484 research outputs found

    Relationship dynamics in logistics

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    In recent years, a growing number of organisations have outsourced logistics services to logistics services providers (LSPs). To account for greater interconnection between organisations, supply chain relationship is crucial for achieving successful logistics outsourcing. Because organisations need to continuously change their decision-making in outsourcing, relationships among organisations in outsourcing are dynamic. Further, because logistics outsourcing has created more supply chain relationships (SCRs) among suppliers, LSPs, and customers, managers need to use a network perspective to manage multiple relationships in the process of outsourcing. The triadic relationship is recognised as the smallest network structure. As a result, the primary goal of this research is to study dynamics of supply chain relationships in logistics outsourcing from a view of triadic relationship. This relationship is called a logistics triad and consists of a supplier, a logistics service provider (LSP), and their common customer. The present research was carried out in two stages. The first stage collected triadic cases from LSPs. To improve validity and reliability, the second stage used a deductive process to test findings of the first stage by collecting triadic cases from suppliers and customers. Results of the comparison between the two stages provided verified research findings because the two stages exhibited close similarity. The research outcomes led to the identification of factors that influenced the relationship dynamics in logistics triads. Among these factors, the combined effects of purchasing volumes, resource capability, and focal firm can override influences from other factors to determine stability and dynamics of logistics triads. Overall, this research makes several major contributions to the knowledge of supply chain relationships: developing an integrative model of triadic relationship dynamics, identifying control approaches used by organisations to dominate triads, and demonstrating organisations' mediating effects on dyadic relationships within triads

    Dynamics in Logistics

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    This open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions

    Dynamics in Logistics

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    This open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions

    Unfolding the role of marketplace resources in forming entrepreneurial narratives

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    The narrative perspective has discussed the role of entrepreneurs as mindful actors who contextualise innovation through their relational, temporal, and performative efforts. Although the agency of material elements is recognised in the narrative perspective, the materials’ role is reduced to be controlled and mobilised by entrepreneurs with some existing possibilities of showing resistance. This reductionist approach toward materials has restricted our understanding of the ways materials actively impose their agency, form narratives, and contextualise innovations along with entrepreneurs. This study adopts ANT (Actor-Network Theory) as a lens and explores the role of materials in entrepreneurship process. Specifically, it explores how materials (non-human actors) interact with entrepreneurs, impose their agency, challenge the efforts of entrepreneurs in contextualising innovation, and in turn shape the emerging entrepreneurial narratives

    Small business sport sponsorship: A case study

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    Within a reasonably short timeframe sponsorship has morphed from a passive form of marketing that was often philanthropic in nature (Morgan et al., 2014), to a legitimate element of the promotional mix (Segium & O’Reilly, 2007), and a key strategic business partnership initiative (O’Reilly & Horning, 2013). Sport sponsorship has been defined as the provision of assistance by commercial organisations (sponsors), in cash or kind, to a sports property (sponsee), in exchange for the rights to be associated with the sports property for the purpose of gaining a commercial and economic advantage (Triodi, 2001). While substantial research has been directed towards large organisations and corporate sponsorship, little interest has been focussed on the relationship between small businesses and sport sponsorship (Mack, 1999, Jing 2010). Small businesses are extensively involved in the sponsorship of sports organisations, teams, individuals and events (Slack & Bentz, 2010). As more and more local and regional sport organisations look towards sponsorship as a means to financially support their organisations this relationship will continue to grow. Given that 97% of all enterprises in New Zealand are defined as “small” this research aims to address the gap in the literature and to contribute to the advancement of the ‘philanthropic-sponsorship’ continuum. The Waikato Rugby Union (WRU) was selected as the case study due to the nature of the sporting code, its established history, and its strong brand. The research applied a qualitative, exploratory approach in order to explore small business perceptions and experiences with sport sponsorship. A series of in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with relevant personnel from selected WRU small business sponsors. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analysed using grounded theory coding techniques, allowing for key themes to emerge. The study examined the objectives, practices and perceptions of small businesses related to sponsorship decision making. For the purpose of this study, a small business was defined as any enterprise with less than 20 employees. The research findings contradicted previous small business – sport sponsorship literature. The findings highlighted that there was long-term strategic planning, with 75% of the businesses initiated the first contact with the WRU. While decisions were still predominantly made by one individual, they were clearly based on ‘corporate’ objectives rather than personal preferences and/or a sense of “giving back” to the community. The three top objectives were hospitality, brand awareness and networking. The strength of the WRU brand was also a factor in the decision-making. However, there were little or no formalised internal policies to guide the small business sport sponsorship screening and selection processes in terms of sponsorship opportunities, and limited sponsorship evaluation. As sponsors become more and more a part of the social context that shapes and sustains local and regional sport it is important that both sport organisations and small businesses understand better what motivates, attracts and sustains small business sponsorship. It is unclear is this stage if the findings are a result of the status that Rugby holds in the New Zealand psyche and the professionalisation of the sport, or if this is an evolving trend. Further research into other sporting codes would contribute to the understanding of the small business – sport sponsorship dynamics

    Board diversity and performance of microfinance institutions (MFIS): Evidence from an emerging economy

