52 research outputs found

    Influence of the particle shape on the equilibrium morphologies of supracolloidal magnetic filaments

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    We investigate the equilibrium morphologies of linear and ring-shaped magnetic filaments made from crosslinked ferromagnetic spherical or ellipsoidal colloidal particles. Using Langevin dynamics simulations, we calculate the radius of gyration and total magnetic moment of a single filament at zero field and different temperatures, analyzing the influence of the particles shape, the strength of their magnetic moment and the filament length. Our results show that, among such parameters, the shape of the particles has the strongest qualitative impact on the equilibrium behavior of the filaments

    Harvesting graphics power for MD simulations

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    We discuss an implementation of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on a graphic processing unit (GPU) in the NVIDIA CUDA language. We tested our code on a modern GPU, the NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX. Results for two MD algorithms suitable for short-ranged and long-ranged interactions, and a congruential shift random number generator are presented. The performance of the GPU's is compared to their main processor counterpart. We achieve speedups of up to 80, 40 and 150 fold, respectively. With newest generation of GPU's one can run standard MD simulations at 10^7 flops/$.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Mol. Si


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    In this paper, we investigate the dispersions of magnetic polymers by molec-ular dynamics method. We considered four types of magnetic polymers: chain, ring, X- and Y-structures. We have studied the behavior of the initial magnetic susceptibility and con-ducted cluster analysis to obtain full information about the structural properties of magnetic polymers in the systems under study

    Current fluctuations in nanopores: the effects of electrostatic and hydrodynamic interactions

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    Using nonequilibrium Langevin dynamics simulations of an electrolyte with explicit solvent particles, we investigate the effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the power spectrum of ionic nanopore currents. At low frequency, we find a power-law dependence of the power spectral density, with an exponent depending on the ion density. Surprisingly, however, the exponent is not affected by the presence of the neutral solvent particles. We conclude that hydrodynamic interactions do not affect the shape of the power spectrum in the frequency range studied.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure