176 research outputs found

    Multihop Diversity for Fading Mitigation in Multihop Wireless Networks

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    The concept of multihop diversity is proposed, where all the nodes of a multihop link are assumed to have buffers for temporarily storing their received packets. During each time-slot, the best hop having, for example, the highest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), is selected from the set of those hops that have packets awaiting transmission in the buffer. The packet is then transmitted over the best hop. This hop-selection procedure yields selection diversity, but it requires the global channel knowledge of the hops’ channel quality. In this paper, we assume having perfect channel knowledge and focus our attention on the principles and performance bounds of the error probability and outage probability. Our studies show that relying on multiple hops has the potential of providing a significant diversity gain, which may be exploited for enhancing the reliability of wireless multihop communications

    Multihop Diversity for Fading Mitigation in Multihop Wireless Networks

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    The concept of multihop diversity is proposed, where all the nodes of a multihop link are assumed to have buffers for temporarily storing their received packets. During each time-slot, the best hop having, for example, the highest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), is selected from the set of those hops that have packets awaiting transmission in the buffer. The packet is then transmitted over the best hop. This hop-selection procedure yields selection diversity, but it requires the global channel knowledge of the hops’ channel quality. In this paper, we assume having perfect channel knowledge and focus our attention on the principles and performance bounds of the error probability and outage probability. Our studies show that relying on multiple hops has the potential of providing a significant diversity gain, which may be exploited for enhancing the reliability of wireless multihop communications

    Power Allocation and Cooperative Diversity in Two-Way Non-Regenerative Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this paper, we investigate the performance of a dual-hop block fading cognitive radio network with underlay spectrum sharing over independent but not necessarily identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Nakagami-mm fading channels. The primary network consists of a source and a destination. Depending on whether the secondary network which consists of two source nodes have a single relay for cooperation or multiple relays thereby employs opportunistic relay selection for cooperation and whether the two source nodes suffer from the primary users' (PU) interference, two cases are considered in this paper, which are referred to as Scenario (a) and Scenario (b), respectively. For the considered underlay spectrum sharing, the transmit power constraint of the proposed system is adjusted by interference limit on the primary network and the interference imposed by primary user (PU). The developed new analysis obtains new analytical results for the outage capacity (OC) and average symbol error probability (ASEP). In particular, for Scenario (a), tight lower bounds on the OC and ASEP of the secondary network are derived in closed-form. In addition, a closed from expression for the end-to-end OC of Scenario (a) is achieved. With regards to Scenario (b), a tight lower bound on the OC of the secondary network is derived in closed-form. All analytical results are corroborated using Monte Carlo simulation method

    Cooperative Relaying in Wireless Networks under Spatially and Temporally Correlated Interference

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    We analyze the performance of an interference-limited, decode-and-forward, cooperative relaying system that comprises a source, a destination, and NN relays, placed arbitrarily on the plane and suffering from interference by a set of interferers placed according to a spatial Poisson process. In each transmission attempt, first the transmitter sends a packet; subsequently, a single one of the relays that received the packet correctly, if such a relay exists, retransmits it. We consider both selection combining and maximal ratio combining at the destination, Rayleigh fading, and interferer mobility. We derive expressions for the probability that a single transmission attempt is successful, as well as for the distribution of the transmission attempts until a packet is transmitted successfully. Results provide design guidelines applicable to a wide range of systems. Overall, the temporal and spatial characteristics of the interference play a significant role in shaping the system performance. Maximal ratio combining is only helpful when relays are close to the destination; in harsh environments, having many relays is especially helpful, and relay placement is critical; the performance improves when interferer mobility increases; and a tradeoff exists between energy efficiency and throughput

    Outage analysis of superposition modulation aided network coded cooperation in the presence of network coding noise

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    We consider a network, where multiple sourcedestination pairs communicate with the aid of a half-duplex relay node (RN), which adopts decode-forward (DF) relaying and superposition-modulation (SPM) for combining the signals transmitted by the source nodes (SNs) and then forwards the composite signal to all the destination nodes (DNs). Each DN extracts the signals transmitted by its own SN from the composite signal by subtracting the signals overheard from the unwanted SNs. We derive tight lower-bounds for the outage probability for transmission over Rayleigh fading channels and invoke diversity combining at the DNs, which is validated by simulation for both the symmetric and the asymmetric network configurations. For the high signal-to-noise ratio regime, we derive both an upperbound as well as a lower-bound for the outage performance and analyse the achievable diversity gain. It is revealed that a diversity order of 2 is achieved, regardless of the number of SN-DN pairs in the network. We also highlight the fact that the outage performance is dominated by the quality of the worst overheated link, because it contributes most substantially to the network coding noise. Finally, we use the lower bound for designing a relay selection scheme for the proposed SPM based network coded cooperative communication (SPM-NC-CC) system.<br/

    Adaptive Relay-Selection In Decode-And-Forward Cooperative Systems

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    In the past few years adaptive decode-and-forward cooperative diversity systems have been studied intensively in literature. Many schemes and protocols have been proposed to enhance the performance of the cooperative systems while trying to alleviate its drawbacks. One of the recent schemes that had been shown to give high improvements in performance is the best-relay selection scheme. In the best-relay selection scheme only one relaying nodes among the relays available in the system is selected to forward the source\u27s message to the destination. The best relay is selected as the relay node that can achieve the highest end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (snr) at the destination node. Performance improvements have been reported as compared to regular fixed decode-and-forward relaying in which all relays are required to forward the source\u27s message to the destination in terms of spectral efficiency and diversity order. In this thesis, we use simulations to show the improvement in the outage performance of the best-relay selection scheme

    Joint transceiver design and power optimization for wireless sensor networks in underground mines

