5 research outputs found

    Introduction to the Meta’16 Workshop Special Issue

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    Transformation-based Refactorings: a First Analysis

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    International audienceRefactorings are behavior preserving transformations. Little work exists on the analysis of their implementation and in particular how refactorings could be composed from smaller, reusable, parts (being simple transformations or other refactorings) and how (non behavior preserving) transformations could be used in isolation or to compose new refactoring operators. In this article we study the seminal implementation and evolution of Refactorings as proposed in the PhD of D. Roberts. Such an implementation is available as the Refactoring Browser package in Pharo. In particular we focus on the possibilities to reuse transformations independently from the behavior preserving aspect of a refactoring. The long term question we want to answer is: Is it possible to have more atomic transformations and refactorings composed out of such transformations? We study preconditions of existing refactorings and identify several families. We identify missed opportunities of reuse in the case of implicit composite refactorings. We analyze the refactorings that are explicitly composed out of other refactorings to understand whether the composition could be expressed at another level of abstraction. This analysis should be the basis for a more systematic expression of composable refactorings as well as the reuse of logic between transformations and refactorings

    Preserving Instance State during Refactorings in Live Environments

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    International audienceAn important activity of software evolution consists in applying refactorings to enhance the quality of the code without changing its behaviour. Having a proper refactoring tool is a must-to in any professional development environment. In addition, live programming allows faster development than the usual edit-compile-debug process. During live programming sessions, the developer can directly manipulate instances and modify the state of the running program. However, when a complex refactoring is performed, instances may be corrupted (i.e., their state is lost). For example, when pushing an instance variable to a superclass there is a moment where the superclass does not have yet acquired the new instance variable and the subclass does not have it any more. It means that the value assigned to this instance variable in existing instances is lost after the refactoring. This problem is not anecdotal since 36% of the refactorings described in Fowler's catalogue corrupt instances when used in a live programming context. There is a need to manually migrate, regenerate or reload instances from persistent sources. This manual fix lowers the usefulness of live programming. In this context of live programming, we propose, AtomicRefactoring, a new solution based on Dynamic Software Update to preserve the state of the application after performing refactorings. We provide a working extension to the existing refactoring tool developed for the language Pharo (a new offspring inheriting from Smalltalk), allowing application developers to perform complex refactorings preserving the live state of the running program

    Sub-method, partial behavioral reflection with Reflectivity: Looking back on 10 years of use

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    Context. Refining or altering existing behavior is the daily work of every developer, but that cannot be always anticipated, and software sometimes cannot be stopped. In such cases, unanticipated adaptation of running systems is of interest for many scenarios, ranging from functional upgrades to on-the-fly debugging or monitoring of critical applications. Inquiry. A way of altering software at run time is using behavioral reflection, which is particularly well-suited for unanticipated adaptation of real-world systems. Partial behavioral reflection is not a new idea, and for years many efforts have been made to propose a practical way of expressing it. All these efforts resulted in practical solutions, but which introduced a semantic gap between the code that requires adaptation and the expression of the partial behavior. For example, in Aspect-Oriented Programming, a pointcut description is expressed in another language, which introduces a new distance between the behavior expression (the Advice) and the source code in itself. Approach. Ten years ago, the idea of closing the gap between the code and the expression of the partial behavior led to the implementation of the Reflectivity framework. Using Reflectivity, developers annotate Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) nodes with meta-behavior which is taken into account by the compiler to produce behavioral variations. In this paper, we present Reflectivity, its API, its implementation and its usage in Pharo. We reflect on ten years of use of Reflectivity, and show how it has been used as a basic building block of many innovative ideas. Knowledge. Reflectivity brings a practical way of working at the AST level, which is a high-level representation of the source code manipulated by software developers. It enables a powerful way of dynamically add and modify behavior. Reflectivity is also a flexible mean to bridge the gap between the expression of the meta-behavior and the source code. This ability to apply unanticipated adaptation and to provide behavioral reflection led to many experiments and projects during this last decade by external users. Existing work use Reflectivity to implement reflective libraries or languages extensions, featherweight code instrumentation, dynamic software update, debugging tools and visualization and software analysis tools. Grounding. Reflectivity is actively used in research projects. During the past ten years, it served as a support, either for implementation or as a fundamental base, for many research work including PhD theses, conference, journal and workshop papers. Reflectivity is now an important library of the Pharo language, and is integrated at the heart of the platform. Importance. Reflectivity exposes powerful abstractions to deal with partial behavioral adaptation, while providing a mature framework for unanticipated, non-intrusive and partial behavioral reflection based on AST annotation. Furthermore, even if Reflectivity found its home inside Pharo, it is not a pure Smalltalk-oriented solution. As validation over the practical use of Reflectivity in dynamic object-oriented languages, the API has been ported to Python. Finally, the AST annotation feature of Reflectivity opens new experimentation opportunities about the control that developers could gain on the behavior of their own software

    Dynamic Software Update from Development to Production

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    International audienceDynamic Software Update (DSU) solutions update applications while they are executing. These solutions are typically used in production to minimize application downtime, or in integrated development environments to provide live programming support. Each of these scenarios presents different challenges, forcing existing solutions to be designed with only one of these use cases in mind. For example, DSUs for live programming typically do not implement safe point detection or instance migration, while production DSUs require manual generation of patches and lack IDE integration. Also, these solutions have limited ability to update themselves or the language core libraries, and some of them present execution penalties outside the update window. We propose a DSU (gDSU) that works for both live programming and production environments. Our solution implements safe update point detection using call stack manipulation and a reusable instance migration mechanism to minimize manual intervention in patch generation. Moreover, it also offers updates of core language libraries and the update mechanism itself. This is achieved by the incremental copy of the modified objects and an atomic commit operation. We show that our solution does not affect the global performance of the application and it presents only a run-time penalty during the update window. Our solution is able to apply an update impacting 100,000 instances in 1 second. In this 1 second, only during 250 milliseconds the application is not responsive. The rest of the time the application runs normally while gDSU is looking for the safe update point. The update only requires to copy the elements that are modified