930 research outputs found

    ReFactor GNNs: Revisiting Factorisation-based Models from a Message-Passing Perspective

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    Factorisation-based Models (FMs), such as DistMult, have enjoyed enduring success for Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) tasks, often outperforming Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). However, unlike GNNs, FMs struggle to incorporate node features and generalise to unseen nodes in inductive settings. Our work bridges the gap between FMs and GNNs by proposing ReFactor GNNs. This new architecture draws upon both modelling paradigms, which previously were largely thought of as disjoint. Concretely, using a message-passing formalism, we show how FMs can be cast as GNNs by reformulating the gradient descent procedure as message-passing operations, which forms the basis of our ReFactor GNNs. Across a multitude of well-established KGC benchmarks, our ReFactor GNNs achieve comparable transductive performance to FMs, and state-of-the-art inductive performance while using an order of magnitude fewer parameters.Comment: 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022

    Efficient Semidefinite Branch-and-Cut for MAP-MRF Inference

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    We propose a Branch-and-Cut (B&C) method for solving general MAP-MRF inference problems. The core of our method is a very efficient bounding procedure, which combines scalable semidefinite programming (SDP) and a cutting-plane method for seeking violated constraints. In order to further speed up the computation, several strategies have been exploited, including model reduction, warm start and removal of inactive constraints. We analyze the performance of the proposed method under different settings, and demonstrate that our method either outperforms or performs on par with state-of-the-art approaches. Especially when the connectivities are dense or when the relative magnitudes of the unary costs are low, we achieve the best reported results. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm achieves better approximation than the state-of-the-art methods within a variety of time budgets on challenging non-submodular MAP-MRF inference problems.Comment: 21 page

    Explain what you see:argumentation-based learning and robotic vision

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    In this thesis, we have introduced new techniques for the problems of open-ended learning, online incremental learning, and explainable learning. These methods have applications in the classification of tabular data, 3D object category recognition, and 3D object parts segmentation. We have utilized argumentation theory and probability theory to develop these methods. The first proposed open-ended online incremental learning approach is Argumentation-Based online incremental Learning (ABL). ABL works with tabular data and can learn with a small number of learning instances using an abstract argumentation framework and bipolar argumentation framework. It has a higher learning speed than state-of-the-art online incremental techniques. However, it has high computational complexity. We have addressed this problem by introducing Accelerated Argumentation-Based Learning (AABL). AABL uses only an abstract argumentation framework and uses two strategies to accelerate the learning process and reduce the complexity. The second proposed open-ended online incremental learning approach is the Local Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (Local-HDP). Local-HDP aims at addressing two problems of open-ended category recognition of 3D objects and segmenting 3D object parts. We have utilized Local-HDP for the task of object part segmentation in combination with AABL to achieve an interpretable model to explain why a certain 3D object belongs to a certain category. The explanations of this model tell a user that a certain object has specific object parts that look like a set of the typical parts of certain categories. Moreover, integrating AABL and Local-HDP leads to a model that can handle a high degree of occlusion

    DWIE: an entity-centric dataset for multi-task document-level information extraction

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    This paper presents DWIE, the 'Deutsche Welle corpus for Information Extraction', a newly created multi-task dataset that combines four main Information Extraction (IE) annotation subtasks: (i) Named Entity Recognition (NER), (ii) Coreference Resolution, (iii) Relation Extraction (RE), and (iv) Entity Linking. DWIE is conceived as an entity-centric dataset that describes interactions and properties of conceptual entities on the level of the complete document. This contrasts with currently dominant mention-driven approaches that start from the detection and classification of named entity mentions in individual sentences. Further, DWIE presented two main challenges when building and evaluating IE models for it. First, the use of traditional mention-level evaluation metrics for NER and RE tasks on entity-centric DWIE dataset can result in measurements dominated by predictions on more frequently mentioned entities. We tackle this issue by proposing a new entity-driven metric that takes into account the number of mentions that compose each of the predicted and ground truth entities. Second, the document-level multi-task annotations require the models to transfer information between entity mentions located in different parts of the document, as well as between different tasks, in a joint learning setting. To realize this, we propose to use graph-based neural message passing techniques between document-level mention spans. Our experiments show an improvement of up to 5.5 F1 percentage points when incorporating neural graph propagation into our joint model. This demonstrates DWIE's potential to stimulate further research in graph neural networks for representation learning in multi-task IE. We make DWIE publicly available at https://github.com/klimzaporojets/DWIE

