179,684 research outputs found

    Engineering Object-Oriented Semantics Using Graph Transformations

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    In this paper we describe the application of the theory of graph transformations to the practise of language design. We have defined the semantics of a small but realistic object-oriented language (called TAAL) by mapping the language constructs to graphs and their operational semantics to graph transformation rules. In the process we establish a mapping between UML models and graphs. TAAL was developed for the purpose of this paper, as an extensive case study in engineering object-oriented language semantics using graph transformation. It incorporates the basic aspects of many commonly used object-oriented programming languages: apart from essential imperative programming constructs, it includes inheritance, object creation and method overriding. The language specification is based on a number of meta-models written in UML. Both the static and dynamic semantics are defined using graph rewriting rules. In the course of the case study, we have built an Eclipse plug-in that automatically transforms arbitrary TAAL programs into graphs, in a graph format readable by another tool. This second tool is called Groove, and it is able to execute graph transformations. By combining both tools we are able to visually simulate the execution of any TAAL program

    Implementing generalized deep-copy in MPI

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    In this paper we introduce a framework for implementing deep copy on top of MPI. The process is initiated by passing just the root object of the dynamic data structure. Our framework takes care of all pointer traversal, communication, copying and reconstruction on receiving nodes. The benefit of our approach is that MPI users can deep copy complex dynamic data structures without the need to write bespoke communication or serialize / deserialize methods for each object. These methods can present a challenging implementation problem that can quickly become unwieldy to maintain when working with complex structured data. This paper demonstrates our generic implementation, which encapsulates both approaches. We analyze the approach with a variety of structures (trees, graphs (including complete graphs) and rings) and demonstrate that it performs comparably to hand written implementations, using a vastly simplified programming interface. We make the source code available completely as a convenient header file

    SCOPE - A Scientific Compound Object Publishing and Editing System

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    This paper presents the SCOPE (Scientific Compound Object Publishing and Editing) system which is designed to enable scientists to easily author, publish and edit scientific compound objects. Scientific compound objects enable scientists to encapsulate the various datasets and resources generated or utilized during a scientific experiment or discovery process, within a single compound object, for publishing and exchange. The adoption of “named graphs” to represent these compound objects enables provenance information to be captured via the typed relationships between the components. This approach is also endorsed by the OAI-ORE initiative and hence ensures that we generate OAI-ORE-compliant Scientific Compound Objects. The SCOPE system is an extension of the Provenance Explorer tool – which enables access-controlled viewing of scientific provenance trails. Provenance Explorer provided dynamic rendering of RDF graphs of scientific discovery processes, showing the lineage from raw data to publication. Views of different granularity can be inferred automatically using SWRL (Semantic Web Rules Language) rules and an inferencing engine. SCOPE extends the Provenance Explorer tool and GUI by: 1) Adding an embedded web browser that can be used for incorporating objects discoverable via the Web; 2) Representing compound objects as Named Graphs, that can be saved in RDF, TriX, TriG or as an Atom syndication feed; 3) Enabling scientists to attach Creative Commons Licenses to the compound objects to specify how they may be re-used; 4) Enabling compound objects to be published as Fedora Object XML (FOXML) files within a Fedora digital library

    Building Blocks for Control System Software

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    Software implementation of control laws for industrial systems seem straightforward, but is not. The computer code stemming from the control laws is mostly not more than 10 to 30% of the total. A building-block approach for embedded control system development is advocated to enable a fast and efficient software design process.\ud We have developed the CTJ library, Communicating Threads for Java¿,\ud resulting in fundamental elements for creating building blocks to implement communication using channels. Due to the simulate-ability, our building block method is suitable for a concurrent engineering design approach. Furthermore, via a stepwise refinement process, using verification by simulation, the implementation trajectory can be done efficiently

    Visualizing the Results of a Complex Hybrid Dynamic-Static Analysis

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    Complex static or hybrid static-dynamic analyses produce large quantities of structured data. In the past, this data was generally intended for use by compilers or other software tools that used the produced information to transform the application being analyzed. However, it is becomingly increasingly common for the results of these analyses to be used directly by humans. For example, in our own prior work we have developed a hybrid dynamic-static escape analysis intended to help developers identify sources of object churn within large framework-base applications. In order to facilitate human use of complex analysis results, visualizations need to be developed that allow a user to browse these results and to identify the points of interest within these large data sets. In this paper we present Hi-C, a visualization tool for our hybrid escape analysis that has been implemented as an Eclipse plugin. We show how Hi-C can help developers identify sources of object churn in a large framework-based application and how we have used the tool to assist in understanding the results of a complex analysis

    Dynamic Package Interfaces - Extended Version

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    A hallmark of object-oriented programming is the ability to perform computation through a set of interacting objects. A common manifestation of this style is the notion of a package, which groups a set of commonly used classes together. A challenge in using a package is to ensure that a client follows the implicit protocol of the package when calling its methods. Violations of the protocol can cause a runtime error or latent invariant violations. These protocols can extend across different, potentially unboundedly many, objects, and are specified informally in the documentation. As a result, ensuring that a client does not violate the protocol is hard. We introduce dynamic package interfaces (DPI), a formalism to explicitly capture the protocol of a package. The DPI of a package is a finite set of rules that together specify how any set of interacting objects of the package can evolve through method calls and under what conditions an error can happen. We have developed a dynamic tool that automatically computes an approximation of the DPI of a package, given a set of abstraction predicates. A key property of DPI is that the unbounded number of configurations of objects of a package are summarized finitely in an abstract domain. This uses the observation that many packages behave monotonically: the semantics of a method call over a configuration does not essentially change if more objects are added to the configuration. We have exploited monotonicity and have devised heuristics to obtain succinct yet general DPIs. We have used our tool to compute DPIs for several commonly used Java packages with complex protocols, such as JDBC, HashSet, and ArrayList.Comment: The only changes compared to v1 are improvements to the Abstract and Introductio

    Comparison of Simple Graphical Process Models

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    Comparing the structure of graphical process models can reveal a number of process variations. Since most contemporary norms for process modelling rely on directed connectivity of objects in the model, connections between objects form sequences which can be translated into performing scenarios. Whereas sequences can be tested for completeness in performing process activities using simulation methods, the similarity or difference in static characteristics of sequences in different model variants are difficult to explore. The goal of the paper is to test the application of a method for comparison of graphical models by analyzing and comparing static characteristics of process models. Consequently, a metamodel for process models is developed followed by a comparison procedure conducted using a graphical model comparison algorithm