14 research outputs found

    EXIT-chart aided near-capacity quantum turbo code design

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    High detection complexity is the main impediment in future Gigabit-wireless systems. However, a quantum-based detector is capable of simultaneously detecting hundreds of user signals by virtue of its inherent parallel nature. This in turn requires near-capacity quantum error correction codes for protecting the constituent qubits of the quantum detector against the undesirable environmental decoherence. In this quest, we appropriately adapt the conventional non-binary EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts for quantum turbo codes by exploiting the intrinsic quantum-to-classical isomorphism. The EXIT chart analysis not only allows us to dispense with the time-consuming Monte-Carlo simulations, but also facilitates the design of near-capacity codes without resorting to the analysis of their distance spectra. We have demonstrated that our EXIT chart predictions are in line with the Monte-Carlo simulations results. We have also optimized the entanglement-assisted QTC using EXIT charts, which outperforms the existing distance spectra based QTCs. More explicitly, the performance of our optimized QTC is as close as 0.3 dB to the corresponding hashing bound

    Quantum error correction protects quantum search algorithms against decoherence

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    When quantum computing becomes a wide-spread commercial reality, Quantum Search Algorithms (QSA) and especially Grover’s QSA will inevitably be one of their main applications, constituting their cornerstone. Most of the literature assumes that the quantum circuits are free from decoherence. Practically, decoherence will remain unavoidable as is the Gaussian noise of classic circuits imposed by the Brownian motion of electrons, hence it may have to be mitigated. In this contribution, we investigate the effect of quantum noise on the performance of QSAs, in terms of their success probability as a function of the database size to be searched, when decoherence is modelled by depolarizing channels’ deleterious effects imposed on the quantum gates. Moreover, we employ quantum error correction codes for limiting the effects of quantum noise and for correcting quantum flips. More specifically, we demonstrate that, when we search for a single solution in a database having 4096 entries using Grover’s QSA at an aggressive depolarizing probability of 10-3, the success probability of the search is 0.22 when no quantum coding is used, which is improved to 0.96 when Steane’s quantum error correction code is employed. Finally, apart from Steane’s code, the employment of Quantum Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (QBCH) codes is also considered

    On the Performance of Interleavers for Quantum Turbo Codes

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    Quantum turbo codes (QTC) have shown excellent error correction capabilities in the setting of quantum communication, achieving a performance less than 1 dB away from their corresponding hashing bounds. Existing QTCs have been constructed using uniform random interleavers. However, interleaver design plays an important role in the optimization of classical turbo codes. Consequently, inspired by the widely used classical-to-quantum isomorphism, this paper studies the integration of classical interleaving design methods into the paradigm of quantum turbo coding. Simulations results demonstrate that error floors in QTCs can be lowered significantly, while decreasing memory consumption, by proper interleaving design without increasing the overall decoding complexity of the system

    EXIT-chart aided code design for symbol-based entanglement-assisted classical communication over quantum channels

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    Quantum-based transmission is an attractive solution conceived for achieving absolute security. In this quest, we have conceived an EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart aided channel code design for symbol-based entanglement-assisted classical communication over quantum depolarizing channels. Our proposed concatenated code design incorporates a Convolutional Code (CC), a symbol-based Unity Rate Code (URC) and a soft-decision aided 2-qubit Superdense Code (2SD), which is hence referred to as a CC-URC-2SD arrangement. We have optimized our design with the aid of non-binary EXIT charts. Our proposed design operates within 1 dB of the achievable capacity, providing attractive performance gains over its bit-based counterpart. Quantitatively, the bit-based scheme requires 60% more iterations than our symbol-based scheme for the sake of achieving perfect decoding convergence. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the decoding complexity can be reduced by using memory-2 and memory-3 convolutional codes, while still outperforming the bit-based approach<br/