8 research outputs found

    Dual coding with STDP in a spiking recurrent neural network model of the hippocampus.

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    The firing rate of single neurons in the mammalian hippocampus has been demonstrated to encode for a range of spatial and non-spatial stimuli. It has also been demonstrated that phase of firing, with respect to the theta oscillation that dominates the hippocampal EEG during stereotype learning behaviour, correlates with an animal's spatial location. These findings have led to the hypothesis that the hippocampus operates using a dual (rate and temporal) coding system. To investigate the phenomenon of dual coding in the hippocampus, we examine a spiking recurrent network model with theta coded neural dynamics and an STDP rule that mediates rate-coded Hebbian learning when pre- and post-synaptic firing is stochastic. We demonstrate that this plasticity rule can generate both symmetric and asymmetric connections between neurons that fire at concurrent or successive theta phase, respectively, and subsequently produce both pattern completion and sequence prediction from partial cues. This unifies previously disparate auto- and hetero-associative network models of hippocampal function and provides them with a firmer basis in modern neurobiology. Furthermore, the encoding and reactivation of activity in mutually exciting Hebbian cell assemblies demonstrated here is believed to represent a fundamental mechanism of cognitive processing in the brain

    Sharp-Wave Ripples Orchestrate the Induction of Synaptic Plasticity during Reactivation of Place Cell Firing Patterns in the Hippocampus

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    SummaryPlace cell firing patterns reactivated during hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SWRs) in rest or sleep are thought to induce synaptic plasticity and thereby promote the consolidation of recently encoded information. However, the capacity of reactivated spike trains to induce plasticity has not been directly tested. Here, we show that reactivated place cell firing patterns simultaneously recorded from CA3 and CA1 of rat dorsal hippocampus are able to induce long-term potentiation (LTP) at synapses between CA3 and CA1 cells but only if accompanied by SWR-associated synaptic activity and resulting dendritic depolarization. In addition, we show that the precise timing of coincident CA3 and CA1 place cell spikes in relation to SWR onset is critical for the induction of LTP and predictive of plasticity generated by reactivation. Our findings confirm an important role for SWRs in triggering and tuning plasticity processes that underlie memory consolidation in the hippocampus during rest or sleep

    A Mismatch-Based Model for Memory Reconsolidation and Extinction in Attractor Networks

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    The processes of memory reconsolidation and extinction have received increasing attention in recent experimental research, as their potential clinical applications begin to be uncovered. A number of studies suggest that amnestic drugs injected after reexposure to a learning context can disrupt either of the two processes, depending on the behavioral protocol employed. Hypothesizing that reconsolidation represents updating of a memory trace in the hippocampus, while extinction represents formation of a new trace, we have built a neural network model in which either simple retrieval, reconsolidation or extinction of a stored attractor can occur upon contextual reexposure, depending on the similarity between the representations of the original learning and reexposure sessions. This is achieved by assuming that independent mechanisms mediate Hebbian-like synaptic strengthening and mismatch-driven labilization of synaptic changes, with protein synthesis inhibition preferentially affecting the former. Our framework provides a unified mechanistic explanation for experimental data showing (a) the effect of reexposure duration on the occurrence of reconsolidation or extinction and (b) the requirement of memory updating during reexposure to drive reconsolidation

    Rapid learning of predictive maps with STDP and theta phase precession

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    The predictive map hypothesis is a promising candidate principle for hippocampal function. A favoured formalisation of this hypothesis, called the successor representation, proposes that each place cell encodes the expected state occupancy of its target location in the near future. This predictive framework is supported by behavioural as well as electrophysiological evidence and has desirable consequences for both the generalisability and efficiency of reinforcement learning algorithms. However, it is unclear how the successor representation might be learnt in the brain. Error-driven temporal difference learning, commonly used to learn successor representations in artificial agents, is not known to be implemented in hippocampal networks. Instead, we demonstrate that spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP), a form of Hebbian learning, acting on temporally compressed trajectories known as 'theta sweeps', is sufficient to rapidly learn a close approximation to the successor representation. The model is biologically plausible - it uses spiking neurons modulated by theta-band oscillations, diffuse and overlapping place cell-like state representations, and experimentally matched parameters. We show how this model maps onto known aspects of hippocampal circuitry and explains substantial variance in the temporal difference successor matrix, consequently giving rise to place cells that demonstrate experimentally observed successor representation-related phenomena including backwards expansion on a 1D track and elongation near walls in 2D. Finally, our model provides insight into the observed topographical ordering of place field sizes along the dorsal-ventral axis by showing this is necessary to prevent the detrimental mixing of larger place fields, which encode longer timescale successor representations, with more fine-grained predictions of spatial location

    シナプスのダイナミクスと学習 : いかにして可塑性の生物学的メカニズムは、神経情報処理を可能とする効率的な学習則を実現するか。

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学客員教授 深井 朋樹, 東京大学教授 能瀬 聡直, 東京大学教授 岡田 真人, 東京大学准教授 久恒 辰博, 東京大学講師 牧野 泰才University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Memory formation and recall in recurrent spiking neural networks

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    Our brain has the capacity to analyze a visual scene in a split second, to learn how to play an instrument, and to remember events, faces and concepts. Neurons underlie all of these diverse functions. Neurons, cells within the brain that generate and transmit electrical activity, communicate with each other through chemical synapses. These synaptic connections dynamically change with experience, a process referred to as synaptic plasticity, which is thought to be at the core of the brain's ability to learn and process the world in sophisticated ways. Our understanding of the rules of synaptic plasticity remains quite limited. To enable efficient computations among neurons or to serve as a trace of memory, synapses must create stable connectivity patterns between neurons. However there remains an insufficient theoretical explanation as to how stable connectivity patterns can form in the presence of synaptic plasticity. Since the dynamics of recurrently connected neurons depend upon their connections, which themselves change in response to the network dynamics, synaptic plasticity and network dynamics have to be treated as a compound system. Due to the nonlinear nature of the system this can be analytically challenging. Utilizing network simulations that model the interplay between the network connectivity and synaptic plasticity can provide valuable insights. However, many existing network models that implement biologically relevant forms of plasticity become unstable. This suggests that current models do not accurately describe the biological networks, which have no difficulty functioning without succumbing to exploding network activity. The instability in these network simulations could originate from the fact that theoretical studies have, almost exclusively, focused on Hebbian plasticity at excitatory synapses. Hebbian plasticity causes connected neurons that are active together to increase the connection strength between them. Biological networks, however, display a large variety of different forms of synaptic plasticity and homeostatic mechanisms, beyond Hebbian plasticity. Furthermore, inhibitory cells can undergo synaptic plasticity as well. These diverse forms of plasticity are active at the same time, and our understanding of the computational role of most of these synaptic dynamics remains elusive. This raises the important question as to whether forms of plasticity that have not been previously considered could -in combination with Hebbian plasticity- lead to stable network dynamics. Here we illustrate that by combining multiple forms of plasticity with distinct roles, a recurrently connected spiking network model self-organizes to distinguish and extract multiple overlapping external stimuli. Moreover we show that the acquired network structures remain stable over hours while plasticity is active. This long-term stability allows the network to function as an associative memory and to correctly classify distorted or partially cued stimuli. During intervals in which no stimulus is shown the network dynamically remembers the last stimulus as selective delay activity. Taken together this work suggest that multiple forms of plasticity and homeostasis on different timescales have to work together to create stable connectivity patterns in neuronal networks which enable them to perform relevant computation

    Computing with Synchrony

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