43 research outputs found

    Mobility of bodies in contact. I. A 2nd-order mobility index formultiple-finger grasps

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    Using a configuration-space approach, the paper develops a 2nd-order mobility theory for rigid bodies in contact. A major component of this theory is a coordinate invariant 2nd-order mobility index for a body, B, in frictionless contact with finger bodies A1,...A k. The index is an integer that captures the inherent mobility of B in an equilibrium grasp due to second order, or surface curvature, effects. It differentiates between grasps which are deemed equivalent by classical 1st-order theories, but are physically different. We further show that 2nd-order effects can be used to lower the effective mobility of a grasped object, and discuss implications of this result for achieving new lower bounds on the number of contacting finger bodies needed to immobilize an object. Physical interpretation and stability analysis of 2nd-order effects are taken up in the companion pape

    A stiffness-based quality measure for compliant grasps and fixtures

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    This paper presents a systematic approach to quantifying the effectiveness of compliant grasps and fixtures of an object. The approach is physically motivated and applies to the grasping of two- and three-dimensional objects by any number of fingers. The approach is based on a characterization of the frame-invariant features of a grasp or fixture stiffness matrix. In particular, we define a set of frame-invariant characteristic stiffness parameters, and provide physical and geometric interpretation for these parameters. Using a physically meaningful scheme to make the rotational and translational stiffness parameters comparable, we define a frame-invariant quality measure, which we call the stiffness quality measure. An example of a frictional grasp illustrates the effectiveness of the quality measure. We then consider the optimal grasping of frictionless polygonal objects by three and four fingers. Such frictionless grasps are useful in high-load fixturing applications, and their relative simplicity allows an efficient computation of the globally optimal finger arrangement. We compute the optimal finger arrangement in several examples, and use these examples to discuss properties that characterize the stiffness quality measure

    Constructing minimum deflection fixture arrangements using frame invariant norms

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    This paper describes a fixture planning method that minimizes object deflection under external loads. The method takes into account the natural compliance of the contacting bodies and applies to two-dimensional and three-dimensional quasirigid bodies. The fixturing method is based on a quality measure that characterizes the deflection of a fixtured object in response to unit magnitude wrenches. The object deflection measure is defined in terms of frame-invariant rigid body velocity and wrench norms and is therefore frame invariant. The object deflection measure is applied to the planning of optimal fixture arrangements of polygonal objects. We describe minimum-deflection fixturing algorithms for these objects, and make qualitative observations on the optimal arrangements generated by the algorithms. Concrete examples illustrate the minimum deflection fixturing method. Note to Practitioners-During fixturing, a workpiece needs to not only be stable against external perturbations, but must also stay within a specified tolerance in response to machining or assembly forces. This paper describes a fixture planning approach that minimizes object deflection under applied work loads. The paper describes how to take local material deformation effects into account, using a generic quasirigid contact model. Practical algorithms that compute the optimal fixturing arrangements of polygonal workpieces are described and examples are then presented

    Efficient determination of four-point form-closure optimal constraints of polygonal objects

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    This paper proposes a new and more efficient solution to the problem of determining optimal form-closure constraints of polygonal objects using four contacts. New grasp parameters are determined based only on the directions of the applied forces, which are then used to determine the optimal grasp. Given a set of contact edges, using an analytical procedure a solution that is either the optimal one or is very close to it is obtained (only in this second case an iterative procedure is needed to find a root of a nonlinear equation). This procedure is used for an efficient determination of the optimal grasp on the whole object. The algorithms have been implemented and numerical examples are shown. Note to Practitioners—This paper presents an algorithm that improves previous approaches in terms of efficiency in the determination of the optimal object constraint maximizing the minimum wrench that the object can support in any direction. The problem can always be solved using numerical optimization techniques but when time is relevant an efficient algorithm becomes of interest. Practical applications include optimal determination of fixtures and object grasps.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Displacement-based two-finger grasping of deformable planar objects

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    This thesis introduces a strategy of grasping deformable objects using two fingers which specifies finger displacements rather than grasping forces. Grasping deformable objects must maintain its equilibrium before and after the induced deformation. The deformed shape and grasping force are computed using the finite element method (FEM). The equilibrium of the object is guaranteed automatically since the computed grasping force are collinear and sum up to 0. To achieve a grasp, the forces have to be tested for staying inside the pre- and post- deformation contact friction cones. This test could be as expensive as solving a large linear system, if the deformed shape is computed. We present an algorithm that performs a grasp test in O(n) time, where n is the number of discretization vertices under FEM, after obtaining the spectral decomposition of the object\u27s stiffness matrix in O(n3) time. All grasps (up to discretization) can be found in additional O(n2) time. Robot grasping experiments have been conducted on thin 2.5D objects