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    E-Learning Experiences in La Ribera Health Department

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    This paper shows how the training of health professionals is improving thanks to the use of new technologies, in particular e-learning. This type of technology is widely used in medical education and there are multiple research works that report its effective deployment by health professionals and students. However, there is a need to incorporate e-learning platforms and online methods in healthcare organizations through a systematic and rigorous approach what is proposed in the current work. This approach has been applied since 2009 in the context of La Ribera Health Department implementing a high number of e-learning experiences. The obtained outcomes reveal how useful have been these experiences to promote an organized and effective professional training.Izquierdo Soriano, JV.; Buendía García, F.; Ortega Monzó, JL.; Tabernero Alba, E. (2014). E-Learning Experiences in La Ribera Health Department. 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