1,073 research outputs found

    Actuators for a space manipulator

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    The robotic manipulator can be decomposed into distinct subsytems. One particular area of interest of mechanical subsystems is electromechanical actuators (or drives). A drive is defined as a motor with an appropriate transmission. An overview is given of existing, as well as state-of-the-art drive systems. The scope is limited to space applications. A design philosophy and adequate requirements are the initial steps in designing a space-qualified actuator. The focus is on the d-c motor in conjunction with several types of transmissions (harmonic, tendon, traction, and gear systems). The various transmissions will be evaluated and key performance parameters will be addressed in detail. Included in the assessment is a shuttle RMS joint and a MSFC drive of the Prototype Manipulator Arm. Compound joints are also investigated. Space imposes a set of requirements for designing a high-performance drive assembly. Its inaccessibility and cryogenic conditions warrant special considerations. Some guidelines concerning these conditions are present. The goal is to gain a better understanding in designing a space actuator

    Exoskeleton master controller with force-reflecting telepresence

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    A thorough understanding of the requirements for successful master-slave robotic systems is becoming increasingly desirable. Such systems can aid in the accomplishment of tasks that are hazardous or inaccessible to humans. Although a history of use has proven master-slave systems to be viable, system requirements and the impact of specifications on the human factors side of system performance are not well known. In support of the next phase of teleoperation research being conducted at the Armstrong Research Laboratory, a force-reflecting, seven degree of freedom exoskeleton for master-slave teleoperation has been concepted, and is presently being developed. The exoskeleton has a unique kinematic structure that complements the structure of the human arm. It provides a natural means for teleoperating a dexterous, possibly redundant manipulator. It allows ease of use without operator fatigue and faithfully follows human arm and wrist motions. Reflected forces and moments are remotely transmitted to the operator hand grip using a cable transmission scheme. This paper presents the exoskeleton concept and development results to date. Conceptual design, hardware, algorithms, computer architecture, and software are covered

    Improvements to the Tendon-Actuated Lightweight In-Space MANipulator (TALISMAN)

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    Devices for manipulating and precisely placing payloads are critical for efficient space operations including berthing of spacecraft, in-space assembly, construction and repair. Key to the success of many NASA space activities has been the availability of long-reach crane-like devices such as the Shuttle Remote Manipulation System (SRMS) and the Space Station Remote Manipulation System (SSRMS). These devices have been used for many operations including berthing visiting spacecraft to the International Space Station, deployment of spacecraft, space station assembly, astronaut positioning, payload transfer, and spacecraft inspection prior to atmospheric re-entry. Retiring the Space Transportation System has led to the removal of the SRMS from consideration for in-space missions, thus creating a capability gap. Recognizing this gap, work was initiated at NASA on a new architecture for long-reach space manipulators. Most current devices are constructed by joining revolute joints with carbon composite tubes, with the joints accounting for the majority of the device mass. For example in the case of the SRMS, the entire device mass is 410 kg (904 lbm); the joint structure, motors, gear train, cabling, etc., accounts for the majority of the system mass because the carbon composite tubes mass is 46 kg (101 lbm). An alternate space manipulator concept, the Tendon-Actuated Lightweight In-Space MANipulator (TALISMAN) was created to address deficiencies in the current state-of-the-art in long-reach manipulators. The antagonistic tendon actuated joint architecture allows the motors actuating the joint to be removed from the joint axis, which simplifies the joint design while simultaneously providing mechanical advantage for the motors. The improved mechanical advantage, in turn, reduces the size and power requirements for the motor and gear train. This paper will describe recent architectural improvements to the TALISMAN design that: 1) improve the operational robustness of the system by enabling maneuvers not originally possible by varying the TALISMAN geometry; 2) enable efficient active antagonistic control of a joint while sharing cable between antagonistic tension networks; and 3) uses a unique arrangement of differential capstans to reduce motor torque requirements by an order of magnitude. The paper will also summarize recent efforts to enable autonomous deployment of a TALISMAN including the deployment concept of operations and associated hardware system design. The deployment forces are provided by the same motor systems that are used for articulation, thus reducing the mass associated with the deployment system. The deployment approach is being tested on a TALISMAN prototype which is designed to provide the same operational performance as a shuttle-class manipulator. The prototype has been fabricated and is operational in a new facility at NASA Langley Research Center that has a large area (15.2 m by 21.3 m [50 ft by 70 ft]) air-bearing floor

    Design and realization of a master-slave system for reconstructive microsurgery

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    A differential-based parallel force/velocity actuation concept : theory and experiments

