37,306 research outputs found

    Spatial and Temporal Mutual Promotion for Video-based Person Re-identification

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    Video-based person re-identification is a crucial task of matching video sequences of a person across multiple camera views. Generally, features directly extracted from a single frame suffer from occlusion, blur, illumination and posture changes. This leads to false activation or missing activation in some regions, which corrupts the appearance and motion representation. How to explore the abundant spatial-temporal information in video sequences is the key to solve this problem. To this end, we propose a Refining Recurrent Unit (RRU) that recovers the missing parts and suppresses noisy parts of the current frame's features by referring historical frames. With RRU, the quality of each frame's appearance representation is improved. Then we use the Spatial-Temporal clues Integration Module (STIM) to mine the spatial-temporal information from those upgraded features. Meanwhile, the multi-level training objective is used to enhance the capability of RRU and STIM. Through the cooperation of those modules, the spatial and temporal features mutually promote each other and the final spatial-temporal feature representation is more discriminative and robust. Extensive experiments are conducted on three challenging datasets, i.e., iLIDS-VID, PRID-2011 and MARS. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods of video-based person re-identification on iLIDS-VID and MARS and achieves favorable results on PRID-2011.Comment: Accepted by AAAI19 as spotligh

    Multi-scale 3D Convolution Network for Video Based Person Re-Identification

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    This paper proposes a two-stream convolution network to extract spatial and temporal cues for video based person Re-Identification (ReID). A temporal stream in this network is constructed by inserting several Multi-scale 3D (M3D) convolution layers into a 2D CNN network. The resulting M3D convolution network introduces a fraction of parameters into the 2D CNN, but gains the ability of multi-scale temporal feature learning. With this compact architecture, M3D convolution network is also more efficient and easier to optimize than existing 3D convolution networks. The temporal stream further involves Residual Attention Layers (RAL) to refine the temporal features. By jointly learning spatial-temporal attention masks in a residual manner, RAL identifies the discriminative spatial regions and temporal cues. The other stream in our network is implemented with a 2D CNN for spatial feature extraction. The spatial and temporal features from two streams are finally fused for the video based person ReID. Evaluations on three widely used benchmarks datasets, i.e., MARS, PRID2011, and iLIDS-VID demonstrate the substantial advantages of our method over existing 3D convolution networks and state-of-art methods.Comment: AAAI, 201
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