12 research outputs found

    Результаты исследования тензорной модели многопутевой маршрутизации с обеспечением качества обслуживания в телекоммуникационных сетях

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    Tensor approach, which is used in the article for the mathematical description of telecommunication systems, allowed us to formulate analytically conditions for ensuring the quality of service at the same time on two factors: the required transmission rate of traffic and the end-to-end delay. The model described is designed to solve routing problems, but can be adapted for other tasks traffic management and design of communication systems. The proposed solution is invariant with respect to the analyzed network structures, service disciplines, and traffic patterns. All these features affect only the dimension and content of metric tensor and the coordinate transformation matrices.The main object of the study were selected tasks multipath routing. In this regard, the article made modeling and comparative analysis of the proposed and previously known solutions for key indicators of quality of service. The results of numerical analysis demonstrated the advantages of the tensor approach to the modeling of routing problems, which manifested itself in improving the multipath end-to-end delay, the probability of timely delivery of packets and jitter.Тензорный подход, который использован в статье для математического описания телекоммуникационных сетей (ТКС), позволил сформулировать в аналитическом виде условия обеспечения качества обслуживания одновременно по двум показателям: требуемой скорости передачи трафика и допустимой межконцевой задержке. Описанная модель предназначена для решения задач маршрутизации, но может быть адаптирована и под ряд других задач управления трафиком и проектирования ТКС. Предлагаемое решение является инвариантным относительно анализируемых сетевых структур, дисциплин обслуживания и моделей трафика. Все перечисленные особенности сказываются лишь на размерности и содержании метрических тензоров и матриц координатного преобразования.Основным объектом исследования были выбраны задачи многопутевой маршрутизации. В этой связи, произведено моделирование и сравнительный анализ предлагаемого из ранее известных решений по ключевым показателям качества обслуживания. Результаты численного анализа продемонстрировали преимущества тензорного подхода к моделированию маршрутных задач, что проявлялось в улучшении межконцевой многопутевой задержки, вероятности своевременной доставки пакетов и джиттера

    Optimizing the Dynamic Distribution of Data-stream for High Speed Communications

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    The performances of high-speed network communications frequently rest with the distribution of data-stream. In this paper, a dynamic data-stream balancing architecture based on link information is introduced and discussed firstly. Then the algorithms for simultaneously acquiring the passing nodes and links of a path between any two source-destination nodes rapidly, as well as a dynamic data-stream distribution planning are proposed. Some related topics such as data fragment disposal, fair service, etc. are further studied and discussed. Besides, the performance and efficiency of proposed algorithms, especially for fair service and convergence, are evaluated through a demonstration with regard to the rate of bandwidth utilization. Hoping the discussion presented here can be helpful to application developers in selecting an effective strategy for planning the distribution of data-stream.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA


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    A flowmodel for traffic management in the telecommunications network (TCN) is proposed. This model ensures consistent solution of the following network problems: multipath routing; traffic policing; dynamic allocation of links bandwidth between threads of users. Within the obtained solutions the required values of the key indicators of quality of service such as packet rate, average delay and packet loss probability are provided. Similar nature of solutions was possible to implement using an updated version of the conservation of flow conditions on the routers in the network and TCNas a whole, thereby expanding the range of solvable tasks on the traffic profiling processes. This ultimately led to modification of the conditions for ensuring the quality of service that were obtained using the apparatus of the network tensor analyzing. The results obtained are adapted to service of SMTP / TCP, IP, FTP, TCP, HTTP flows. The efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated by a numerical example. In general, the use of solutions proposed in the article makes it possible to reduce failures in service on the average from 60 to 80% and to reduce the allowable value of multipath delay of packets without loss of intensity of the input stream to 15-35%. In terms of practical implementation of the developed model it is worth noting that the highest efficiency of its implementation is provided in the multiflowtraffic conditions of different service classes with differentiated QoS-requirements for a variety of parameters: packet rate, average delay and packet loss probabilit