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    textRobots are now moving from their conventional confined habitats such as factory floors to human environments where they assist and physically interact with people. The requirement for inherent mechanical safety is overarching in such human-robot interaction systems. We propose a dual actuator called Parallel Force/Velocity Actuator (PFVA) that combines a Force Actuator (FA) (low velocity input) and a Velocity Actuator (VA) (high velocity input) using a differential gear train. In this arrangement mechanical safety can be achieved by limiting the torque on the FA and thus making it a backdriveable input. In addition, the kinematic redundancy in the drive can be used to control output velocity while satisfying secondary operational objectives. Our research focus was on three areas: (i) scalable parametric design of the PFVA, (ii) analytical modeling of the PFVA and experimental testing on a single-joint prototype, and (iii) generalized model formulation for PFVA-driven serial robot manipulators. In our analysis, the ratio of velocity ratios between the FA and the VA, called the relative scale factor, emerged as a purely geometric and dominant design parameter. Based on a dimensionless parametric design of PFVAs using power-flow and load distributions between the inputs, a prototype was designed and built using commercial-off-the-shelf components. Using controlled experiments, two performance-limiting phenomena in our prototype, friction and dynamic coupling between the two inputs, were identified. Two other experiments were conducted to characterize the operational performance of the actuator in velocity-mode and in what we call ‘torque-limited’ mode (i.e. when the FA input can be backdriven). Our theoretical and experimental results showed that the PFVA can be mechanical safe to both slow collisions and impacts due to the backdriveability of the FA. Also, we show that its kinematic redundancy can be effectively utilized to mitigate low-velocity friction and backlash in geared mechanisms. The implication at the system level of our actuator level analytical and experimental work was studied using a generalized dynamic modeling framework based on kinematic influence coefficients. Based on this dynamic model, three design case studies for a PFVA-driven serial planar 3R manipulator were presented. The major contributions of this research include (i) mathematical models and physical understanding for over six fundamental design and operational parameters of the PFVA, based on which approximately ten design and five operational guidelines were laid out, (ii) analytical and experimental proof-of-concept for the mechanical safety feature of the PFVA and the effective utilization of its kinematic redundancy, (iii) an experimental methodology to characterize the dynamic coupling between the inputs in a differential-summing mechanism, and (iv) a generalized dynamic model formulation for PFVA-driven serial robot manipulators with emphasis on distribution of output loads between the FA and VA input-sets.Mechanical Engineerin

    Development of a Tendon-Actuated Lightweight In-Space MANipulator (TALISMAN)

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    An invention of a new and novel space robotic manipulator is described. By using a combination of lightweight truss links, a novel hinge joint, tendon-articulation and passive tension stiffening, this new robotic manipulator architecture achieves compact packaging, high strength, stiffness and dexterity while being very lightweight compared to conventional manipulators. The manipulator is also very modular; easy to scale for different reach, load and stiffness requirements; enabling customization for a diverse set of applications. Novel features of the new manipulator concept are described as well as some of the approaches to implement these design features. Two diverse applications are presented to show the versatility of the concept. First generation prototype hardware was designed, manufactured and has been assembled into a working manipulator that is being used to refine and extend development efforts

    Mechanical Design and Analysis of a Discrete Variable Transmission System for Transmission-Based Actuators

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    Over the past few years, replacing the hydraulic servo actuators with their electrical counter parts for robotics and remote handling systems has been an active field of research. These systems are of particular interest for tasks involved with the US Department of Energy, where the level of radiation exposure is high and the tasks are highly repetitive. With the hydraulic servo actuators, one is concerned with the issues like the high complexity, cost of the system and the difficulty of maintenance of the system. For high payload operations, the hydraulic systems provide an order of magnitude increase in the power density, which is almost impossible to achieve using the electrical servo actuators. Hence, for the electrical servo actuators to be used for high payload operations, the fundamental issue concerning the power and torque density must be addressed. Previous research conducted on this front suggested the use of a variable speed transmission system to spread the servomotor’s torque-speed characteristics across a wider output speed range. This has the effect of allowing smaller high power motors to also deliver high torques at low speeds. By using a variable speed transmission, the motor size can be reduced dramatically while increasing the overall actuator power density in the process. This work goes further into the detailed design of the discrete variable transmission system. A three-stage planetary gear transmission system is considered for the analysis and design. With the use of the three-stage planetary gear transmission, there are a complex and varied design issues involved. Selecting a configuration for the transmission is the first question to be answered. With the given configuration, and the ratios required the individual gears have to be sized accordingly. Other design elements involve the design of the shafting, achieving the desired configuration, bearings, housing and the design of a gear shifting mechanism. A detailed kinematic and dynamic analysis of the entire gear system is required for the design of the various components mentioned above. Analytical results are presented along with a computer-aided analysis of the work using the Pro-Engineer design and analysis software. Future work on this will be to turn this into a commercially available system, which comes down to optimizing the current design. Possibilities of optimization for the current design will be identified. A discussion on the prototype evaluation of the transmission system along with a sample test result is presented

    The laboratory telerobotic manipulator program

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    New opportunities for the application of telerobotic systems to enhance human intelligence and dexterity in the hazardous environment of space are presented by the NASA Space Station Program. Because of the need for significant increases in extravehicular activity and the potential increase in hazards associated with space programs, emphasis is being heightened on telerobotic systems research and development. The Laboratory Telerobotic Manipulator (LTM) program is performed to develop and demonstrate ground-based telerobotic manipulator system hardware for research and demonstrations aimed at future NASA applications. The LTM incorporates traction drives, modularity, redundant kinematics, and state-of-the-art hierarchical control techniques to form a basis for merging the diverse technological domains of robust, high-dexterity teleoperations and autonomous robotic operation into common hardware to further NASA's research

    Robot-friendly connector

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    Robot friendly connectors, which, in one aspect, are truss joints with two parts, a receptacle and a joint, are presented. The joints have a head which is loosely inserted into the receptacle and is then tightened and aligned. In one aspect, the head is a rounded hammerhead which initially is enclosed in the receptacle with sloppy fit provided by the shape, size, and configuration of surfaces on the head and on the receptacle
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