4 research outputs found

    Linear Time-Varying MPC for Nonprehensile Object Manipulation with a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot

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    This paper proposes a technique to manipulate an object with a nonholonomic mobile robot by pushing, which is a nonprehensile manipulation motion primitive. Such a primitive involves unilateral constraints associated with the friction between the robot and the manipulated object. Violating this constraint produces the slippage of the object during the manipulation, preventing the correct achievement of the task. A linear time-varying model predictive control is designed to include the unilateral constraint within the control action properly. The approach is verified in a dynamic simulation environment through a Pioneer 3-DX wheeled robot executing the pushing manipulation of a package

    Optimal Trajectory Planning of a Box Transporter Mobile Robot

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    This paper aims to discuss the requirements of safe and smooth trajectory planning of transporter mobile robots to perform non-prehensile object manipulation task. In non-prehensile approach, the robot and the object must keep their grasp-less contact during manipulation task. To this end, dynamic grasp concept is employed for a box manipulation task and corresponding conditions are obtained and are represented as a bound on robot acceleration. A trajectory optimization problem is defined for general motion where dynamic grasp conditions are regarded as constraint on acceleration. The optimal trajectory planning for linear, circular and curve motions are discussed. Optimization problems for linear and circular trajectories were analytically solved by previous studies and here we focused with curve trajectory where Genetic Algorithm is employed as a solver tool. Motion simulations showed that the resulted trajectories satisfy the acceleration constraint as well as velocity boundary condition that is needed to accomplish non-prehensile box manipulation task

    Dynamic Pushing Strategies for Dynamically Stable Mobile Manipulators

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    © 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents three effective manipulation strategies for wheeled, dynamically balancing robots with articulated links. By comparing these strategies through analysis, simulation and robot experiments, we show that contact placement and body posture have a significant impact on the robot's ability to accelerate and displace environment objects. Given object geometry and friction parameters we determine the most effective methods for utilizing wheel torque to perform non-prehensile manipulation