107 research outputs found

    Self-Learning Hot Data Prediction: Where Echo State Network Meets NAND Flash Memories

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Well understanding the access behavior of hot data is significant for NAND flash memory due to its crucial impact on the efficiency of garbage collection (GC) and wear leveling (WL), which respectively dominate the performance and life span of SSD. Generally, both GC and WL rely greatly on the recognition accuracy of hot data identification (HDI). However, in this paper, the first time we propose a novel concept of hot data prediction (HDP), where the conventional HDI becomes unnecessary. First, we develop a hybrid optimized echo state network (HOESN), where sufficiently unbiased and continuously shrunk output weights are learnt by a sparse regression based on L2 and L1/2 regularization. Second, quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) is employed to compute reservoir parameters (i.e., global scaling factor, reservoir size, scaling coefficient and sparsity degree) for further improving prediction accuracy and reliability. Third, in the test on a chaotic benchmark (Rossler), the HOESN performs better than those of six recent state-of-the-art methods. Finally, simulation results about six typical metrics tested on five real disk workloads and on-chip experiment outcomes verified from an actual SSD prototype indicate that our HOESN-based HDP can reliably promote the access performance and endurance of NAND flash memories.Peer reviewe

    On the use of NAND flash memory in high-performance relational databases

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 47-49).High-density NAND flash storage has become relatively inexpensive due to the popularity of various consumer electronics. Recently, several manufacturers have released IDE-compatible NAND flash-based drives in sizes up to 64 GB at reasonable (sub-$1000) prices. Because flash is significantly more durable than mechanical hard drives and requires considerably less energy, there is some speculation that large data centers will adopt these devices. As database workloads make up a substantial fraction of the processing done by data centers, it is interesting to ask how switching to flash-based storage will affect the performance of database systems. We evaluate this question using IDE-based flash drives from two major manufacturers. We measure their read and write performance and find that flash has excellent random read performance, acceptable sequential read performance, and quite poor write performance compared to conventional IDE disks. We then consider how standard database algorithms are affected by these performance characteristics and find that the fast random read capability dramatically improves the performance of secondary indexes and index-based join algorithms. We next investigate using logstructured filesystems to mitigate the poor write performance of flash and find an 8.2x improvement in random write performance, but at the cost of a 3.7x decrease in random read performance. Finally, we study techniques for exploiting the inherent parallelism of multiple-chip flash devices, and we find that adaptive coding strategies can yield a 2x performance improvement over static ones. We conclude that in many cases flash disk performance is still worse than on traditional drives and that current flash technology may not yet be mature enough for widespread database adoption if performance is a dominant factor. Finally, we briefly speculate how this landscape may change based on expected performance of next-generation flash memories.by Daniel Myers.S.M

    Towards Design and Analysis For High-Performance and Reliable SSDs

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    NAND Flash-based Solid State Disks have many attractive technical merits, such as low power consumption, light weight, shock resistance, sustainability of hotter operation regimes, and extraordinarily high performance for random read access, which makes SSDs immensely popular and be widely employed in different types of environments including portable devices, personal computers, large data centers, and distributed data systems. However, current SSDs still suffer from several critical inherent limitations, such as the inability of in-place-update, asymmetric read and write performance, slow garbage collection processes, limited endurance, and degraded write performance with the adoption of MLC and TLC techniques. To alleviate these limitations, we propose optimizations from both specific outside applications layer and SSDs\u27 internal layer. Since SSDs are good compromise between the performance and price, so SSDs are widely deployed as second layer caches sitting between DRAMs and hard disks to boost the system performance. Due to the special properties of SSDs such as the internal garbage collection processes and limited lifetime, traditional cache devices like DRAM and SRAM based optimizations might not work consistently for SSD-based cache. Therefore, for the outside applications layer, our work focus on integrating the special properties of SSDs into the optimizations of SSD caches. Moreover, our work also involves the alleviation of the increased Flash write latency and ECC complexity due to the adoption of MLC and TLC technologies by analyzing the real work workloads

    A Survey on the Integration of NAND Flash Storage in the Design of File Systems and the Host Storage Software Stack

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    With the ever-increasing amount of data generate in the world, estimated to reach over 200 Zettabytes by 2025, pressure on efficient data storage systems is intensifying. The shift from HDD to flash-based SSD provides one of the most fundamental shifts in storage technology, increasing performance capabilities significantly. However, flash storage comes with different characteristics than prior HDD storage technology. Therefore, storage software was unsuitable for leveraging the capabilities of flash storage. As a result, a plethora of storage applications have been design to better integrate with flash storage and align with flash characteristics. In this literature study we evaluate the effect the introduction of flash storage has had on the design of file systems, which providing one of the most essential mechanisms for managing persistent storage. We analyze the mechanisms for effectively managing flash storage, managing overheads of introduced design requirements, and leverage the capabilities of flash storage. Numerous methods have been adopted in file systems, however prominently revolve around similar design decisions, adhering to the flash hardware constrains, and limiting software intervention. Future design of storage software remains prominent with the constant growth in flash-based storage devices and interfaces, providing an increasing possibility to enhance flash integration in the host storage software stack

    A Survey on the Integration of NAND Flash Storage in the Design of File Systems and the Host Storage Software Stack

