171 research outputs found

    Usefulness of Artificial Neural Networks in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome

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    Sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) is a chronic and highly prevalent disease considered a major health problem in industrialized countries. The gold standard diagnostic methodology is in-laboratory nocturnal polysomnography (PSG), which is complex, costly, and time consuming. In order to overcome these limitations, novel and simplified diagnostic alternatives are demanded. Sleep scientists carried out an exhaustive research during the last decades focused on the design of automated expert systems derived from artificial intelligence able to help sleep specialists in their daily practice. Among automated pattern recognition techniques, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have demonstrated to be efficient and accurate algorithms in order to implement computer-aided diagnosis systems aimed at assisting physicians in the management of SAHS. In this regard, several applications of ANNs have been developed, such as classification of patients suspected of suffering from SAHS, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) prediction, detection and quantification of respiratory events, apneic events classification, automated sleep staging and arousal detection, alertness monitoring systems, and airflow pressure optimization in positive airway pressure (PAP) devices to fit patients’ needs. In the present research, current applications of ANNs in the framework of SAHS management are thoroughly reviewed

    Protocol of the SOMNIA project : an observational study to create a neurophysiological database for advanced clinical sleep monitoring

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    Introduction Polysomnography (PSG) is the primary tool for sleep monitoring and the diagnosis of sleep disorders. Recent advances in signal analysis make it possible to reveal more information from this rich data source. Furthermore, many innovative sleep monitoring techniques are being developed that are less obtrusive, easier to use over long time periods and in the home situation. Here, we describe the methods of the Sleep and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Monitoring with Non-Invasive Applications (SOMNIA) project, yielding a database combining clinical PSG with advanced unobtrusive sleep monitoring modalities in a large cohort of patients with various sleep disorders. The SOMNIA database will facilitate the validation and assessment of the diagnostic value of the new techniques, as well as the development of additional indices and biomarkers derived from new and/or traditional sleep monitoring methods. Methods and analysis We aim to include at least 2100 subjects (both adults and children) with a variety of sleep disorders who undergo a PSG as part of standard clinical care in a dedicated sleep centre. Full-video PSG will be performed according to the standards of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Each recording will be supplemented with one or more new monitoring systems, including wrist-worn photoplethysmography and actigraphy, pressure sensing mattresses, multimicrophone recording of respiratory sounds including snoring, suprasternal pressure monitoring and multielectrode electromyography of the diaphragm

    Huomaamattomat mittausmenetelmät unen laadun tarkkailussa

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    Sleep is an important part of health and well-being. While sleep quantity is directly measurable, sleep quality has traditionally been assessed with subjective methods such as questionnaires. The study of sleep disorders has for a long time been confined to clinical environments, and patients have had to endure cumbersome procedures involving multiple electrodes placed on the body. Recent developments in sensor technology as well as data analysis methods have enabled continuous, unobtrusive sleep data recording in the home environment. This has opened new possibilities for studying various sleep parameters and their effect on the quality of sleep. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part is a literature review examining the field of sleep quality research with focus on the application of intelligent methods and signal processing. The second part is a descriptive data analysis look at sleep data obtained with non-invasive sensors.Uni on terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin keskeinen tekijä. Unen määrä on helposti mitattavissa, mutta unen laatua on perinteisesti seurattu kyselylomakkeiden kaltaisin subjektiivisin menetelmin. Unihäiriöiden tutkiminen on pitkään rajoittunut kliinisiin ympäristöihin, ja potilaiden on täytynyt sietää hankalia tutkimusmenetelmiä useine kehoon kiinnitettävine elektrodeineen. Anturiteknologian ja data-analyysimenetelmien kehittyminen on mahdollistanut unidatan jatkuvan ja huomaamattoman tallentamisen kotiympäristössä. Tämä on avannut uusia mahdollisuuksia sekä unen ominaisuuksien että niiden unen laatuun vaikuttavien tekijöiden tutkimiselle. Tämä tutkimus jakautuu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäinen osa on kirjallisuuskatsaus unen laadun tutkimukseen, painopisteenä älykkäiden menetelmien ja signaalinkäsittelyn soveltaminen. Toisessa osassa esitellään huomaamattomilla sensoreilla kerättävän unidatan tutkimista ja sen deskriptiivistä data-analyysiä, esimerkkinä ballistokardiografia

