56,972 research outputs found

    A PTAS for the minimum dominating set problem in unit disk graphs

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    We present a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the minimum dominating set problem in unit disk graphs. In contrast to previously known approximation schemes for the minimum dominating set problem on unit disk graphs, our approach does not assume a geometric representation of the vertices (specifying the positions of the disks in the plane) to be given as part of the input. \u

    Sum-of-squares lower bounds for planted clique

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    Finding cliques in random graphs and the closely related "planted" clique variant, where a clique of size k is planted in a random G(n, 1/2) graph, have been the focus of substantial study in algorithm design. Despite much effort, the best known polynomial-time algorithms only solve the problem for k ~ sqrt(n). In this paper we study the complexity of the planted clique problem under algorithms from the Sum-of-squares hierarchy. We prove the first average case lower bound for this model: for almost all graphs in G(n,1/2), r rounds of the SOS hierarchy cannot find a planted k-clique unless k > n^{1/2r} (up to logarithmic factors). Thus, for any constant number of rounds planted cliques of size n^{o(1)} cannot be found by this powerful class of algorithms. This is shown via an integrability gap for the natural formulation of maximum clique problem on random graphs for SOS and Lasserre hierarchies, which in turn follow from degree lower bounds for the Positivestellensatz proof system. We follow the usual recipe for such proofs. First, we introduce a natural "dual certificate" (also known as a "vector-solution" or "pseudo-expectation") for the given system of polynomial equations representing the problem for every fixed input graph. Then we show that the matrix associated with this dual certificate is PSD (positive semi-definite) with high probability over the choice of the input graph.This requires the use of certain tools. One is the theory of association schemes, and in particular the eigenspaces and eigenvalues of the Johnson scheme. Another is a combinatorial method we develop to compute (via traces) norm bounds for certain random matrices whose entries are highly dependent; we hope this method will be useful elsewhere

    Approximating Minimum Independent Dominating Sets in Wireless Networks

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    We present the first polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for the Minimum Independent Dominating Set problem in graphs of polynomially bounded growth. Graphs of bounded growth are used to characterize wireless communication networks, and this class of graph includes many models known from the literature, e.g. (Quasi) Unit Disk Graphs. An independent dominating set is a dominating set in a graph that is also independent. It thus combines the advantages of both structures, and there are many applications that rely on these two structures e.g. in the area of wireless ad hoc networks. The presented approach yields a robust algorithm, that is, the algorithm accepts any undirected graph as input, and returns a (1+")- pproximate minimum dominating set, or a certificate showing that the input graph does not reflect a wireless network

    Applications of single-qubit rotations in quantum public-key cryptography

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    We discuss cryptographic applications of single-qubit rotations from the perspective of trapdoor one-way functions and public-key encryption. In particular, we present an asymmetric cryptosystem whose security relies on fundamental principles of quantum physics. A quantum public key is used for the encryption of messages while decryption is possible by means of a classical private key only. The trapdoor one-way function underlying the proposed cryptosystem maps integer numbers to quantum states of a qubit and its inversion can be infeasible by virtue of the Holevo's theorem.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Beyond Worst-Case Analysis for Joins with Minesweeper

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    We describe a new algorithm, Minesweeper, that is able to satisfy stronger runtime guarantees than previous join algorithms (colloquially, `beyond worst-case guarantees') for data in indexed search trees. Our first contribution is developing a framework to measure this stronger notion of complexity, which we call {\it certificate complexity}, that extends notions of Barbay et al. and Demaine et al.; a certificate is a set of propositional formulae that certifies that the output is correct. This notion captures a natural class of join algorithms. In addition, the certificate allows us to define a strictly stronger notion of runtime complexity than traditional worst-case guarantees. Our second contribution is to develop a dichotomy theorem for the certificate-based notion of complexity. Roughly, we show that Minesweeper evaluates β\beta-acyclic queries in time linear in the certificate plus the output size, while for any β\beta-cyclic query there is some instance that takes superlinear time in the certificate (and for which the output is no larger than the certificate size). We also extend our certificate-complexity analysis to queries with bounded treewidth and the triangle query.Comment: [This is the full version of our PODS'2014 paper.

    A Security Pattern for Cloud service certification

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    Cloud computing is interesting from the economic, operational and even energy consumption perspectives but it still raises concerns regarding the security, privacy, governance and compliance of the data and software services offered through it. However, the task of verifying security properties in services running on cloud is not trivial. We notice the provision and security of a cloud service is sensitive. Because of the potential interference between the features and behavior of all the inter-dependent services in all layers of the cloud stack (as well as dynamic changes in them). Besides current cloud models do not include support for trust-focused communication between layers. We present a mechanism to implement cloud service certification process based on the usage of Trusted Computing technology, by means of its Trusted Computing Platform (TPM) implementation of its architecture. Among many security security features it is a tamper proof resistance built in device and provides a root of trust to affix our certification mechanism. We present as a security pattern the approach for service certification based on the use TPM.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Average-Case Complexity

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    We survey the average-case complexity of problems in NP. We discuss various notions of good-on-average algorithms, and present completeness results due to Impagliazzo and Levin. Such completeness results establish the fact that if a certain specific (but somewhat artificial) NP problem is easy-on-average with respect to the uniform distribution, then all problems in NP are easy-on-average with respect to all samplable distributions. Applying the theory to natural distributional problems remain an outstanding open question. We review some natural distributional problems whose average-case complexity is of particular interest and that do not yet fit into this theory. A major open question whether the existence of hard-on-average problems in NP can be based on the P≠\neqNP assumption or on related worst-case assumptions. We review negative results showing that certain proof techniques cannot prove such a result. While the relation between worst-case and average-case complexity for general NP problems remains open, there has been progress in understanding the relation between different ``degrees'' of average-case complexity. We discuss some of these ``hardness amplification'' results
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