4 research outputs found

    Social-context based routing and security in delay tolerant networks

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    Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) were originally intended for interplanetary communications and have been applied to a series of difficult environments: wireless sensor networks, unmanned aerial vehicles, and short-range personal communications. There is a class of such environments in which nodes follow semi-predictable social patterns, such as wildlife tracking or personal devices. This work introduces a series of algorithms designed to identify the social patterns present in these environments and apply this data to difficult problems, such as efficient message routing and content distribution. Security is also difficult in a mobile environment. This is especially the case in the event that a large portion of the network is unreliable, or simply unknown. As the network size increases nodes have difficulty in securely distributing keys, especially using low powered nodes with limited keyspace. A series of multi-party security algorithms were designed to securely transmit a message in the event that the sender does not have access to the destinations public key. Messages are routed through a series of nodes, each of which partially decrypts the message. By encrypting for several proxies, the message can only be intercepted if all those nodes have been compromised. Even a highly compromised network has increased security using this algorithm, with a trade-off of reduced delivery ratio and increased delivery time -- Abstract, page iv

    Analysis of Community Behavior of Delay Tolerant Protocols

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    Abstract Delay tolerant networks constitute the category of Mobile Ad hoc Networks and are characterized by the ab-sence end-to-end path connectivity with limited data sources and power, where intermittent data communication is always a challenging task. To overcome this network partitioning, node mobility is exploited to increase message delivery in routing of these networks. Human mobility patterns have a great affect in increasing performance of routing protocol. In this paper, we have addressed, gathered and studied various routing protocols in DTNs that have used user mobility patterns for routing. These protocols use the constructive or destructive social characteristics for improving the performance in message forwarding. We have studied the impact of users social relationships on the protocols' performance

    Método adaptativo para protocolos de roteamento em redes tolerantes a atrasos e desconexões baseado em conhecimento de contexto

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Luiz Carlos P. AlbiniCoorientador : Prof. Dr. Eduardo J. SpinosaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 24/09/2015Inclui referências : f. 127-134Resumo: Redes Tolerantes a Atrasos e Desconexões (Delay and Disruption Tolerant Network - DTN) são redes caracterizadas pela mobilidade dos nós e entrega de mensagens sob elevadas taxas de desconexões e atrasos. Nos últimos anos, diversos protocolos de roteamento para DTN foram propostos. Em sua maioria, reagem de maneira otimizada dentro de um cenário de rede especificamente determinado para seu funcionamento. Contudo, a cada evolução de novas propostas fica evidente que, quando alteradas as características dos cenários, torna-se difícil manter o desempenho dos protocolos. Este comportamento evidencia que os protocolos de roteamento para DTN tem virtudes e fraquezas em relação a determinados contextos de rede. Na maioria das propostas de roteamento, quando os nós se encontram as decisões são tomadas de forma individual, baseadas no relacionamento do nó encontrado com o destino de uma mensagem, desconsiderando as restrições de um ambiente. As dificuldades para equilibrar decisões de roteamento aos limites e oscilações de contextos motivam a proposta desta tese. Um método de adaptação ciente do contexto instantâneo da rede, denominado CARPA (Context-Aware Routing Protocol Adaptation), é proposto para garantir desempenhos globais otimizados. O CARPA é um método dinâmico e instantâneo (on-the-fly) para adaptação a contextos que permite a seleção do protocolo mais otimizado a cada transferência de uma mensagem em DTN. O protocolo de roteamento é escolhido dentre os disponíveis nos nós em contato a cada salto da mensagem. As decisões são tomadas baseadas no contexto momentâneo, que envolve os requisitos da mensagem e as restrições da região visitada. O método CARPA é executado antes do processo de roteamento em cada nó DTN e não altera o algoritmo de roteamento. Para avaliar o contexto momentâneo, o CARPA utiliza informações da rede que o nó DTN tem disponível, das transmissões que realiza quando em contato com nós vizinhos de uma mesma região. O CARPA é comparado com os protocolos parametrizáveis para DTN Epidemic, PRoPHET e Spray and Wait. Os parâmetros utilizados para definir os contextos são? capacidade de armazenamento dos nós, densidade da rede, quantidade de contatos dos nós, velocidade dos nós e tempo de disponibilidade da rede para efetuar entregas. Porém, o método não se limita ao uso apenas dos protocolos e parâmetros usados nas simulações. Os resultados de simulações obtidos através do simulador The ONE mostram que a solução proposta é efetiva para melhorar o desempenho destes protocolos obtendo maiores taxas de entrega, menor atraso e menor sobrecarga. Na grande maioria das avaliações, verifica-se que o método supera os demais protocolos de roteamento para as mais variadas combinações de cenários quanto às métricas de atraso, sobrecarga, e taxa de entrega. Palavras-chave:Redes Tolerantes a Atrasos e Desconexões, Protocolo de Roteamento, Adaptação Dinâmica a Contextos, Parâmetros de Contexto.Abstract: Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) consists of mobile nodes with large delivery delays and frequent disruptions. In recent years, many routing protocols have been proposed for DTN. Most of them demonstrate the ability to achieve good performance metrics under scenarios for which they were developed. However, variations imposed on standard configurations of various routing protocols lead to significant oscillations in performance of metrics, like message delivery rates and delay. This behavior demonstrates that most of the routing protocols for DTN have strengths and weaknesses depending on the scenario used. Most of the decisions take into account the individual relationship between the encountered node and the destination of the message, disregarding the constraints of an environment. A trade-off between routing decisions and contexts oscillations is the main motivation for this thesis. Thus, a context-aware method decoupled from the protocol for adapting the routing process in DTNs is proposed, called CARPA (Context-Aware Routing Protocol Adaptation). CARPA is an on-the-fly method that runs on each node of the network, based on the node's own context information and on the routing protocols available at the possible next hops. Hence, the decision process does not overload the network. From this, the method responds with the most suitable routing protocol for each hop transmission. In order to explore the strengths of all protocols and reduce their weaknesses, every message can be forwarded from the source to the destination node through several different routing protocols, one for each hop if necessary, without any changes to DTN routing protocols. The proposed method is compared to the Epidemic, PRoPHET, and Spray and Wait protocols over several distinct network scenarios, implemented in the THE ONE simulator. The scenarios are composed of combined contexts from the network parameters, such as buffer capacity, network density, speed of the nodes, number of contacts, and period of time that the network is available to deliver the messages. In most of the evaluations, CARPA outperforms the routing protocols simulated on delivery, delay, and overhead, when the network has more than one context. The more different contexts the network has, the better CARPA performs. Keywords: Delay Tolerant Network, Routing Protocol, Context Awareness, Context Parameter