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    Avec les grands dĂ©veloppements des technologies de communication sans fil, les rĂ©seaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN) ont attirĂ© beaucoup d’attention dans le monde entier au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie. Les rĂ©seaux de capteurs sans fil sont maintenant utilisĂ©s pour a surveillance sanitaire, la gestion des catastrophes, la dĂ©fense, les tĂ©lĂ©communications, etc. De tels rĂ©seaux sont utilisĂ©s dans de nombreuses applications industrielles et commerciales comme la surveillance des processus industriels et de l’environnement, etc. Un rĂ©seau WSN est une collection de transducteurs spĂ©cialisĂ©s connus sous le nom de noeuds de capteurs avec une liaison de communication distribuĂ©e de maniĂšre alĂ©atoire dans tous les emplacements pour surveiller les paramĂštres. Chaque noeud de capteur est Ă©quipĂ© d’un transducteur, d’un processeur de signal, d’une unitĂ© d’alimentation et d’un Ă©metteur-rĂ©cepteur. Les WSN sont maintenant largement utilisĂ©s dans l’industrie miniĂšre souterraine pour surveiller certains paramĂštres environnementaux, comme la quantitĂ© de gaz, d’eau, la tempĂ©rature, l’humiditĂ©, le niveau d’oxygĂšne, de poussiĂšre, etc. Dans le cas de la surveillance de l’environnement, un WSN peut ĂȘtre remplacĂ© de maniĂšre Ă©quivalente par un rĂ©seau Ă  relais Ă  entrĂ©es et sorties multiples (MIMO). Les rĂ©seaux de relais multisauts ont attirĂ© un intĂ©rĂȘt de recherche important ces derniers temps grĂące Ă  leur capacitĂ© Ă  augmenter la portĂ©e de la couverture. La liaison de communication rĂ©seau d’une source vers une destination est mise en oeuvre en utilisant un schĂ©ma d’amplification/transmission (AF) ou de dĂ©codage/transfert (DF). Le relais AF reçoit des informations du relais prĂ©cĂ©dent et amplifie simplement le signal reçu, puis il le transmet au relais suivant. D’autre part, le relais DF dĂ©code d’abord le signal reçu, puis il le transmet au relais suivant au deuxiĂšme Ă©tage s’il peut parfaitement dĂ©coder le signal entrant. En raison de la simplicitĂ© analytique, dans cette thĂšse, nous considĂ©rons le schĂ©ma de relais AF et les rĂ©sultats de ce travail peuvent Ă©galement ĂȘtre dĂ©veloppĂ©s pour le relais DF. La conception d’un Ă©metteur/rĂ©cepteur pour le relais MIMO multisauts est trĂšs difficile. Car Ă  l’étape de relais L, il y a 2L canaux possibles. Donc, pour un rĂ©seau Ă  grande Ă©chelle, il n’est pas Ă©conomique d’envoyer un signal par tous les liens possibles. Au lieu de cela, nous pouvons trouver le meilleur chemin de la source Ă  la destination qui donne le rapport signal sur bruit (SNR) de bout en bout le plus Ă©levĂ©. Nous pouvons minimiser la fonction objectif d’erreur quadratique moyenne (MSE) ou de taux d’erreur binaire (BER) en envoyant le signal utilisant le chemin sĂ©lectionnĂ©. L’ensemble de relais dans le chemin reste actif et le reste des relais s’éteint, ce qui permet d’économiser de l’énergie afin d’amĂ©liorer la durĂ©e de vie du rĂ©seau. Le meilleur chemin de transmission de signal a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© dans la littĂ©rature pour un relais MIMO Ă  deux bonds mais est plus complexe pour un ...With the great developments in wireless communication technologies, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained attention worldwide in the past decade and are now being used in health monitoring, disaster management, defense, telecommunications, etc. Such networks are used in many industrial and consumer applications such as industrial process and environment monitoring, among others. A WSN network is a collection of specialized transducers known as sensor nodes with a communication link distributed randomly in any locations to monitor environmental parameters such as water level, and temperature. Each sensor node is equipped with a transducer, a signal processor, a power unit, and a transceiver. WSNs are now being widely used in the underground mining industry to monitor environmental parameters, including the amount of gas, water, temperature, humidity, oxygen level, dust, etc. The WSN for environment monitoring can be equivalently replaced by a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay network. Multi-hop relay networks have attracted significant research interest in recent years for their capability in increasing the coverage range. The network communication link from a source to a destination is implemented using the amplify-and-forward (AF) or decode-and-forward (DF) schemes. The AF relay receives information from the previous relay and simply amplifies the received signal and then forwards it to the next relay. On the other hand, the DF relay first decodes the received signal and then forwards it to the next relay in the second stage if it can perfectly decode the incoming signal. For analytical simplicity, in this thesis, we consider the AF relaying scheme and the results of this work can also be developed for the DF relay. The transceiver design for multi-hop MIMO relay is very challenging. This is because at the L-th relay stage, there are 2L possible channels. So, for a large scale network, it is not economical to send the signal through all possible links. Instead, we can find the best path from source-to-destination that gives the highest end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We can minimize the mean square error (MSE) or bit error rate (BER) objective function by sending the signal using the selected path. The set of relay in the path remains active and the rest of the relays are turned off which can save power to enhance network life-time. The best path signal transmission has been carried out in the literature for 2-hop MIMO relay and for multiple relaying it becomes very complex. In the first part of this thesis, we propose an optimal best path finding algorithm at perfect channel state information (CSI). We consider a parallel multi-hop multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) AF relay system where a linear minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receiver is used at the destination. We simplify the parallel network into equivalent series multi-hop MIMO relay link using best relaying, where the best relay ..
