35,511 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Brinkman equation as a model for flow in porous media

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    The fundamental solution or Green's function for flow in porous media is determined using Stokesian dynamics, a molecular-dynamics-like simulation method capable of describing the motions and forces of hydrodynamically interacting particles in Stokes flow. By evaluating the velocity disturbance caused by a source particle on field particles located throughout a monodisperse porous medium at a given value of volume fraction of solids ø, and by considering many such realizations of the (random) porous medium, the fundamental solution is determined. Comparison of this fundamental solution with the Green's function of the Brinkman equation shows that the Brinkman equation accurately describes the flow in porous media for volume fractions below 0.05. For larger volume fractions significant differences between the two exist, indicating that the Brinkman equation has lost detailed predictive value, although it still describes qualitatively the behavior in moderately concentrated porous media. At low ø where the Brinkman equation is known to be valid, the agreement between the simulation results and the Brinkman equation demonstrates that the Stokesian dynamics method correctly captures the screening characteristic of porous media. The simulation results for ø ≥ 0.05 may be useful as a basis of comparison for future theoretical work

    Velocity measurements of a dilute particulate suspension over and through a porous medium model

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    We experimentally examine pressure-driven flows of 1%, 3%, and 5% dilute suspensions over and through a porous media model. The flow of non-colloidal, non-Brownian suspensions of rigid and spherical particles suspended in a Newtonian fluid is considered at very low Reynolds numbers. The model of porous media consists of square arrays of rods oriented across the flow in a rectangular channel. Systematic experiments using high-spatial-resolution planar particle image velocimetry (PIV) and index-matching techniques are conducted to accurately measure the velocity measurements of both very dilute and solvent flows inside and on top of the porous media model. We found that for 1%, 3%, and 5% dilute suspensions the fully-developed velocity profile inside the free-flow region are well predicted by the exact solution derived from coupling the Navier-Stokes equation within the free flow-region and the volume-averaged Navier Stokes (VANS) equation for the porous media. We further analyze the velocity and shear rate at the suspension-porous interface and compare these data with those of pure suspending fluid and the related analytical solutions. The exact solution is used to define parameters necessary to calculate key values to analyze the porous media/fluid interaction such as Darcy velocity, penetration depth, and fractional ratios of the mass flow rate. These parameters are comparable between the solvent, dilute suspensions, and exact solution. However, we found clear effects between the solvent and the suspensions which shows different physical phenomenon occurring when particles are introduced into a flow moving over and through a porous media.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    Dynamic simulation of hydrodynamically interacting suspensions

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    A general method for computing the hydrodynamic interactions among an infinite suspension of particles, under the condition of vanishingly small particle Reynolds number, is presented. The method follows the procedure developed by O'Brien (1979) for constructing absolutely convergent expressions for particle interactions. For use in dynamic simulation, the convergence of these expressions is accelerated by application of the Ewald summation technique. The resulting hydrodynamic mobility and/or resistance matrices correctly include all far-field non-convergent interactions. Near-field lubrication interactions are incorporated into the resistance matrix using the technique developed by Durlofsky, Brady & Bossis (1987). The method is rigorous, accurate and computationally efficient, and forms the basis of the Stokesian-dynamics simulation method. The method is completely general and allows such diverse suspension problems as self-diffusion, sedimentation, rheology and flow in porous media to be treated within the same formulation for any microstructural arrangement of particles. The accuracy of the Stokesian-dynamics method is illustrated by comparing with the known exact results for spatially periodic suspensions

    Spreading of a density front in the K\"untz-Lavall\'ee model of porous media

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    We analyze spreading of a density front in the K\"untz-Lavall\'ee model of porous media. In contrast to previous studies, where unusual properties of the front were attributed to anomalous diffusion, we find that the front evolution is controlled by normal diffusion and hydrodynamic flow, the latter being responsible for apparent enhancement of the front propagation speed. Our finding suggests that results of several recent experiments on porous media, where anomalous diffusion was reported based on the density front propagation analysis, should be reconsidered to verify the role of a fluid flow

    Stokesian Dynamics

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    Particles suspended or dispersed in a fluid medium occur in a wide variety of natural and man-made settings, e.g. slurries, composite materials, ceramics, colloids, polymers, proteins, etc. The central theoretical and practical problem is to understand and predict the macroscopic equilibrium and transport properties of these multiphase materials from their microstructural mechanics. The macroscopic properties might be the sedimentation or aggregation rate, self-diffusion coefficient, thermal conductivity, or rheology of a suspension of particles. The microstructural mechanics entails the Brownian, interparticle, external, and hydrodynamic forces acting on the particles, as well as their spatial and temporal distribution, which is commonly referred to as the microstructure. If the distribution of particles were given, as well as the location and motion of any boundaries and the physical properties of the particles and suspending fluid, one would simply have to solve (in principle, not necessarily in practice) a well-posed boundary-value problem to determine the behavior of the material. Averaging this solution over a large volume or over many different configurations, the macroscopic or averaged properties could be determined. The two key steps in this approach, the solution of the many-body problem and the determination of the microstructure, are formidable but essential tasks for understanding suspension behavior. This article discusses a new, molecular-dynamics-like approach, which we have named Stokesian dynamics, for dynamically simulating the behavior of many particles suspended or dispersed in a fluid medium. Particles in suspension may interact through both hydrodynamic and nonhydrodynamic forces, where the latter may be any type of Brownian, colloidal, interparticle, or external force. The simulation method is capable of predicting both static (i.e. configuration-specific) and dynamic microstructural properties, as well as macroscopic properties in either dilute or concentrated systems. Applications of Stokesian dynamics are widespread; problems of sedimentation, flocculation, diffusion, polymer rheology, and transport in porous media all fall within its domain. Stokesian dynamics is designed to provide the same theoretical and computational basis for multiphase, dispersed systems as does molecular dynamics for statistical theories of matter. This review focuses on the simulation method, not on the areas in which Stokesian dynamics can be used. For a discussion of some of these many different areas, the reader is referred to the excellent reviews and proceedings of topical conferences that have appeared (e.g. Batchelor 1976a, Dickinson 1983, Faraday Discussions 1983, 1987, Family & Landau 1984). Before embarking on a description of Stokesian dynamics, we pause here to discuss some of the relevant theoretical literature on suspensions, and dynamic simulation in general, in order to put Stokesian dynamics in perspective
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