7 research outputs found

    Eclipse-based prometheus design tool

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    The Prometheus Design Tool (PDT) is a graphical tool that is used to design a Multi-Agent System following the Prometheus Methodology. This paper describes the latest version of PDT which is now integrated into the Eclipse platform, enabling the users to accomplish the full development life-cycle of an agent-oriented application in one IDE and also inherit the rich set of product development features that Eclipse provides. This version of PDT also aims to support simpler integration with tools from other AOSE methodologies where appropriate

    An Agent-Mediated Platform for Business Processes

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    Collaborative learning model based on ontologies, intelligent agents and awareness services

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    During the last few years, there has been a growth in execution of collaborative activities within classrooms. The last, due to the teachers’ intention to enhance interaction between students, and to diversify the processes of knowledge acquisition and knowledge generation in order to take advantage of collaborative learning environments. However, there is no effective mechanism to integrate early detection and diagnosis of learning failures, with a model which evaluates and motivates students to interact at different stages of the process flow in order to improve learning. The objective of this master's thesis is to propose and validate a model based on the integration of different Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as ontologies, intelligent software agents and Awareness Services. The above, in order to solve problems that still persist in collaborative learning. The methodology used includes a representation of knowledge based on an ontological model, which allows to generate inferences for the most accurate recommendation of educational resources from the cognitive failures detected in each student during the development of a collaborative activity. On the other hand, the model incorporates intelligent agents in order to provide adaptability characteristics, tasks distribution and proactivity in the educational resources recommendation. Additionally, Awareness services are included with the aim of raise awareness in real time and to create awareness among students about their own performance and their work team. The model validation was carried out through the implementation of a serious collaborative game applied into real environment. Likewise, the performance evaluation was carried out through metrics applied to the implemented prototype. The obtained results show the benefits to integrate the previously mentioned technologies in order to optimize collaborative learning processes.Durante los últimos años, se ha evidenciado un crecimiento en la ejecución de las actividades colaborativas en las aulas de clase, esto debido a la intención que tienen los profesores en potenciar la interacción entre estudiantes, y diversificar los procesos de adquisición y generación de conocimiento, aprovechando las ventajas de los entornos de aprendizaje colaborativo. Sin embargo, no existe un mecanismo efectivo que permita integrar una detección y diagnóstico temprano de fallas de aprendizaje, con un modelo que integre, evalúe y motive a interactuar a los estudiantes en diferentes etapas del proceso para así mejorar el aprendizaje. El objetivo de esta tesis de maestría, es proponer y validar un modelo basado en la integración de diferentes técnicas de la Inteligencia Artificial, como ontologías, agentes inteligentes de software y servicios de Awareness. Lo anterior, con el fin de solventar problemáticas que aún persisten en el aprendizaje colaborativo. La metodología empleada incluye una representación de conocimientos basada en un modelo ontológico, el cual permite generar inferencias para la recomendación más acertada de recursos educativos a partir de las fallas cognitivas detectadas en cada estudiante durante el desarrollo de una actividad colaborativa. Por otra parte, el modelo incorpora agentes inteligentes con el fin de brindar características de adaptabilidad, distribución de tareas y proactividad en los procesos de recomendación de recursos educativos. Adicionalmente, se incluyen servicios de Awareness con el objetivo de sensibilizar en tiempo real y crear consciencia en los estudiantes sobre el desempeño propio y de su equipo de trabajo. La validación del modelo fue realizada a través de la implementación de un juego serio colaborativo aplicado a un caso de estudio. Así mismo, se realizó la evaluación del desempeño a través de métricas aplicadas al prototipo implementado. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian los beneficios de integrar las tecnologías previamente mencionadas para optimizar los procesos de aprendizaje colaborativo.Modelo de aprendizaje colaborativo basado en ontologías, agentes inteligentes y servicios de awarenessLínea de Investigación: Inteligencia ArtificialMaestrí

