369 research outputs found

    A Review of Model Predictive Controls Applied to Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems

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    Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADASs) are currently gaining particular attention in the automotive field, as enablers for vehicle energy consumption, safety, and comfort enhancement. Compelling evidence is in fact provided by the variety of related studies that are to be found in the literature. Moreover, considering the actual technology readiness, larger opportunities might stem from the combination of ADASs and vehicle connectivity. Nevertheless, the definition of a suitable control system is not often trivial, especially when dealing with multiple-objective problems and dynamics complexity. In this scenario, even though diverse strategies are possible (e.g., Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy, Rule-based strategy, etc.), the Model Predictive Control (MPC) turned out to be among the most effective ones in fulfilling the aforementioned tasks. Hence, the proposed study is meant to produce a comprehensive review of MPCs applied to scenarios where ADASs are exploited and aims at providing the guidelines to select the appropriate strategy. More precisely, particular attention is paid to the prediction phase, the objective function formulation and the constraints. Subsequently, the interest is shifted to the combination of ADASs and vehicle connectivity to assess for how such information is handled by the MPC. The main results from the literature are presented and discussed, along with the integration of MPC in the optimal management of higher level connection and automation. Current gaps and challenges are addressed to, so as to possibly provide hints on future developments

    New Energy Management Systems for Battery Electric Vehicles with Supercapacitor

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    Recently, the Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) has been considered to be a proper candidate to terminate the problems associated with fuel-based vehicles. Therefore, the development and enhancement of the BEVs have lately formed an attractive field of study. One of the significant challenges to commercialize BEVs is to overcome the battery drawbacks that limit the BEV’s performance. One promising solution is to hybridize the BEV with a supercapacitor (SC) so that the battery is the primary source of energy meanwhile the SC handles sudden fluctuations in power demand. Obviously, to exploit the most benefits from this hybrid system, an intelligent Energy Management System (EMS) is required. In this thesis, different EMSs are developed: first, the Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller (NMPC) based on Newton Generalized Minimum Residual (Newton/GMRES) method. The NMPC effectively optimizes the power distribution between the battery and supercapacitor as a result of NMPC ability to handle multi-input, multi-output problems and utilize past information to predict future power demand. However, real-time application of the NMPC is challenging due to its huge computational cost. Therefore, Newton/GMRES, which is a fast real-time optimizer, is implemented in the heart of the NMPC. Simulation results demonstrate that the Newton/GMRES NMPC successfully protects the battery during high power peaks and nadirs. On the other hand, future power demand is inherently probabilistic. Consequently, Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) is employed to maximize the battery lifespan while considering the uncertain nature of power demand. The next power demand is predicted by a Markov chain. The SDP approach determines the optimal policy using the policy iteration algorithm. Implementation of the SDP is quite free-to-launch since it does not require any additional equipment. Furthermore, the SDP is an offline approach, thus, computational cost is not an issue. Simulation results are considerable compared to those of other rival approaches. Recent success stories of applying bio-inspired techniques such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to control area have motivated the author to investigate the potential of this algorithm to solve the problem at hand. The PSO is a population-based method that effectively seeks the best answer in the solution space with no need to solve complex equations. Simulation results indicate that PSO is successful in terms of optimality, but it shows some difficulties for real-time application

    Automatic Code Generation of Real-Time Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Intelligent Cruise Controllers

