721 research outputs found

    Spectral Bounds for the Connectivity of Regular Graphs with Given Order

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    The second-largest eigenvalue and second-smallest Laplacian eigenvalue of a graph are measures of its connectivity. These eigenvalues can be used to analyze the robustness, resilience, and synchronizability of networks, and are related to connectivity attributes such as the vertex- and edge-connectivity, isoperimetric number, and characteristic path length. In this paper, we present two upper bounds for the second-largest eigenvalues of regular graphs and multigraphs of a given order which guarantee a desired vertex- or edge-connectivity. The given bounds are in terms of the order and degree of the graphs, and hold with equality for infinite families of graphs. These results answer a question of Mohar.Comment: 24 page

    Pseudo-random graphs

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    Random graphs have proven to be one of the most important and fruitful concepts in modern Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science. Besides being a fascinating study subject for their own sake, they serve as essential instruments in proving an enormous number of combinatorial statements, making their role quite hard to overestimate. Their tremendous success serves as a natural motivation for the following very general and deep informal questions: what are the essential properties of random graphs? How can one tell when a given graph behaves like a random graph? How to create deterministically graphs that look random-like? This leads us to a concept of pseudo-random graphs and the aim of this survey is to provide a systematic treatment of this concept.Comment: 50 page

    Eigenvalues and Perfect Matchings

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    AMS classification: 05C50, 05C70, 05E30.graph;perfect matching;Laplacian matrix;eigenvalues.

    A Tight Lower Bound for Counting Hamiltonian Cycles via Matrix Rank

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    For even kk, the matchings connectivity matrix Mk\mathbf{M}_k encodes which pairs of perfect matchings on kk vertices form a single cycle. Cygan et al. (STOC 2013) showed that the rank of Mk\mathbf{M}_k over Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 is Θ(2k)\Theta(\sqrt 2^k) and used this to give an O∗((2+2)pw)O^*((2+\sqrt{2})^{\mathsf{pw}}) time algorithm for counting Hamiltonian cycles modulo 22 on graphs of pathwidth pw\mathsf{pw}. The same authors complemented their algorithm by an essentially tight lower bound under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH). This bound crucially relied on a large permutation submatrix within Mk\mathbf{M}_k, which enabled a "pattern propagation" commonly used in previous related lower bounds, as initiated by Lokshtanov et al. (SODA 2011). We present a new technique for a similar pattern propagation when only a black-box lower bound on the asymptotic rank of Mk\mathbf{M}_k is given; no stronger structural insights such as the existence of large permutation submatrices in Mk\mathbf{M}_k are needed. Given appropriate rank bounds, our technique yields lower bounds for counting Hamiltonian cycles (also modulo fixed primes pp) parameterized by pathwidth. To apply this technique, we prove that the rank of Mk\mathbf{M}_k over the rationals is 4k/poly(k)4^k / \mathrm{poly}(k). We also show that the rank of Mk\mathbf{M}_k over Zp\mathbb{Z}_p is Ω(1.97k)\Omega(1.97^k) for any prime p≠2p\neq 2 and even Ω(2.15k)\Omega(2.15^k) for some primes. As a consequence, we obtain that Hamiltonian cycles cannot be counted in time O∗((6−ϵ)pw)O^*((6-\epsilon)^{\mathsf{pw}}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0 unless SETH fails. This bound is tight due to a O∗(6pw)O^*(6^{\mathsf{pw}}) time algorithm by Bodlaender et al. (ICALP 2013). Under SETH, we also obtain that Hamiltonian cycles cannot be counted modulo primes p≠2p\neq 2 in time O∗(3.97pw)O^*(3.97^\mathsf{pw}), indicating that the modulus can affect the complexity in intricate ways.Comment: improved lower bounds modulo primes, improved figures, to appear in SODA 201
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