    Modelo de seleção dinâmica de objetos de aprendizagem baseado em agentes

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2015.Este trabalho descreve um modelo que possibilita o oferecimento de experiências de aprendizagem na educação on-line, baseado no paradigma de Sistemas Multiagente (SMA), com o intuito de facilitar ouso de Objetos de Aprendizagem (OA) de forma adaptativa em sistemas de gerenciamento de aprendizagem (LMS), bem como de favorecer o reuso de materiais instrucionais que sigam padrões de referência. O modelo proposto estende o conceito de Objetos Inteligentes de Aprendizagem (OIA), através da utilização de uma arquitetura de agentes BDI (Belief, Desire, Intention), sendo capaz de se comunicar com os elementos que constituem o OA, de acordo com um padrão de empacotamento e sequenciamento de objetos. O modelo teórico proposto possibilita a seleção dinâmica de recursos instrucionais com base em informações do LMS, dos metadados do OA,e do desempenho obtido pelo estudante durante a interação com o objeto. Esses elementos do modelo de dados são usados no processo de raciocínio dos agentes, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de experiências de aprendizagem aprimoradas, e com adaptatividade dinâmica. Além disso, a integração com um LMS favorece o reuso de recursos educacionais que são desenvolvidos segundo padrões de referência, e que podem ficar acessíveis ao processo de adaptação automaticamente, logo que forem incluídos no repositório de objetos, sem a necessidade de reconfigurar a estrutura do curso. Para instanciar o modelo teórico, foi desenvolvido um protótipo compatível com objetos de aprendizagem segundo o padrão de integração SCORM e cujos metadados sigam o padrão IEEE-LOM. Este protótipo integra o ambiente de agentes (denominado ILOMAS) ao LMS Moodle, permitindo o acesso aos OIA de forma integrada a cursos reais de instituições que se utilizem da plataforma Moodle. O protótipo foi desenvolvido com base em um subconjunto do modelo teórico, com o intuito de permitir a validação do sistema proposto, do ponto de vista computacional, através de simulações. Conforme verificado na avaliação deste protótipo, obteve-se adaptatividade e reuso. Por fim, apontou-se possibilidades de evolução do modelo, principalmente com a integração à busca semântica de objetos de aprendizagem com base em ontologias.Abstract : This work describes a model that enables the offering of learning experiences in online education, based on the paradigm of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), in order to facilitate the use of Learning Objects (LO) adaptively in learning management systems (LMS) as well as to encourage the reuse of instructional materials that follow standards. The proposed model extends the concept of intelligent learning objects (ILO), by using a BDI agents' architecture (Belief, Desire, Intention), being able to communicate with the LO's elements, according to apackaging and sequencing standard. The proposed theoretical model enables dynamic selection of instructional resources based on information from the LMS, the learning object metadata, and the performance achieved by the student during the interaction with the LO. These elements of the data model are used in theagent's reasoning process, enabling the development of improved learning experiences, and dynamic adaptivity. Furthermore, the integration with an LMS promotes reuse of educational resources that are developed following reference standards, enabling their access in the adaptation process automatically, as soon as they are included in the LO repository, without having to reconfigure the course structure. To instantiate the theoretical model, it was developed a prototype compliant with SCORM standard LO and whose metadata follow the IEEE-LOM standard. This prototype integrates the agent environment (called ILOMAS) to LMS Moodle, allowing access to the ILO seamlessly to real courses of institutions that use Moodle platform. The prototype was developed based on a subset of the theoretical model, in order to enable the computational validation of the proposed system, through simulations. As verified on this prototype's evaluation, adaptivity and reuse were obtained. Finally, evolution opportunities to the model was pointed, especially with the integration of semantic search for learning objects based on ontologies

    A model-driven framework for engineering multiagent systems

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    This dissertation presents the Bochica framework for Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE). The framework’s task in the software development process is (i) to capture the design decisions for a system under consideration on a platform-independent level of abstraction and (ii) to project this design to a target platform. Bochica goes beyond the state-of-the-art in AOSE as it combines the benefits of a platform-independent approach with the possibility to address concepts of custom application domains and execution environments. Several extension interfaces are specified to enable the customization of the underlying modeling language to the engineer’s needs. Bochica is accompanied by an iterative adaptation process to gradually incorporate extensions. Conceptual mappings for projecting Bochica models to executable code are specified. In order to enable Bochica for modeling agents that inhabit semantically-enhanced virtual worlds, an according extension model is proposed. Finally, a model-driven reverse engineering approach for lifting the underlying design of already implemented Multiagent System (MAS) to the platform-independent layer is introduced. The framework has been successfully evaluated for designing intelligent agents that operate a virtual production line as well as for extracting the underlying design of an already implemented MAS. The evaluation results show that the Bochica approach to AOSE contributes to overcome the gap between design and code.Diese Arbeit präsentiert das Bochica Rahmenwerk für agentenorientierte Softwareentwicklung. Die Aufgabe des Rahmenwerks ist es, die Designentscheidungen für ein IT-System auf einer plattformunabhängigen Ebene festzuhalten und auf eine Zielplattform abzubilden. Bochica erweitert den Stand der Wissenschaft der agentenorientierten Softwareentwicklung durch die Kombination von plattformunabhängigen und plattformspezifischen Eigenschaften. Zu diesem Zweck werden konzeptionelle Schnittstellen für die Anpassung an benutzerspezifische Anwendungsdomänen und Ausführungsumgebungen spezifiziert. Ein iterativer Adaptionsprozess ermöglicht die schrittweise Integration von neuen Konzepten. Für die Projektion von Bochica-Modellen auf eine Agentenplattform werden entsprechende Abbildungsregeln spezifiziert. Um das Bochica Rahmenwerk für die Modellierung von Agenten in semantisch annotierten virtuellen Welten anzupassen wird eine entsprechende Erweiterung eingeführt. Abschließend wird ein modellgetriebener Ansatz für die Extraktion des zugrundeliegenden Designs eines bereits implementierten Agentensystems auf die platformunabhängige Ebene vorgestellt. Bochica wurde in zwei Fallstudien für die Modellierung von Agenten in einer virtuelle Fabrikumgebung und die Extraktion des Designs eines bereits implementierten Agentensystems evaluiert. Die Evaluierungsergebnisse zeigen, daß das Rahmenwerk die Lücke zwischen einem plattformunabhängigen agentenorientiertem Design und der Zielplattform effektiv verringert

    An agent-mediated platform for business processes

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    Business processes have been widely becoming crucial assets of organisations across various industries and domains. The flexibility in dealing with changes when business processes are executed has significant impact on the success of an organisation\u27s business operations, especially in the current ever-changing business environment. In this context, agent-based systems offer a promisingly powerful platform for business process execution. In this paper, the authors propose an agent-mediated platform for business processes with the aim to contribute to bridge the gap between business process management and agent-oriented development. They present a conceptual mapping method for a seamless transition from business process models in Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) to agent-oriented models in the Prometheus methodology, which is implemented using the ATLAS Transformation Language. The authors also developed an Eclipse-based plug-in which allows the designer to import BPMN models into the Eclipse-based Prometheus Design Tool