian market. Even with the influx of many foreign brands, consumer products Indonesia have started to like more and accustomed to wear the shoes of other countries. Sepatu Bata Tbk is a manufacturer of footwear and a member of Bata Footwear Organization (BSO).The company produces a variety of footwear, namely leather shoes and sandals, canvas shoes and sports shoes, but the sales have dropped in recent years and interest in the purchase of low returns is the reason for this situation. This study aims to determine the description of the perception of the quality and reputation of the brand that describes the intention of the repurchase of Shoes Brick. This type of research is descriptive verification .The method used is survey method using purposive sampling technique, a sample of 400 respondents. The data analysis technique used is path analysis software Windows SPSS 22.0.According to the results of the overall study, the calculated value obtained by the analysis of the path is greater than the calculated value contained in the table. This indicates the overall, perceived quality and brand reputation have significant impact on repurchase intention. To increase repurchase intention, the company should always improve the perceived quality and brand reputation wise. As factors which affect the main, Perceived quality and brand reputation against repurchase intention must be controlled directly by the company in order to create results aligned with your goals. Keywords: Perceived Quality, Brand Reputation, Repurchase Intentio

    Effect of primitive features of content on perceived quality of light field visualization

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    Due to recent advent of light field visualization, ac-quisition/creation, encoding, transmission, rendering and quality assessment of 3D light field content has gained momentum. In particular, large light field displays need content with large field of view, and with high spatial and angular quality. Accordingly, subjective and objective quality evaluation studies have been conducted to examine spatial, angular and spatio-angular aspects of light field visualization. Recently, the effect of various zooming levels of the displayed content, as well as regions of interest on Quality of Experience (QoE) has also been explored. However, there has been no systematic attempt to see how the features of the content itself affect the visualization quality. In this work, we attempt to examine the effects of some primitive features of the content on subjective QoE. The results are based on a subjective study conducted on a large light field display, offering virtually continuous horizontal parallax

    Compression and visual quality assessment for light field contents

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    Since its invention in the 19th century, photography has allowed to create durable images of the world around us by capturing the intensity of light that flows through a scene, first analogically by using light-sensitive material, and then, with the advent of electronic image sensors, digitally. However, one main limitation of both analog and digital photography lays in its inability to capture any information about the direction of light rays. Through traditional photography, each three-dimensional scene is projected onto a 2D plane; consequently, no information about the position of the 3D objects in space is retained. Light field photography aims at overcoming these limitations by recording the direction of light along with its intensity. In the past, several acquisition technologies have been presented to properly capture light field information, and portable devices have been commercialized to the general public. However, a considerably larger volume of data is generated when compared to traditional photography. Thus, new solutions must be designed to face the challenges light field photography poses in terms of storage, representation, and visualization of the acquired data. In particular, new and efficient compression algorithms are needed to sensibly reduce the amount of data that needs to be stored and transmitted, while maintaining an adequate level of perceptual quality. In designing new solutions to address the unique challenges posed by light field photography, one cannot forgo the importance of having reliable, reproducible means of evaluating their performance, especially in relation to the scenario in which they will be consumed. To that end, subjective assessment of visual quality is of paramount importance to evaluate the impact of compression, representation, and rendering models on user experience. Yet, the standardized methodologies that are commonly used to evaluate the visual quality of traditional media content, such as images and videos, are not equipped to tackle the challenges posed by light field photography. New subjective methodologies must be tailored for the new possibilities this new type of imaging offers in terms of rendering and visual experience. In this work, we address the aforementioned problems by both designing new methodologies for visual quality evaluation of light field contents, and outlining a new compression solution to efficiently reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and stored. We first analyse how traditional methodologies for subjective evaluation of multimedia contents can be adapted to suit light field data, and, we propose new methodologies to reliably assess the visual quality while maintaining user engagement. Furthermore, we study how user behavior is affected by the visual quality of the data. We employ subjective quality assessment to compare several state-of-the-art solutions in light field coding, in order to find the most promising approaches to minimize the volume of data without compromising on the perceptual quality. To that means, we define and inspect several coding approaches for light field compression, and we investigate the impact of color subsampling on the final rendered content. Lastly, we propose a new coding approach to perform light field compression, showing significant improvement with respect to the state of the art