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    A flowmodel for traffic management in the telecommunications network (TCN) is proposed. This model ensures consistent solution of the following network problems: multipath routing; traffic policing; dynamic allocation of links bandwidth between threads of users. Within the obtained solutions the required values of the key indicators of quality of service such as packet rate, average delay and packet loss probability are provided. Similar nature of solutions was possible to implement using an updated version of the conservation of flow conditions on the routers in the network and TCNas a whole, thereby expanding the range of solvable tasks on the traffic profiling processes. This ultimately led to modification of the conditions for ensuring the quality of service that were obtained using the apparatus of the network tensor analyzing. The results obtained are adapted to service of SMTP / TCP, IP, FTP, TCP, HTTP flows. The efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated by a numerical example. In general, the use of solutions proposed in the article makes it possible to reduce failures in service on the average from 60 to 80% and to reduce the allowable value of multipath delay of packets without loss of intensity of the input stream to 15-35%. In terms of practical implementation of the developed model it is worth noting that the highest efficiency of its implementation is provided in the multiflowtraffic conditions of different service classes with differentiated QoS-requirements for a variety of parameters: packet rate, average delay and packet loss probabilit

    Разработка потоковой модели маршрутизации в многоканальных многоинтерфейсных mesh-сетях стандарта ieee 802.11, представленных в виде графа Кенига

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    Предложен подход к использованию графов Кенига при моделировании многоканальных многоинтерфейсных mesh-сетей стандарта IEEE 802.11. Это, в свою очередь, позволило более полно и детально описать возможные конфигурации как всей mesh-сети в целом, так и отдельных ее элементов, представленных в виде разнородных вершин графа Кенига. Предложенный математический аппарат должным образом может быть использован при решении задачи маршрутизации.An approach to the use of graphs König for modeling multichannel multiradio mesh-networking standard IEEE 802.11. This, in turn, allowed for a fuller and describe in detail all the possible configurations of mesh- network as a whole and its individual elements are represented as vertices of dissimilar König. The proposed mathematical apparatus properly can be used to solve the routing problem. Based on the representation planar König’s of multichannel multiradio mesh-network in the routing problem is solved, which is to identify those collision domains through which traffic is to be transmitted from the sender to the recipient, and so that end-to-end performance requirements have been satisfied. As a mathematical model was proposed routing flow model of produc-ing records of structural and functional features of multichannel multiradio mesh-networks – the results of solving the problem of the distribution of frequency channels, bandwidth collision domains, traffic characteristics, order service packs on the mesh-station (wireless router) network etc. Under the proposed model uses an optimality criterion, aiming to minimize the performance multi-channel multiradio mesh-network, i.e. intensity of the total network traffic catered with its priorities


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    An approach to the use of graphs König for modeling multichannel multiradio mesh-networking standard IEEE 802.11. This, in turn, allowed for a fuller and describe in detail all the possible configurations of mesh- network as a whole and its individual elements are represented as vertices of dissimilar König. The proposed mathematical apparatus properly can be used to solve the routing problem. Based on the representation planar König’s of multichannel multiradio mesh-network in the routing problem is solved, which is to identify those collision domains through which traffic is to be transmitted from the sender to the recipient, and so that end-to-end performance requirements have been satisfied. As a mathematical model was proposed routing flow model of producing records of structural and functional features of multichannel multiradio mesh-networks – the results of solving the problem of the distribution of frequency channels, bandwidth collision domains, traffic characteristics, order service packs on the mesh-station (wireless router) network etc. Under the proposed model uses an optimality criterion, aiming to minimize the performance multichannel multiradio mesh-network, i.e. intensity of the total network traffic catered with its priorities


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    An approach to the use of hypergraphs and graphs Koenig for modeling multilchannel multiradio mesh-networking standard IEEE 802.11. This, in turn, allowed for a fuller and describe in detail all the possible configurations of mesh-network as a whole and its individual elements in solving the problem of distribution of non-overlapping frequency channels in the form of a hypergraph as well as dissimilar vertices of Koenig in solving the problem of routing. Based on hypergraph and flat koenigs representation of multi- multilchannel multiradio mesh-network in the work performed consistent solution of problems of distribution of non-overlapping frequency channels and stream routing.The solution of the problem of distribution of non-overlapping frequency channels is to break mesh- network connected collision domains and routing problem in the identification of collision domains through which traffic is to be transmitted from the sender to the recipient, and so that end-to-end performance requirements have been satisfied.Also in the paper analyzed the proposed coherent and coordinated problem solving distribution of non-overlapping frequency channels and stream routing. The analysis determined that an agreed solution of these problems using the proposed model allows more than 75% increase in the intensity of the flow entering service in multilchannel multiradio mesh- networ


