186 research outputs found

    Deciphering Speech: a Zero-Resource Approach to Cross-Lingual Transfer in ASR

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    We present a method for cross-lingual training an ASR system using absolutely no transcribed training data from the target language, and with no phonetic knowledge of the language in question. Our approach uses a novel application of a decipherment algorithm, which operates given only unpaired speech and text data from the target language. We apply this decipherment to phone sequences generated by a universal phone recogniser trained on out-of-language speech corpora, which we follow with flat-start semi-supervised training to obtain an acoustic model for the new language. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first practical approach to zero-resource cross-lingual ASR which does not rely on any hand-crafted phonetic information. We carry out experiments on read speech from the GlobalPhone corpus, and show that it is possible to learn a decipherment model on just 20 minutes of data from the target language. When used to generate pseudo-labels for semi-supervised training, we obtain WERs that range from 32.5% to just 1.9% absolute worse than the equivalent fully supervised models trained on the same data.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 202

    Deciphering Speech: a Zero-Resource Approach to Cross-Lingual Transfer in ASR

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    Bilingual Lexicon Induction through Unsupervised Machine Translation

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    A recent research line has obtained strong results on bilingual lexicon induction by aligning independently trained word embeddings in two languages and using the resulting cross-lingual embeddings to induce word translation pairs through nearest neighbor or related retrieval methods. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to this problem that builds on the recent work on unsupervised machine translation. This way, instead of directly inducing a bilingual lexicon from cross-lingual embeddings, we use them to build a phrase-table, combine it with a language model, and use the resulting machine translation system to generate a synthetic parallel corpus, from which we extract the bilingual lexicon using statistical word alignment techniques. As such, our method can work with any word embedding and cross-lingual mapping technique, and it does not require any additional resource besides the monolingual corpus used to train the embeddings. When evaluated on the exact same cross-lingual embeddings, our proposed method obtains an average improvement of 6 accuracy points over nearest neighbor and 4 points over CSLS retrieval, establishing a new state-of-the-art in the standard MUSE dataset.Comment: ACL 201
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