2,332 research outputs found

    A Vision and Framework for the High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) Networks of the Future

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    A High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) is a network node that operates in the stratosphere at an of altitude around 20 km and is instrumental for providing communication services. Precipitated by technological innovations in the areas of autonomous avionics, array antennas, solar panel efficiency levels, and battery energy densities, and fueled by flourishing industry ecosystems, the HAPS has emerged as an indispensable component of next-generations of wireless networks. In this article, we provide a vision and framework for the HAPS networks of the future supported by a comprehensive and state-of-the-art literature review. We highlight the unrealized potential of HAPS systems and elaborate on their unique ability to serve metropolitan areas. The latest advancements and promising technologies in the HAPS energy and payload systems are discussed. The integration of the emerging Reconfigurable Smart Surface (RSS) technology in the communications payload of HAPS systems for providing a cost-effective deployment is proposed. A detailed overview of the radio resource management in HAPS systems is presented along with synergistic physical layer techniques, including Faster-Than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling. Numerous aspects of handoff management in HAPS systems are described. The notable contributions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HAPS, including machine learning in the design, topology management, handoff, and resource allocation aspects are emphasized. The extensive overview of the literature we provide is crucial for substantiating our vision that depicts the expected deployment opportunities and challenges in the next 10 years (next-generation networks), as well as in the subsequent 10 years (next-next-generation networks).Comment: To appear in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    Quantum Machine Learning for 6G Communication Networks: State-of-the-Art and Vision for the Future

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    The upcoming 5th Generation (5G) of wireless networks is expected to lay a foundation of intelligent networks with the provision of some isolated Artificial Intelligence (AI) operations. However, fully-intelligent network orchestration and management for providing innovative services will only be realized in Beyond 5G (B5G) networks. To this end, we envisage that the 6th Generation (6G) of wireless networks will be driven by on-demand self-reconfiguration to ensure a many-fold increase in the network performanceandservicetypes.Theincreasinglystringentperformancerequirementsofemergingnetworks may finally trigger the deployment of some interesting new technologies such as large intelligent surfaces, electromagnetic-orbital angular momentum, visible light communications and cell-free communications – tonameafew.Ourvisionfor6Gis–amassivelyconnectedcomplexnetworkcapableofrapidlyresponding to the users’ service calls through real-time learning of the network state as described by the network-edge (e.g., base-station locations, cache contents, etc.), air interface (e.g., radio spectrum, propagation channel, etc.), and the user-side (e.g., battery-life, locations, etc.). The multi-state, multi-dimensional nature of the network state, requiring real-time knowledge, can be viewed as a quantum uncertainty problem. In this regard, the emerging paradigms of Machine Learning (ML), Quantum Computing (QC), and Quantum ML (QML) and their synergies with communication networks can be considered as core 6G enablers. Considering these potentials, starting with the 5G target services and enabling technologies, we provide a comprehensivereviewoftherelatedstate-of-the-artinthedomainsofML(includingdeeplearning),QCand QML, and identify their potential benefits, issues and use cases for their applications in the B5G networks. Subsequently,weproposeanovelQC-assistedandQML-basedframeworkfor6Gcommunicationnetworks whilearticulatingitschallengesandpotentialenablingtechnologiesatthenetwork-infrastructure,networkedge, air interface and user-end. Finally, some promising future research directions for the quantum- and QML-assisted B5G networks are identified and discussed

    Deep Learning in Mobile and Wireless Networking: A Survey

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    The rapid uptake of mobile devices and the rising popularity of mobile applications and services pose unprecedented demands on mobile and wireless networking infrastructure. Upcoming 5G systems are evolving to support exploding mobile traffic volumes, agile management of network resource to maximize user experience, and extraction of fine-grained real-time analytics. Fulfilling these tasks is challenging, as mobile environments are increasingly complex, heterogeneous, and evolving. One potential solution is to resort to advanced machine learning techniques to help managing the rise in data volumes and algorithm-driven applications. The recent success of deep learning underpins new and powerful tools that tackle problems in this space. In this paper we bridge the gap between deep learning and mobile and wireless networking research, by presenting a comprehensive survey of the crossovers between the two areas. We first briefly introduce essential background and state-of-the-art in deep learning techniques with potential applications to networking. We then discuss several techniques and platforms that facilitate the efficient deployment of deep learning onto mobile systems. Subsequently, we provide an encyclopedic review of mobile and wireless networking research based on deep learning, which we categorize by different domains. Drawing from our experience, we discuss how to tailor deep learning to mobile environments. We complete this survey by pinpointing current challenges and open future directions for research