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    An approach to the use of hypergraphs and graphs Koenig for modeling multilchannel multiradio mesh-networking standard IEEE 802.11. This, in turn, allowed for a fuller and describe in detail all the possible configurations of mesh-network as a whole and its individual elements in solving the problem of distribution of non-overlapping frequency channels in the form of a hypergraph as well as dissimilar vertices of Koenig in solving the problem of routing. Based on hypergraph and flat koenigs representation of multi- multilchannel multiradio mesh-network in the work performed consistent solution of problems of distribution of non-overlapping frequency channels and stream routing.The solution of the problem of distribution of non-overlapping frequency channels is to break mesh- network connected collision domains and routing problem in the identification of collision domains through which traffic is to be transmitted from the sender to the recipient, and so that end-to-end performance requirements have been satisfied.Also in the paper analyzed the proposed coherent and coordinated problem solving distribution of non-overlapping frequency channels and stream routing. The analysis determined that an agreed solution of these problems using the proposed model allows more than 75% increase in the intensity of the flow entering service in multilchannel multiradio mesh- networ

    Обзор технологических и теоретических решений в области маршрутизации на основе качества обслуживания

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    Проведен обзор решений задач маршру-тизации на основе качества обслуживания, включаю-щий как протокольные варианты, так и теоретиче-ские решения, которые еще не получили технологиче-ской реализации. Обзор охватывает комбинаторные методы маршрутизации, а также потоковые модели и методы формализации и решения маршрутных задач.Under rising requirements for telecommunication network role of routing increases, because routing is an ef-fective tool to ensure the specified end-to end quality of service (QoS). Nowadays the routing is transformed into QoS-based rout-ing which focuses on the searching one or more paths for delivering packets where all described in the SLA requirements for quali-ty of service must be satisfied. A set of technological and theoretical solutions is developed for solving QoS-based routing problem. About it several concepts deserves attention among which source routing, precomputed routing, route server concept. From theo-retical point of view QoS-based routing problem can be solved by using graph theory approach or flow-based mathematical model of network. The graph theory approach is based on structure only and doesn’t take into account flow properties of transmitted traffic. As a result it doesn’t allow allocating network resources between different traffics and concordance between routing, accesses, queuing, and reservation. As a rule a flow-based approach solves QoS-based routing problem as mathematical programming prob-lem with QoS-constrains. For example, it can be tensor constrains. The article contains possible lines of development of QoS-based routing that include conversion to dynamical metrics and dynamical models with QoS-constrains, not only load balancing but quality balancing, concordance between routing and another traffic control tasks

    Обзор технологических и теоретических решений в области маршрутизации на основе качества обслуживания

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    Проведен обзор решений задач маршру-тизации на основе качества обслуживания, включаю-щий как протокольные варианты, так и теоретиче-ские решения, которые еще не получили технологиче-ской реализации. Обзор охватывает комбинаторные методы маршрутизации, а также потоковые модели и методы формализации и решения маршрутных задач.Under rising requirements for telecommunication network role of routing increases, because routing is an ef-fective tool to ensure the specified end-to end quality of service (QoS). Nowadays the routing is transformed into QoS-based rout-ing which focuses on the searching one or more paths for delivering packets where all described in the SLA requirements for quali-ty of service must be satisfied. A set of technological and theoretical solutions is developed for solving QoS-based routing problem. About it several concepts deserves attention among which source routing, precomputed routing, route server concept. From theo-retical point of view QoS-based routing problem can be solved by using graph theory approach or flow-based mathematical model of network. The graph theory approach is based on structure only and doesn’t take into account flow properties of transmitted traffic. As a result it doesn’t allow allocating network resources between different traffics and concordance between routing, accesses, queuing, and reservation. As a rule a flow-based approach solves QoS-based routing problem as mathematical programming prob-lem with QoS-constrains. For example, it can be tensor constrains. The article contains possible lines of development of QoS-based routing that include conversion to dynamical metrics and dynamical models with QoS-constrains, not only load balancing but quality balancing, concordance between routing and another traffic control tasks