633 research outputs found

    On the transition to turbulence of wall-bounded flows in general, and plane Couette flow in particular

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    The main part of this contribution to the special issue of EJM-B/Fluids dedicated to Patrick Huerre outlines the problem of the subcritical transition to turbulence in wall-bounded flows in its historical perspective with emphasis on plane Couette flow, the flow generated between counter-translating parallel planes. Subcritical here means discontinuous and direct, with strong hysteresis. This is due to the existence of nontrivial flow regimes between the global stability threshold Re_g, the upper bound for unconditional return to the base flow, and the linear instability threshold Re_c characterized by unconditional departure from the base flow. The transitional range around Re_g is first discussed from an empirical viewpoint ({\S}1). The recent determination of Re_g for pipe flow by Avila et al. (2011) is recalled. Plane Couette flow is next examined. In laboratory conditions, its transitional range displays an oblique pattern made of alternately laminar and turbulent bands, up to a third threshold Re_t beyond which turbulence is uniform. Our current theoretical understanding of the problem is next reviewed ({\S}2): linear theory and non-normal amplification of perturbations; nonlinear approaches and dynamical systems, basin boundaries and chaotic transients in minimal flow units; spatiotemporal chaos in extended systems and the use of concepts from statistical physics, spatiotemporal intermittency and directed percolation, large deviations and extreme values. Two appendices present some recent personal results obtained in plane Couette flow about patterning from numerical simulations and modeling attempts.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Eur. J. Mech B/Fluid

    Unbalanced instabilities of rapidly rotating stratified shear flows

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    The linear stability of a rotating, stratified, inviscid horizontal plane Couette flow in a channel is studied in the limit of strong rotation and stratification. An energy argument is used to show that unstable perturbations must have large wavenumbers. This motivates the use of a WKB-approach which, in the first instance, provides an approximation for the dispersion relation of the various waves that can propagate in the flow. These are Kelvin waves, trapped near the channel walls, and inertia-gravity waves with or without turning points. Although, the wave phase speeds are found to be real to all algebraic orders in the Rossby number, we establish that the flow, whether cyclonic or anticyclonic, is unconditionally unstable. This is the result of linear resonances between waves with oppositely signed wave momenta. We derive asymptotic estimates for the instability growth rates, which are exponentially small in the Rossby number, and confirm them by numerical computations. Our results, which extend those of Kushner et al (1998) and Yavneh et al (2001), highlight the limitations of the so-called balanced models, widely used in geophysical fluid dynamics, which filter out Kelvin and inertia-gravity waves and hence predict the stability of the Couette flow. They are also relevant to the stability of Taylor-Couette flows and of astrophysical accretion discs.Comment: 6 figure

    Destabilizing Taylor-Couette flow with suction

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    We consider the effect of radial fluid injection and suction on Taylor-Couette flow. Injection at the outer cylinder and suction at the inner cylinder generally results in a linearly unstable steady spiralling flow, even for cylindrical shears that are linearly stable in the absence of a radial flux. We study nonlinear aspects of the unstable motions with the energy stability method. Our results, though specialized, may have implications for drag reduction by suction, accretion in astrophysical disks, and perhaps even in the flow in the earth's polar vortex.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    High-speed shear driven dynamos. Part 2. Numerical analysis

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    This paper aims to numerically verify the large Reynolds number asymptotic theory of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) flows proposed in the companion paper Deguchi (2019). To avoid any complexity associated with the chaotic nature of turbulence and flow geometry, nonlinear steady solutions of the viscous-resistive magneto-hydrodynamic equations in plane Couette flow have been utilised. Two classes of nonlinear MHD states, which convert kinematic energy to magnetic energy effectively, have been determined. The first class of nonlinear states can be obtained when a small spanwise uniform magnetic field is applied to the known hydrodynamic solution branch of the plane Couette flow. The nonlinear states are characterised by the hydrodynamic/magnetic roll-streak and the resonant layer at which strong vorticity and current sheets are observed. These flow features, and the induced strong streamwise magnetic field, are fully consistent with the vortex/Alfv\'en wave interaction theory proposed in Deguchi (2019). When the spanwise uniform magnetic field is switched off, the solutions become purely hydrodynamic. However, the second class of `self-sustained shear driven dynamos' at the zero-external magnetic field limit can be found by homotopy via the forced states subject to a spanwise uniform current field. The discovery of the dynamo states has motivated the corresponding large Reynolds number matched asymptotic analysis in Deguchi (2019). Here, the reduced equations derived by the asymptotic theory have been solved numerically. The asymptotic solution provides remarkably good predictions for the finite Reynolds number dynamo solutions

