3 research outputs found

    Edge-Fault Tolerance of Hypercube-like Networks

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    This paper considers a kind of generalized measure Ξ»s(h)\lambda_s^{(h)} of fault tolerance in a hypercube-like graph GnG_n which contain several well-known interconnection networks such as hypercubes, varietal hypercubes, twisted cubes, crossed cubes and M\"obius cubes, and proves Ξ»s(h)(Gn)=2h(nβˆ’h)\lambda_s^{(h)}(G_n)= 2^h(n-h) for any hh with 0β©½hβ©½nβˆ’10\leqslant h\leqslant n-1 by the induction on nn and a new technique. This result shows that at least 2h(nβˆ’h)2^h(n-h) edges of GnG_n have to be removed to get a disconnected graph that contains no vertices of degree less than hh. Compared with previous results, this result enhances fault-tolerant ability of the above-mentioned networks theoretically

    The Kirchhoff Index of Hypercubes and Related Complex Networks

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    The resistance distance between any two vertices of G is defined as the network effective resistance between them if each edge of G is replaced by a unit resistor. The Kirchhoff index Kf(G) is the sum of resistance distances between all the pairs of vertices in G. We firstly provided an exact formula for the Kirchhoff index of the hypercubes networks Qn by utilizing spectral graph theory. Moreover, we obtained the relationship of Kirchhoff index between hypercubes networks Qn and its three variant networks l(Qn), s(Qn), t(Qn) by deducing the characteristic polynomial of the Laplacian matrix related networks. Finally, the special formulae for the Kirchhoff indexes of l(Qn), s(Qn), and t(Qn) were proposed, respectively