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    With the ever-increasing amount of data generate in the world, estimated to reach over 200 Zettabytes by 2025, pressure on efficient data storage systems is intensifying. The shift from HDD to flash-based SSD provides one of the most fundamental shifts in storage technology, increasing performance capabilities significantly. However, flash storage comes with different characteristics than prior HDD storage technology. Therefore, storage software was unsuitable for leveraging the capabilities of flash storage. As a result, a plethora of storage applications have been design to better integrate with flash storage and align with flash characteristics. In this literature study we evaluate the effect the introduction of flash storage has had on the design of file systems, which providing one of the most essential mechanisms for managing persistent storage. We analyze the mechanisms for effectively managing flash storage, managing overheads of introduced design requirements, and leverage the capabilities of flash storage. Numerous methods have been adopted in file systems, however prominently revolve around similar design decisions, adhering to the flash hardware constrains, and limiting software intervention. Future design of storage software remains prominent with the constant growth in flash-based storage devices and interfaces, providing an increasing possibility to enhance flash integration in the host storage software stack

    Letter from the Special Issue Editor

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    Editorial work for DEBULL on a special issue on data management on Storage Class Memory (SCM) technologies

    Ensuring data confidentiality via plausibly deniable encryption and secure deletion – a survey

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    Ensuring confidentiality of sensitive data is of paramount importance, since data leakage may not only endanger dataowners’ privacy, but also ruin reputation of businesses as well as violate various regulations like HIPPA andSarbanes-Oxley Act. To provide confidentiality guarantee, the data should be protected when they are preserved inthe personal computing devices (i.e.,confidentiality duringtheirlifetime); and also, they should be rendered irrecoverableafter they are removed from the devices (i.e.,confidentiality after their lifetime). Encryption and secure deletion are usedto ensure data confidentiality during and after their lifetime, respectively.This work aims to perform a thorough literature review on the techniques being used to protect confidentiality of thedata in personal computing devices, including both encryption and secure deletion. Especially for encryption, wemainly focus on the novel plausibly deniable encryption (PDE), which can ensure data confidentiality against both acoercive (i.e., the attacker can coerce the data owner for the decryption key) and a non-coercive attacker


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    Building data-intensive applications and emerging computing paradigm (e.g., Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) in cloud computing environments is becoming a norm, given the many advantages in scalability, reliability, security and performance. However, under rapid changes in applications, system middleware and underlying storage device, service providers are facing new challenges to deliver performance and security isolation in the context of shared resources among multiple tenants. The gap between the decades-old storage abstraction and modern storage device keeps widening, calling for software/hardware co-designs to approach more effective performance and security protocols. This dissertation rethinks the storage subsystem from device-level to system-level and proposes new designs at different levels to tackle performance and security issues for cloud storage systems. In the first part, we present an event-based SSD (Solid State Drive) simulator that models modern protocols, firmware and storage backend in detail. The proposed simulator can capture the nuances of SSD internal states under various I/O workloads, which help researchers understand the impact of various SSD designs and workload characteristics on end-to-end performance. In the second part, we study the security challenges of shared in-storage computing infrastructures. Many cloud providers offer isolation at multiple levels to secure data and instance, however, security measures in emerging in-storage computing infrastructures are not studied. We first investigate the attacks that could be conducted by offloaded in-storage programs in a multi-tenancy cloud environment. To defend against these attacks, we build a lightweight Trusted Execution Environment, IceClave to enable security isolation between in-storage programs and internal flash management functions. We show that while enforcing security isolation in the SSD controller with minimal hardware cost, IceClave still keeps the performance benefit of in-storage computing by delivering up to 2.4x better performance than the conventional host-based trusted computing approach. In the third part, we investigate the performance interference problem caused by other tenants' I/O flows. We demonstrate that I/O resource sharing can often lead to performance degradation and instability. The block device abstraction fails to expose SSD parallelism and pass application requirements. To this end, we propose a software/hardware co-design to enforce performance isolation by bridging the semantic gap. Our design can significantly improve QoS (Quality of Service) by reducing throughput penalties and tail latency spikes. Lastly, we explore more effective I/O control to address contention in the storage software stack. We illustrate that the state-of-the-art resource control mechanism, Linux cgroups is insufficient for controlling I/O resources. Inappropriate cgroup configurations may even hurt the performance of co-located workloads under memory intensive scenarios. We add kernel support for limiting page cache usage per cgroup and achieving I/O proportionality

    Exploiting solid state drive parallelism for real-time flash storage

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    The increased volume of sensor data generated by emerging applications in areas such as autonomous vehicles requires new technologies for storage and retrieval. NAND flash memory has desirable characteristics for real-time information storage and retrieval, such as non-volatility, shock resistance, low power consumption and fast access time. However, NAND flash memory management suffers high tail latency during storage space reclamation. This is unacceptable in a real-time system, where missed deadlines can have potentially catastrophic consequences. Current methods to ensure timing guarantees in flash storage do not explicitly exploit the internal parallelism in Solid State Drives (SSDs). Modern SSDs are able to support massive amounts of parallelism, as evidenced by the shift from the Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI) to the Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface (NVMe), a multi-queue interface. This thesis focuses on providing predictable, low-latency guarantees for read and write requests in NAND flash memory by exploiting the internal parallelism in SSDs. The first part of the thesis presents a partitioned flash design that dynamically assigns each parallel flash unit to perform either reads or writes. To access data from a flash unit that is busy servicing a write request or performing garbage collection, the device rebuilds the data using encoding. Consequently, reads are never blocked by writes or storage space reclamation. In this design, however, low read latency is achieved at the expense of write throughput. The second part of the thesis explores how to predictably improve performance by minimizing the garbage collection cost in flash storage. The root cause of this extra cost is due to the SSD’s inability to accurately determine data lifetime and group together data that expires before space needs to be reclaimed. This is exacerbated by the narrow block I/O interface, which prevents optimizations from either the device or the application above. By sharing application-specific knowledge of data lifetime with the device, the SSD is able to efficiently lay out data such that garbage collection cost is minimized
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