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    Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) are important service providers of finance for unbanked people and have experienced a high growth over the past decades. Alongside the staggering growth of microfinance around the world, there have been some serious complaints of unfair practices and low transparency in their affairs. Therefore, it is questionable whether microfinance contributes to a true reduction in worldwide poverty in the short or long terms. This study examines the corporate governance practices of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in India and their relationship with both financial performance and outreach for the period 2007 to 2012. Using unbalanced panel data for 575 firm-year observations, we report that the financial performance and outreach of Indian MFIs improves when they have international/donor representation on their board. Independent directors and client representatives on board perform favourably on financial performance but no impact on outreach. However, female directors on the board increases outreach to the poor people but decrease the financial performance. This study significantly contribute to a better understanding of board diversity of microfinance sector by providing empirical evidence from one of the dominant countries in South Asian region

    Sustainability and corporate governance: A comparative evaluation of approach for Dangote Group and Gallagher Group

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    Sustainability has been resonating within the business community and the academia. Indeed, sustainability has moved from being an ideology to a technique that guarantees business profitability. As corporate social responsibility (CSR) is expanding its frontiers to respond to continued agitation for business to treat the planet and its people with respect, sustainability is no longer optional. This research paper aims to demonstrate the curiosity of the author to develop a project in the area of sustainability and corporate governance; in particular, the correlation between sustainability and corporate governance, with the main objective of embarking on a comparative study of the sustainability approach of two companies from two continents. For this work, the author has in mind to evaluate the sustainability approaches of these companies in their supply chain management. Unlike the conventional approach, an intercontinental perspective on sustainability is rare. Therefore, the primary focus of the research will be to investigate the sustainability practices in the supply chain management of two indigenous companies (Gallagher and Dangote) from two continents. The research will adopt a qualitative method for collecting data and other relevant materials from involved parties and triangulation will be used for the analysis. This investigation could potentially identify similarities and difference in approach to sustainability, which could improve best practices for both companies. The report will highlight areas of advantage for both parties in line with current demand for business to be part of the solution to the problems surrounding people, planet, and profits. The work will conclude with a benchmark document for sustainability

    The education and practice gap of accounting

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    Educators nowadays may equip students for jobs that will not exist in the future (Shusterman, 2015) or jobs that do not exist yet. Many students face confession after graduating from tertiary education. Not knowing what to expect, wondering if they can use what they learn from school at work (Elmes, 2017). This paper aims to gather the opinion of accounting students regarding what they think are the demanded skills to get an accounting job after the completion of education. After reviewing the literature, a questionnaire was produced and sent to students at a tertiary institute to gain their opinion. Results were then compared to the skills required in practice by employers when recruiting. The key findings this study obtained were that there is a gap between what soft skills students think is important for an accounting position compared to that of practitioners’ view as stated by other researchers. Results indicate there is little difference of required hard skills (accounting techniques) from view points of students and professionals. Further studies should be done with larger samples to generalise more widely. Recommendations are that tertiary schools can partner with local business and accounting firms to provide internship program for all accounting major students. Also students should communicate with other accounting students, possible seniors or past students to gain their thoughts on what is currently lacking in the school education

    How to improve business process performance using process mining

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    Due to the increased use of information systems by organizations to support process execution, detailed information on the implementation of business processes is being recorded. This fact enables using process mining projects as a powerful tool for improving performance. Process Mining is a relative young research discipline that sits between data science on the one hand and process modelling and analysis on the other hand. Process mining allows gaining knowledge of the organization’s actual business processes by extracting data from existing information systems mediums such as event logs, transaction logs etc. The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate how a process for conducting process mining projects was designed, developed and applied in some organizational units. The process was implemented through nine research steps, inspired by the V-model, where elements on the right-hand side aim to answer questions presented in steps on the left-hand side. In the first two steps, the research problem and the research objectives were defined. A literature review was performed in step 3. In the fourth step, requirements for the process were identified and implemented. In step 5, a running example was carried out to test the process. Verification and validation of the process were performed in step 6 and step 7. Step 8 covered the discussion of results. The last step concludes the research, including checking if the research problem was solved. Organizations seeking for performance improvement can now benefit of a process that explicitly states which process mining tools, techniques and algorithms to be used in process mining projects

    Spatial concentration and location dynamics in logistics : the case of a Dutch province

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    To better understand spatial concentration of logistics establishments, this paper analyzes location dynamics in relation to spatial clusters. Such an analysis is relevant for both decision makers within logistics ??rms and regional policy makers, as both co-located logistics ??rms as well as society as a whole can bene??t from co-location of logistics ??rms. For this analysis, longitudinal empirical data on logistics establishments in a Dutch province are used. Six general conclusions are drawn on spatial concentration over time and location decisions of logistic ??rms in relation to spatial concentration in logistics as well as the proximity to intermodal terminals. First, logistics employment spatially concentrates in particular areas, called Absolute and Relative Concentration areas (AREC areas). Second, logistics establishments that relocated within the province locate relatively more in AREC areas than in other areas; new logistics establishments do not. Third, larger logistics establishments locate relatively often in AREC areas. Fourth, logistics establishments that came from AREC areas are more likely to relocate in AREC areas than establishments that came from non-AREC areas. Hence, experience matters in location decisions of logistics establishments. Fifth, transport establishments locate relatively often in newly formed AREC areas. Finally, data on employment growth show that intermodal container terminals attract logistics employment, in their direct vicinity as well as on a municipal level