24 research outputs found

    Guest Editorial Part 2: Emerging Issues for Secure Knowledge Management—Results of a Delphi Study

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    Secure Knowledge Management (SKM) is one of the emerging areas in both knowledge management and information system disciplines. SKM refers to the management of knowledge while adhering to principles of security and privacy. This study identifies key issues on SKM and draws a consensus among domain experts on the key issues. This study is an attempt to accelerate further research and development in the SKM field. In this study, the authors conducted a three-round Delphi study, identifying 21 issues in the SKM area, along with their importance and urgency ratings. Analyses show that participating experts achieved a higher level of consensus on the importance and urgency of the issue as the rounds progressed. The findings will allow both practitioners and researchers to focus and prioritize research needs in the SKM area. The paper also discusses some future-research directions


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    Keterampilan berpikir kritis merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang harus dikuasai pada abad ke 21. Keterampilan tersebut dibutuhkan dalam setiap pelajaran, setiap kelas, terutama dalam konteks sekolah menengah ke atas. Oleh karena itu, kurikulum menyesuaikan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan mahasiswa untuk mempersiapkan mereka dalam menghadapi era global. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek-aspek keterampilan berpikir kritis yang ada di dalam salah satu mata kuliah berbasis genre yaitu English in Media Discourse di program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Data yang dianalisis dari mata kuliah tersebut adalah silabus dan kegiatan pembelajarannya. Komponen dalam silabus yang dianalis adalah Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan, Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah, Kegiatan Pembelajaran (Metode), Petunjuk Tugas, dan Rincian Rencana Kegiatan. Komponen dalam kegaiatan pembelajaran yang di analisis diambil dari rekaman pertemuan daring dalam sesi Class A Session 7, 19A Feature Part 2, and 19 A Editorial Part 2: Predictions B. Indikator yang digunakan untuk instrumen penelitian ini diambil dari ACER (2020) dan Paul & Elder (2005). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif konten analisis yang dimana prosedur analisis datanya menggunakan teori dari Mayring (2000) yaitu deductive content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek-aspek keterampilan berpikir kritis terintegrasi dalam petunjuk tugas, capaian pmbelajaran mata kuliah, capaian pembelajaran lulusan, dan metode pembelajaran dalam silabus. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, aspek-aspek dari keterampilan berpikir kritis terintegrasi dalam beberapa sesi pertemuan daring di Micsofot teams (news article, feature, and editorial topic), kegiatannya berupa interaksi antara dosen dan mahasiswa membahas topik yang sedang di diskusikan dalam artikel berita, mahasiswa bertanya kepada dosen untuk mencari pemahaman yang sesuai, mahasiswa memberikan pendapatnya dalam diskusi kelas, dan mahasiswa mengevaluasi penggunaan tata bahasa oleh penulis dalam salah satu teks. Critical thinking is one of the skill which have to be mastered in 21st century. The skill is needed in every subject, at every grade level especially in higher education. However, the curriculum adjusts the required skill in order to prepare students for the global era. This study aims to investigate critical thinking skills aspects which are supported in the genre course which is English in Media Discourse at English Language Education Study Programme Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The data were analyzed through syllabus (course objectives, course activities, learning method, learning outcomes, task descriptions, assessment criteria, course policies) and learning activity (from the recorded online meeting in Class A Session 7, 19A Feature Part 2, and 19 A Editorial Part 2: Predictions B). Indicators for research instruments in this study were obtained from ACER (2020) and Paul & Elder (2005). Qualitative content analysis is used as the methodology of this study in which the data analysis procedure using deductive content analysis from Mayring (2000). The findings showed some critical thinking aspects were addressed in task description, course activities, course objectives, and learning method in syllabus. In learning activity the aspects of critical thinking were addressed in several sessions of news article, feature, and editorial channel in LMS, the activities are; studentlecture interaction about the topic being discussed in news article topic, students asked question to seek a clear understanding, students gave their explanation in a class discussion, and student’s evaluation of language used in feature text which is written by the author


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    The contributions to this double issue are the best papers presented at the second international colloquium on Kids and Retailing held in June 2015 in Budapest at the initiative of ESSCA’s Research Lab. in Retailing and NovaChild Innovation Network for Children. Budapest, at the crossroads between Europe and the Orient, was an ideal setting to present and discuss current and relevant research in the topical subject of Kids and Retailing. The theme was ‘Future Trends’ based on the view that children are young people engaged in a moving world shaping them as consumers while retailing is reinventing itself. The double issue is presented as two themes. The first theme focuses on children, shopping and their representation, and the second theme on children in their retail context

    AA amyloidosis-resistant CE/J mice have Saa1 and Saa2 genes that encode an identical SAA isoform

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    The CE/J mouse strain is resistant to amyloid A protein (AA) amyloidosis. In contrast to AA amyloidosis-susceptible mouse strains that concomitantly express serum amyloid A precursor protein (SAA) types 1 and 2 isoforms encoded by the Saa1 and Saa2 genes, respectively, in response to inflammatory stimulation from the liver, CE/J mice express only a single SAA isoform named SAA2.2. In addition, CE/J mice uniquely possess a Q30L amino acid substitution in SAA2.2 that inhibits amyloidogenesis. To elucidate the genetic basis underlying the expression of only a single SAA isoform in this strain, we conducted PCR cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the Saa1 and Saa2 genes from the CE/J genome. We revealed that CE/J mice possess functional Saa1 and Saa2 genes. Intriguingly, the two genes were identical with respect to amino acid sequence, each encoding the SAA2.2 isoform. RT-PCR analysis of inflamed liver tissue from CE/J mice demonstrated that both genes are expressed at equivalent levels. Reporter assays revealed that promoter/enhancer sequences of Saa1 and Saa2 genes in CE/J are also functional. These results indicate that the SAA2.2 isoform in CE/J is a mixture of Saa1 and Saa2 gene products.ArticleAMYLOID-JOURNAL OF PROTEIN FOLDING DISORDERS. 21(1):1-8 (2014)journal articl

    Evaluating black women’s participation, development and success in doctoral studies: A capabilities perspective

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    Although black women show an increased presence in doctoral study, the probability of intersecting gendered and racial disadvantage is often overlooked through relying on separate numerical transformation progress indicators for gender and race. To take a more active approach to furthering social justice for this marginalised group, we need to explore more holistic ways of mapping transformation. In this sense, we argue for the application of the capabilities approach as an evaluative framework which allows for an assessment of freedoms or capabilities students are able to make use of in pursuing the lives they have reason to value. Furthermore, factors impacting on students’ capability formation are also considered, thus providing a multidimensional, ethically individualistic exploration of lives. The experiences of seven black women speak of barriers they have experienced throughout their doctoral journeys, but the data also create a sense of optimism as the potential of capability expansion is addressed

    Daily Eastern News: January 30, 2006

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    Daily Eastern News: January 30, 2006

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    Daily Eastern News: January 30, 2006

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