170,189 research outputs found

    On the Usefulness of Predicates

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    Motivated by the pervasiveness of strong inapproximability results for Max-CSPs, we introduce a relaxed notion of an approximate solution of a Max-CSP. In this relaxed version, loosely speaking, the algorithm is allowed to replace the constraints of an instance by some other (possibly real-valued) constraints, and then only needs to satisfy as many of the new constraints as possible. To be more precise, we introduce the following notion of a predicate PP being \emph{useful} for a (real-valued) objective QQ: given an almost satisfiable Max-PP instance, there is an algorithm that beats a random assignment on the corresponding Max-QQ instance applied to the same sets of literals. The standard notion of a nontrivial approximation algorithm for a Max-CSP with predicate PP is exactly the same as saying that PP is useful for PP itself. We say that PP is useless if it is not useful for any QQ. This turns out to be equivalent to the following pseudo-randomness property: given an almost satisfiable instance of Max-PP it is hard to find an assignment such that the induced distribution on kk-bit strings defined by the instance is not essentially uniform. Under the Unique Games Conjecture, we give a complete and simple characterization of useful Max-CSPs defined by a predicate: such a Max-CSP is useless if and only if there is a pairwise independent distribution supported on the satisfying assignments of the predicate. It is natural to also consider the case when no negations are allowed in the CSP instance, and we derive a similar complete characterization (under the UGC) there as well. Finally, we also include some results and examples shedding additional light on the approximability of certain Max-CSPs

    Explicit Optimal Hardness via Gaussian stability results

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    The results of Raghavendra (2008) show that assuming Khot's Unique Games Conjecture (2002), for every constraint satisfaction problem there exists a generic semi-definite program that achieves the optimal approximation factor. This result is existential as it does not provide an explicit optimal rounding procedure nor does it allow to calculate exactly the Unique Games hardness of the problem. Obtaining an explicit optimal approximation scheme and the corresponding approximation factor is a difficult challenge for each specific approximation problem. An approach for determining the exact approximation factor and the corresponding optimal rounding was established in the analysis of MAX-CUT (KKMO 2004) and the use of the Invariance Principle (MOO 2005). However, this approach crucially relies on results explicitly proving optimal partitions in Gaussian space. Until recently, Borell's result (Borell 1985) was the only non-trivial Gaussian partition result known. In this paper we derive the first explicit optimal approximation algorithm and the corresponding approximation factor using a new result on Gaussian partitions due to Isaksson and Mossel (2012). This Gaussian result allows us to determine exactly the Unique Games Hardness of MAX-3-EQUAL. In particular, our results show that Zwick algorithm for this problem achieves the optimal approximation factor and prove that the approximation achieved by the algorithm is ≈0.796\approx 0.796 as conjectured by Zwick. We further use the previously known optimal Gaussian partitions results to obtain a new Unique Games Hardness factor for MAX-k-CSP : Using the well known fact that jointly normal pairwise independent random variables are fully independent, we show that the the UGC hardness of Max-k-CSP is ⌈(k+1)/2⌉2k−1\frac{\lceil (k+1)/2 \rceil}{2^{k-1}}, improving on results of Austrin and Mossel (2009)

    A deep cut ellipsoid algorithm for convex programming

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    This paper proposes a deep cut version of the ellipsoid algorithm for solving a general class of continuous convex programming problems. In each step the algorithm does not require more computational effort to construct these deep cuts than its corresponding central cut version. Rules that prevent some of the numerical instabilities and theoretical drawbacks usually associated with the algorithm are also provided. Moreover, for a large class of convex programs a simple proof of its rate of convergence is given and the relation with previously known results is discussed. Finally some computational results of the deep and central cut version of the algorithm applied to a minñ€”max stochastic queue location problem are reported.location theory;convex programming;deep cut ellipsoid algorithm;minñ€”max programming;rate of convergence

    Subsampling Mathematical Relaxations and Average-case Complexity

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    We initiate a study of when the value of mathematical relaxations such as linear and semidefinite programs for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) is approximately preserved when restricting the instance to a sub-instance induced by a small random subsample of the variables. Let CC be a family of CSPs such as 3SAT, Max-Cut, etc., and let Π\Pi be a relaxation for CC, in the sense that for every instance P∈CP\in C, Π(P)\Pi(P) is an upper bound the maximum fraction of satisfiable constraints of PP. Loosely speaking, we say that subsampling holds for CC and Π\Pi if for every sufficiently dense instance P∈CP \in C and every Ï”>0\epsilon>0, if we let Pâ€ČP' be the instance obtained by restricting PP to a sufficiently large constant number of variables, then Π(Pâ€Č)∈(1±ϔ)Π(P)\Pi(P') \in (1\pm \epsilon)\Pi(P). We say that weak subsampling holds if the above guarantee is replaced with Π(Pâ€Č)=1−Θ(Îł)\Pi(P')=1-\Theta(\gamma) whenever Π(P)=1−γ\Pi(P)=1-\gamma. We show: 1. Subsampling holds for the BasicLP and BasicSDP programs. BasicSDP is a variant of the relaxation considered by Raghavendra (2008), who showed it gives an optimal approximation factor for every CSP under the unique games conjecture. BasicLP is the linear programming analog of BasicSDP. 2. For tighter versions of BasicSDP obtained by adding additional constraints from the Lasserre hierarchy, weak subsampling holds for CSPs of unique games type. 3. There are non-unique CSPs for which even weak subsampling fails for the above tighter semidefinite programs. Also there are unique CSPs for which subsampling fails for the Sherali-Adams linear programming hierarchy. As a corollary of our weak subsampling for strong semidefinite programs, we obtain a polynomial-time algorithm to certify that random geometric graphs (of the type considered by Feige and Schechtman, 2002) of max-cut value 1−γ1-\gamma have a cut value at most 1−γ/101-\gamma/10.Comment: Includes several more general results that subsume the previous version of the paper

    An exact method for a discrete multiobjective linear fractional optimization

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    Integer linear fractional programming problem with multiple objective MOILFP is an important field of research and has not received as much attention as did multiple objective linear fractional programming. In this work, we develop a branch and cut algorithm based on continuous fractional optimization, for generating the whole integer efficient solutions of the MOILFP problem. The basic idea of the computation phase of the algorithm is to optimize one of the fractional objective functions, then generate an integer feasible solution. Using the reduced gradients of the objective functions, an efficient cut is built and a part of the feasible domain not containing efficient solutions is truncated by adding this cut. A sample problem is solved using this algorithm, and the main practical advantages of the algorithm are indicated