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    Control systems have always been a vital part of the novel technological advancements of human being in any industry, especially transportation. With the introduction of the idea of autonomous driving, classical control systems are not effective anymore and the need for intelligent control systems is inevitable. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADASs), which are systems proposed to help drivers improve the process of driving, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), which are proposed to provide information that promotes more coordinated and more ecological driving, require novel intelligent controllers that are adaptive to driving conditions. Therefore, the development of different strategic vehicle control systems by employing state-of-the-art intelligent control methods has been an active field of research in recent years. The highly variant nature of transportation implies that an effective intelligent control technique must be able to handle a large multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system with nonlinear complex dynamics. It must also store and analyse a large amount of data and information about the vehicle, its environment and traffic conditions in the process of decision-making. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC), as a unique optimal model-based approach to intelligent control systems design, is a promising candidate that comprises all of these characteristics. The ability to solve constrained multi-objective optimization problems with a predictive approach has made this technique powerful. However, NMPC controller developers face real-time implementation challenges as this method suffers from huge computational loads. Hence, fast Real-Time Optimization (RTO) methods are proposed to overcome this drawback. Optimization methods based on Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) method are examples of these RTO algorithms that have shown great potential for real-time applications such as vehicle control. This thesis investigates the potential of employing GMRES-based RTO algorithms to design intelligent vehicle control systems, in particular intelligent cruise controllers. Plug-in Hybrid Electric vehicles (PHEVs) are introducing themselves as the future solutions for green and ecological transportation, the thesis also introduces an intelligent cruise controller for the Toyota Prius 2013 PHEV. To this end, an automatic multi-solver NMPC code generator based on GMRES-based RTO algorithms is developed in MATLAB. The user-friendly environment of this code generation tool allows the user to easily generate NMPC controller codes for further model-in-the-loop (MIL) and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. Simulations are performed for two different driving scenarios: driving on hilly roads and a car-following scenario. In the case of driving on hilly roads, a comparative study is conducted between different real-time optimizers and it is concluded that the Newton/GMRES algorithm is faster than the Continuation/GMRES algorithm. A novel adaptive prediction horizon length approach is also developed to enhance the performance of the NMPC controller. Simulation results demonstrate a minimum of 3.4% energy consumption improvement as compared to a PID controller performance as well as improvement of reference speed tracking when using an adaptive prediction horizon length. In case of the car-following scenario, the effect of several tuning parameters and adaptive gains on the performance of the proposed NMPC controller is studied. Then the ecological adaptive cruise controller was tested on urban and highway driving cycles, and resulted in 3.4% and 1.2%, respectively, improvement in the cost of the trip. Finally, the proposed NMPC controllers for both intelligent cruise control systems are tested on an HIL platform for rapid control prototyping. The HIL results on a dSPACE prototype Electronic Control Unit (ECU) indicate that the real-time optimizers and the proposed NMPC controllers are fast enough to be implementable on an actual ECU for a certain range of prediction horizon sizes

    Real-time Autonomous Cruise Control of Connected Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Under Uncertainty

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    Advances in embedded digital computing and communication networks have enabled the development of automated driving systems. Autonomous cruise control (ACC) and cooperative ACC (CACC) systems are two popular types of these technologies, which can be implemented to enhance safety, traffic flow, driving comfort and energy economy. This PhD thesis develops robust and adaptive controllers for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), with the Toyota Plug-in Prius as the baseline vehicle, in order to enable them to perform safe and robust car-following and platooning with improved vehicle performance. Three controllers are designed here to achieve three main goals. The first goal of this thesis is the development of a real-time Ecological ACC (Eco-ACC) system for PHEVs, that is robust to uncertainties. A novel adaptive tube-based nonlinear model predictive control (AT-NMPC) approach to the design of Eco-ACC systems is proposed. Through utilizing two separate models to define the constrained optimal control problem, this method takes into account uncertainties, modeling errors and delayed data in the design of the controller and guaranties robust constraint handling for the assumed uncertainty bounds. {In addition, it adapts to changes in order to improve the control performance when possible.} Furthermore, a Newton/GMRES fast solver is employed to implement the designed AT-NMPC in real-time. The second goal is the development of a real-time Ecological CACC (Eco-CACC) system that can simultaneously satisfy the frequency-domain and time-domain platooning criteria. A novel distributed reference governor (RG) approach to the constraint handling of vehicle platoons equipped with CACC is presented. RG sits behind the controlled string stable system and keeps the output inside the defined constraints. Furthermore, to improve the platoon's energy economy, a controller is presented for the leader's control using NMPC method, assuming it is a PHEV. The third objective of this thesis is the control of heterogeneous platoons using an adaptive control approach. A direct model reference adaptive controller (MRAC) is designed that enforces a string stable behavior on the vehicle platoon despite different dynamical models of the platoon members and the external disturbances acting on the systems. The proposed method estimates the controller coefficients on-line to adapt to the disturbances such as wind, changing road grade and also to different vehicle dynamic behaviors. The main purpose of all three controllers is to maintain the driving safety of connected vehicles in car-following and platooning while being real-time implementable. In addition, when there is a possibility for performance enhancement without sacrificing safety, ecological improvement is also considered. For each designed controller, Model-in-the-Loop (MIL) simulations and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) experiments are performed using high-fidelity vehicle models in order to validate controllers' performance and ensure their real-time implementation capability

    Co-Optimization of Adaptive Cruise Control and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Management via Model Predictive Mixed Integer Control

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    In this paper, a model predictive mixed integer control method for BYD Qin Plus DM-i (Dual Model intelligent) plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is proposed for co-optimization to reduce fuel consumption during car following. First, the adaptive cruise control (ACC) model for energy-saving driving is established. Then, a control-oriented energy management strategy (EMS) model considering the clutch engagement and disengagement is constructed. Finally, the co-optimization structure by integrating ACC model and EMS model is created and is converted to the mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP). The results show that this modeling method can be applied to EMS based on the model predictive control (MPC) framework and verify that co-optimization can achieve a 5.1%\% reduction in fuel consumption compared to sequential optimization with the guarantee of ACC performance
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