    A review of automated sleep stage scoring based on physiological signals for the new millennia

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    Background and Objective: Sleep is an important part of our life. That importance is highlighted by the multitude of health problems which result from sleep disorders. Detecting these sleep disorders requires an accurate interpretation of physiological signals. Prerequisite for this interpretation is an understanding of the way in which sleep stage changes manifest themselves in the signal waveform. With that understanding it is possible to build automated sleep stage scoring systems. Apart from their practical relevance for automating sleep disorder diagnosis, these systems provide a good indication of the amount of sleep stage related information communicated by a specific physiological signal. Methods: This article provides a comprehensive review of automated sleep stage scoring systems, which were created since the year 2000. The systems were developed for Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electrooculogram (EOG), and a combination of signals. Results: Our review shows that all of these signals contain information for sleep stage scoring. Conclusions: The result is important, because it allows us to shift our research focus away from information extraction methods to systemic improvements, such as patient comfort, redundancy, safety and cost

    Classifying sleep-wake stages through recurrent neural networks using pulse oximetry signals

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    The regulation of the autonomic nervous system changes with the sleep stages causing variations in the physiological variables. We exploit these changes with the aim of classifying the sleep stages in awake or asleep using pulse oximeter signals. We applied a recurrent neural network to heart rate and peripheral oxygen saturation signals to classify the sleep stage every 30 seconds. The network architecture consists of two stacked layers of bidirectional gated recurrent units (GRUs) and a softmax layer to classify the output. In this paper, we used 5000 patients from the Sleep Heart Health Study dataset. 2500 patients were used to train the network, and two subsets of 1250 were used to validate and test the trained models. In the test stage, the best result obtained was 90.13% accuracy, 94.13% sensitivity, 80.26% specificity, 92.05% precision, and 84.68% negative predictive value. Further, the Cohen's Kappa coefficient was 0.74 and the average absolute error percentage to the actual sleep time was 8.9%. The performance of the proposed network is comparable with the state-of-the-art algorithms when they use much more informative signals (except those with EEG).Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    A review of automated sleep disorder detection

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    Automated sleep disorder detection is challenging because physiological symptoms can vary widely. These variations make it difficult to create effective sleep disorder detection models which support hu-man experts during diagnosis and treatment monitoring. From 2010 to 2021, authors of 95 scientific papers have taken up the challenge of automating sleep disorder detection. This paper provides an expert review of this work. We investigated whether digital technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can provide automated diagnosis support for sleep disorders. We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines during the content discovery phase. We compared the performance of proposed sleep disorder detection methods, involving differ-ent datasets or signals. During the review, we found eight sleep disorders, of which sleep apnea and insomnia were the most studied. These disorders can be diagnosed using several kinds of biomedical signals, such as Electrocardiogram (ECG), Polysomnography (PSG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG), and snore sound. Subsequently, we established areas of commonality and distinctiveness. Common to all reviewed papers was that AI models were trained and tested with labelled physiological signals. Looking deeper, we discovered that 24 distinct algorithms were used for the detection task. The nature of these algorithms evolved, before 2017 only traditional Machine Learning (ML) was used. From 2018 onward, both ML and Deep Learning (DL) methods were used for sleep disorder detection. The strong emergence of DL algorithms has considerable implications for future detection systems because these algorithms demand significantly more data for training and testing when compared with ML. Based on our review results, we suggest that both type and amount of labelled data is crucial for the design of future sleep disorder detection systems because this will steer the choice of AI algorithm which establishes the desired decision support. As a guiding principle, more labelled data will help to represent the variations in symptoms. DL algorithms can extract information from these larger data quantities more effectively, therefore; we predict that the role of these algorithms will continue to expand