5 research outputs found

    Logic Programming with Default, Weak and Strict Negations

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    This paper treats logic programming with three kinds of negation: default, weak and strict negations. A 3-valued logic model theory is discussed for logic programs with three kinds of negation. The procedure is constructed for negations so that a soundness of the procedure is guaranteed in terms of 3-valued logic model theory.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Well-Founded Semantics for Extended Datalog and Ontological Reasoning

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    The DatalogĀ± family of expressive extensions of Datalog has recently been introduced as a new paradigm for query answering over ontologies, which captures and extends several common description logics. It extends plain Datalog by features such as existentially quantified rule heads and, at the same time, restricts the rule syntax so as to achieve decidability and tractability. In this paper, we continue the research on DatalogĀ±. More precisely, we generalize the well-founded semantics (WFS), as the standard semantics for nonmonotonic normal programs in the database context, to DatalogĀ± programs with negation under the unique name assumption (UNA). We prove that for guarded DatalogĀ± with negation under the standard WFS, answering normal Boolean conjunctive queries is decidable, and we provide precise complexity results for this problem, namely, in particular, completeness for PTIME (resp., 2-EXPTIME) in the data (resp., combined) complexity

    Abductive Proof Procedure with Adjusting Derivations for General Logic Programs

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    In this paper, we formulate a new integrity constraint in correlation with 3-valued stable models in an abduction framework based on general logic programs. Under the constraint, not every ground atom or its negation is a logical consequence of the theory and an expected abductive explanation, but some atom may be unspecified as a logical consequence by an adjustment. As a reflection of the integrity constraint with an adjustment, we augment an adjusting derivation to Eshghi and Kowalski abductive proof procedure, in which such an unspecified atom can be dealt with

    Interdefinability of defeasible logic and logic programming under the well-founded semantics

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    We provide a method of translating theories of Nute's defeasible logic into logic programs, and a corresponding translation in the opposite direction. Under certain natural restrictions, the conclusions of defeasible theories under the ambiguity propagating defeasible logic ADL correspond to those of the well-founded semantics for normal logic programs, and so it turns out that the two formalisms are closely related. Using the same translation of logic programs into defeasible theories, the semantics for the ambiguity blocking defeasible logic NDL can be seen as indirectly providing an ambiguity blocking semantics for logic programs. We also provide antimonotone operators for both ADL and NDL, each based on the Gelfond-Lifschitz (GL) operator for logic programs. For defeasible theories without defeaters or priorities on rules, the operator for ADL corresponds to the GL operator and so can be seen as partially capturing the consequences according to ADL. Similarly, the operator for NDL captures the consequences according to NDL, though in this case no restrictions on theories apply. Both operators can be used to define stable model semantics for defeasible theories.Comment: 36 pages; To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Dualities between Alternative Semantics for Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning

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    The Gelfond-Lifschitz operator [GL88] associated with a logic program (and likewise the operator associated with default theories by Reiter) exhibits oscillating behavior. In the case of logic programs, there is always at least one finite, non-empty collection of Herbrand interpretations around which the Gelfond-Lifschitz [GL88] operator "bounces around". The same phenomenon occurs with default logic when Reiter's operator \Gamma \Delta is considered. Based on this, a "stable class" semantics and "extension class" semantics was proposed in [BS90]. The main advantage of this semantics was that it was defined for all logic programs (and default theories), and that this definition was modelled using the standard operators existing in the literature such as Reiter's \Gamma \Delta operator. In this paper, our primary aim is to prove that there is a very interesting duality between stable class theory and the well founded semantics for logic programming. In the stable class semantics, class..