    Knowledge-refined Denoising Network for Robust Recommendation

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    Knowledge graph (KG), which contains rich side information, becomes an essential part to boost the recommendation performance and improve its explainability. However, existing knowledge-aware recommendation methods directly perform information propagation on KG and user-item bipartite graph, ignoring the impacts of \textit{task-irrelevant knowledge propagation} and \textit{vulnerability to interaction noise}, which limits their performance. To solve these issues, we propose a robust knowledge-aware recommendation framework, called \textit{Knowledge-refined Denoising Network} (KRDN), to prune the task-irrelevant knowledge associations and noisy implicit feedback simultaneously. KRDN consists of an adaptive knowledge refining strategy and a contrastive denoising mechanism, which are able to automatically distill high-quality KG triplets for aggregation and prune noisy implicit feedback respectively. Besides, we also design the self-adapted loss function and the gradient estimator for model optimization. The experimental results on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of KRDN over the state-of-the-art knowledge-aware methods like KGIN, MCCLK, and KGCL, and also outperform robust recommendation models like SGL and SimGCL

    Team-wise Effective Communication in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Effective communication is crucial for the success of multi-agent systems, as it promotes collaboration for attaining joint objectives and enhances competitive efforts towards individual goals. In the context of multi-agent reinforcement learning, determining “whom”, “how” and “what” to communicate are crucial factors for developing effective policies. Therefore, we propose TeamComm, a novel framework for multi-agent communication reinforcement learning. First, it introduces a dynamic team reasoning policy, allowing agents to dynamically form teams and adapt their communication partners based on task requirements and environment states in cooperative or competitive scenarios. Second, TeamComm utilizes heterogeneous communication channels consisting of intra- and inter-team to achieve diverse information flow. Lastly, TeamComm leverages the information bottleneck principle to optimize communication content, guiding agents to convey relevant and valuable information. Through experimental evaluations on three popular environments with seven different scenarios, we empirically demonstrate the superior performance of TeamComm compared to existing methods.</p

    DWIE : an entity-centric dataset for multi-task document-level information extraction

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    This paper presents DWIE, the 'Deutsche Welle corpus for Information Extraction', a newly created multi-task dataset that combines four main Information Extraction (IE) annotation subtasks: (i) Named Entity Recognition (NER), (ii) Coreference Resolution, (iii) Relation Extraction (RE), and (iv) Entity Linking. DWIE is conceived as an entity-centric dataset that describes interactions and properties of conceptual entities on the level of the complete document. This contrasts with currently dominant mention-driven approaches that start from the detection and classification of named entity mentions in individual sentences. Further, DWIE presented two main challenges when building and evaluating IE models for it. First, the use of traditional mention-level evaluation metrics for NER and RE tasks on entity-centric DWIE dataset can result in measurements dominated by predictions on more frequently mentioned entities. We tackle this issue by proposing a new entity-driven metric that takes into account the number of mentions that compose each of the predicted and ground truth entities. Second, the document-level multi-task annotations require the models to transfer information between entity mentions located in different parts of the document, as well as between different tasks, in a joint learning setting. To realize this, we propose to use graph-based neural message passing techniques between document-level mention spans. Our experiments show an improvement of up to 5.5 F-1 percentage points when incorporating neural graph propagation into our joint model. This demonstrates DWIE's potential to stimulate further research in graph neural networks for representation learning in multi-task IE. We make DWIE publicly available at https://github.com/klimzaporojets/DWIE

    Graph Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing: A Survey

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    Deep learning has become the dominant approach in coping with various tasks in Natural LanguageProcessing (NLP). Although text inputs are typically represented as a sequence of tokens, there isa rich variety of NLP problems that can be best expressed with a graph structure. As a result, thereis a surge of interests in developing new deep learning techniques on graphs for a large numberof NLP tasks. In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview onGraph Neural Networks(GNNs) for Natural Language Processing. We propose a new taxonomy of GNNs for NLP, whichsystematically organizes existing research of GNNs for NLP along three axes: graph construction,graph representation learning, and graph based encoder-decoder models. We further introducea large number of NLP applications that are exploiting the power of GNNs and summarize thecorresponding benchmark datasets, evaluation metrics, and open-source codes. Finally, we discussvarious outstanding challenges for making the full use of GNNs for NLP as well as future researchdirections. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive overview of Graph NeuralNetworks for Natural Language Processing.Comment: 127 page
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