    Self-similar shear-thickening behavior in CTAB/NaSal surfactant solutions

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    The effect of salt concentration Cs on the critical shear rate required for the onset of shear thickening and apparent relaxation time of the shear-thickened phase, has been investigated systematically for dilute CTAB/NaSal solutions. Experimental data suggest a self-similar behavior of the critical shear rate and relaxation time as functions of Cs. Specifically, the former ~ Cs^(-6) whereas the latter ~ Cs^(6) such that an effective Weissenberg number for the onset of the shear thickened phase is only weakly dependent on Cs. A procedure has been developed to collapse the apparent shear viscosity versus shear rate data obtained for various values of Cs into a single master curve. The effect of Cs on the elastic modulus and mesh size of the shear-induced gel phase for different surfactant concentrations is discussed. Experiments performed using different flow cells (Couette and cone-and-plate) show that the critical shear rate, relaxation time and the maximum viscosity attained are geometry-independent. The elastic modulus of the gel phase inferred indirectly by employing simplified hydrodynamic instability analysis of a sheared gel-fluid interface is in qualitative agreement with that predicted for an entangled phase of living polymers. A qualitative mechanism that combines the effect of Cs on average micelle length and Debye parameter with shear-induced configurational changes of rod-like micelles is proposed to rationalize the self-similarity of SIS formation.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figure

    Molecular dynamics simulation: a tool for exploration and discovery using simple models

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    Emergent phenomena share the fascinating property of not being obvious consequences of the design of the system in which they appear. This characteristic is no less relevant when attempting to simulate such phenomena, given that the outcome is not always a foregone conclusion. The present survey focuses on several simple model systems that exhibit surprisingly rich emergent behavior, all studied by MD simulation. The examples are taken from the disparate fields of fluid dynamics, granular matter and supramolecular self-assembly. In studies of fluids modeled at the detailed microscopic level using discrete particles, the simulations demonstrate that complex hydrodynamic phenomena in rotating and convecting fluids, the Taylor-Couette and Rayleigh-B\'enard instabilities, can not only be observed within the limited length and time scales accessible to MD, but even quantitative agreement can be achieved. Simulation of highly counterintuitive segregation phenomena in granular mixtures, again using MD methods, but now augmented by forces producing damping and friction, leads to results that resemble experimentally observed axial and radial segregation in the case of a rotating cylinder, and to a novel form of horizontal segregation in a vertically vibrated layer. Finally, when modeling self-assembly processes analogous to the formation of the polyhedral shells that package spherical viruses, simulation of suitably shaped particles reveals the ability to produce complete, error-free assembly, and leads to the important general observation that reversible growth steps contribute to the high yield. While there are limitations to the MD approach, both computational and conceptual, the results offer a tantalizing hint of the kinds of phenomena that can be explored, and what might be discovered when sufficient resources are brought to bear on a problem.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figures (v2 - minor text addition

    Flow organization and heat transfer in turbulent wall sheared thermal convection

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    We perform direct numerical simulations of wall sheared Rayleigh-B\'enard (RB) convection for Rayleigh numbers up to Ra=108Ra=10^8, Prandtl number unity, and wall shear Reynolds numbers up to Rew=10000Re_w=10000. Using the Monin-Obukhov length LMOL_{MO} we identify three different flow states, a buoyancy dominated regime (LMO≲λθL_{MO} \lesssim \lambda_{\theta}; with λθ\lambda_{\theta} the thermal boundary layer thickness), a transitional regime (0.5H≳LMO≳λθ0.5H \gtrsim L_{MO} \gtrsim \lambda_{\theta}; with HH the height of the domain), and a shear dominated regime (LMO≳0.5HL_{MO} \gtrsim 0.5H). In the buoyancy dominated regime the flow dynamics are similar to that of turbulent thermal convection. The transitional regime is characterized by rolls that are increasingly elongated with increasing shear. The flow in the shear dominated regime consists of very large-scale meandering rolls, similar to the ones found in conventional Couette flow. As a consequence of these different flow regimes, for fixed RaRa and with increasing shear, the heat transfer first decreases, due to the breakup of the thermal rolls, and then increases at the beginning of the shear dominated regime. For LMO≳0.5HL_{MO} \gtrsim 0.5H the Nusselt number NuNu effectively scales as Nu∼RaαNu \sim Ra^{\alpha}, with α≪1/3\alpha \ll 1/3 while we find α≃0.31\alpha \simeq 0.31 in the buoyancy dominated regime. In the transitional regime the effective scaling exponent is α>1/3\alpha > 1/3, but the temperature and velocity profiles in this regime are not logarithmic yet, thus indicating transient dynamics and not the ultimate regime of thermal convection

    Mini-conference and related sessions on laboratory plasma astrophysics

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    This paper provides a summary of some major physics issues and future perspectives discussed in the Mini-Conference on Laboratory Plasma Astrophysics. This mini-conference, sponsored by the Topical Group on Plasma Astrophysics, was held as part of the American Physical Society’s Division of Plasma Physics 2003 Annual Meeting (October 27–31, 2003). Also included are brief summaries of selected talks on the same topic presented at two invited paper sessions (including a tutorial) and two contributed focus oral sessions, which were organized in coordination with the mini-conference by the same organizers. © 2004 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70409/2/PHPAEN-11-5-2976-1.pd
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