4 research outputs found

    VCU voice (1990-10-05)

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    VCU Today, the University’s first official administrative organ, began as a somewhat irregular monthly publication but moved to a bi-weekly newspaper format in the 1980s. The newspaper changed its name to VCU Voice in 1988 and ten years later it appeared under the title UniverCity News. As it neared the end of its run as a physical newspaper, the publication became simply VCU News. These four publications were essentially the same periodical published under different titles by the Office of University Relations. VCU News appeared online for the first time in 2002.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/vcv/1037/thumbnail.jp

    A qualitative analysis of radio news in Australia

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    This thesis examines the genre of radio news texts. It shows how latent meanings brought to bear on the outside world are mediated through radio news. Certain recurrent moral judgments is and political orientations are identified in a framework constructed by the radio network newsroom. The framework tends to confirm the respective audience's own ideological positions. In this process, the style of the news service is seen to be as important as its content. The method compares an extensive sample of the news texts of two Adelaide radio stations from two perspectives. Firstly, quantitative content analysis is applied to determine the selection of stories for news items. This indicates the different notions of newsworthiness that are being applied by the two newsrooms. It is shown that news bulletins regularly are patterned in a preferred order which provides the elements of a structure of interpretation of the world. Secondly, qualitative discourse analysis is used to elucidate the process of composition of news texts, to determine the meaning of the messages of the texts. A narrative and rhetorical method is developed to explicate the dimensions of the messages in terms of the formal characteristics of language, the content or themes, and the kind of reality presented.Thesis (MA) -- University of Adelaide, Depts. of Education and English, 198

    The life and art of Anthony Trollope with special emphasis on his short stories

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine Darstellung vom Leben und Wirken des viktorianischen Autors Anthony Trollope zu geben und die Zusammenhänge zwischen seiner sehr eindrucksvollen Biographie und seinem Werk, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner bisher von Kritikern wenig beachteten Kurzgeschichten, aufzuzeigen. Der erste Teil der Arbeit zeigt, inwieweit sich Trollopes biographische Erfahrungen in seinen Werken widerspiegeln, insbesondere in seinen Kurzgeschichten. Trollope nutze das Medium der Kurzgeschichten, um mit Themen und Charakteren zu experimentieren, welche bei der konservativeren Leserschaft seiner Romane Anstoß erregt hätten. Die Gewichtung im zweiten Teil liegt stärker auf Trollopes künstlerischen Besonderheiten wie Sprache, Stil, Erzähltechnik und Themenwahl. Trollope verstand seine Werke als Anleitungen für das Leben und als - für ihn typische - Ratschläge für seine Leser. Anders als in den Romanen beziehen diese sich nicht vorrangig auf zwischenmenschliche und gesellschaftliche Themen, sondern richten sich auch an Reisende, britische Kolonialisten, junge Schriftsteller und junge unverheiratete Frauen. Zwar spielen die für Trollope typischen Themen wie Liebe, Ehe und die Frage nach der Qualifikation einer Person als ‘Gentleman’ oder ‘Lady’ ebenfalls eine große Rolle, jedoch ist der Umgang mit diesen Themen freier und weniger den viktorianischen Konventionen unterworfen. Auch die Charaktere unterscheiden sich von den für Trollope typischen klerikalen oder adeligen englischen Mittel- und Oberschichtcharakteren der Romane. Insgesamt zeigen die Kurzgeschichten mehr vom Leben und von der Person der Autors und sind deshalb nicht nur ein wichtiger, sondern auch ein lesenswerter Teil seines literarischen Werkes.The aim of this paper is to show the link between the life and works of the Victorian author Anthony Trollope with a special emphasis on his shorter fiction. Trollope’s short stories have until recently been treated by his critics as the by-product of a busy novel writer. Trollope, friend and contemporary of many such eminent writers as Dickens, Thackeray and George Eliot, and himself one of the best-selling authors of Victorian England has remained relatively unknown to German speaking readers. The first part of this paper concentrates on Trollope’s biography and tries to show how strongly Trollope's busy life was reflected in his literature, especially in his short stories. Many of Trollope’s personal experiences, opinions and passions found their way into them. The second part focuses on the particularities of Trollope’s art, such as language, style character presentation and the use of his narrator. Although Trollope’s typical themes such as courtship, marriage, and the question whether someone qualifies as a gentleman or a lady are dealt with, Trollope took the opportunity to explore less conventional topics and characters, away from his more conservative novel-readership. In the short stories he tackled the question of employment for young women, described the problems of British travellers and colonials, and lamented the sufferings of young writers. On the whole the short stories give a much greater insight into the life and the person of the author are therefore not only an essential but also an enjoyable part of his fiction