2 research outputs found

    Analyzing Addressing Techniques on Wireless Sensor Networks

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    AbstrakWireless Sensor Networks terdiri atas sejumlah besar titik (nodes) dengan kemampuan untuk melakukan sensing, komputasi, dan komunikasi. Dalam banyak aspek, sensor networks memiliki kesamaan dengan mobile ad hoc networks (MANET), namun memiliki beberapa perbedaan yang penting. Kemiripannya adalah dalam hal topologi, medium komunikasi yang digunakan bersama, dan permasalahan dalam konektivitas. Perbedaannya adalah sensor networks biasanya mencakup mobilitas yang lebih rendah dan sumber daya yang jauh lebih terbatas, oleh karenanya menimbulkan permasalahan skalabilitas. Dalam paper ini, dibahas teknik-teknik pengalamatan untuk sensor networks, trade-off dalam desain skema pengalamatan tertentu, dan perbandingan di antara berbagai teknik. Kata Kunci: wireless sensor networks, nodes, pengalamatan, wireless access media, RETRI  AbstractWireless Sensor Networks consist of nodes which are able to perform sensing, computation, and communication. In many aspects, sensor networks are similar but also different from the mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). Their similaritiesinclude topology, shared communication medium, and connectivityproblems. Different from the MANET, the sensor networks typically contain lower mobility, much more limited resources, which therefore lead to scalability problems. This paper discusses the addressing techniques for sensor networks, the trade-offs in the design of certainaddressing scheme, and the comparison amongvarious techniques.  Keywords: wireless sensor networks, nodes, addresssing, wireless access media, RETR

    Dynamic addressing in wireless sensor networks without location awareness

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    Sensor Networks have applications in diverse fields. They can be deployed for habitat modeling, temperature monitoring and industrial sensing. They also find applications in battlefield awareness and emergency (first) response situations. While unique addressing is not a requirement of many data collecting applications of wireless sensor networks, it is vital for the success of applications such as emergency response. Data that cannot be associated with a specific node becomes useless in such situations. In this work we propose a novel dynamic addressing mechanism for wireless sensor networks that are not location-aware. The scheme enables successful reuse of addresses in event-driven wireless sensor networks introducing minimal latencies and efficiently addressing packet loss. It also eliminates the need for network-wide Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) to ensure uniqueness of network level addresses.<br /