7,601 research outputs found

    Area-Efficient Drawings of Outer-1-Planar Graphs

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    We study area-efficient drawings of planar graphs: embeddings of graphs on an integer grid so that the bounding box of the drawing is minimized. Our focus is on the class of outer-1-planar graphs: the family of planar graphs that can be drawn on the plane with all vertices on the outer-face so that each edge is crossed at most once. We first present two straight-line drawing algorithms that yield small-area straight-line drawings for the subclass of complete outer-1-planar graphs. Further, we give an algorithm that produces an orthogonal drawing of any outer-1-plane graph in O(n log n) area while keeping the number of bends per edge relatively small

    On Visibility Representations of Non-planar Graphs

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    A rectangle visibility representation (RVR) of a graph consists of an assignment of axis-aligned rectangles to vertices such that for every edge there exists a horizontal or vertical line of sight between the rectangles assigned to its endpoints. Testing whether a graph has an RVR is known to be NP-hard. In this paper, we study the problem of finding an RVR under the assumption that an embedding in the plane of the input graph is fixed and we are looking for an RVR that reflects this embedding. We show that in this case the problem can be solved in polynomial time for general embedded graphs and in linear time for 1-plane graphs (i.e., embedded graphs having at most one crossing per edge). The linear time algorithm uses a precise list of forbidden configurations, which extends the set known for straight-line drawings of 1-plane graphs. These forbidden configurations can be tested for in linear time, and so in linear time we can test whether a 1-plane graph has an RVR and either compute such a representation or report a negative witness. Finally, we discuss some extensions of our study to the case when the embedding is not fixed but the RVR can have at most one crossing per edge

    Small Superpatterns for Dominance Drawing

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    We exploit the connection between dominance drawings of directed acyclic graphs and permutations, in both directions, to provide improved bounds on the size of universal point sets for certain types of dominance drawing and on superpatterns for certain natural classes of permutations. In particular we show that there exist universal point sets for dominance drawings of the Hasse diagrams of width-two partial orders of size O(n^{3/2}), universal point sets for dominance drawings of st-outerplanar graphs of size O(n\log n), and universal point sets for dominance drawings of directed trees of size O(n^2). We show that 321-avoiding permutations have superpatterns of size O(n^{3/2}), riffle permutations (321-, 2143-, and 2413-avoiding permutations) have superpatterns of size O(n), and the concatenations of sequences of riffles and their inverses have superpatterns of size O(n\log n). Our analysis includes a calculation of the leading constants in these bounds.Comment: ANALCO 2014, This version fixes an error in the leading constant of the 321-superpattern siz

    A Universal Point Set for 2-Outerplanar Graphs

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    A point set SR2S \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2 is universal for a class G\cal G if every graph of G{\cal G} has a planar straight-line embedding on SS. It is well-known that the integer grid is a quadratic-size universal point set for planar graphs, while the existence of a sub-quadratic universal point set for them is one of the most fascinating open problems in Graph Drawing. Motivated by the fact that outerplanarity is a key property for the existence of small universal point sets, we study 2-outerplanar graphs and provide for them a universal point set of size O(nlogn)O(n \log n).Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, conference version at GD 201

    Improved Algorithms for the Point-Set Embeddability problem for Plane 3-Trees

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    In the point set embeddability problem, we are given a plane graph GG with nn vertices and a point set SS with nn points. Now the goal is to answer the question whether there exists a straight-line drawing of GG such that each vertex is represented as a distinct point of SS as well as to provide an embedding if one does exist. Recently, in \cite{DBLP:conf/gd/NishatMR10}, a complete characterization for this problem on a special class of graphs known as the plane 3-trees was presented along with an efficient algorithm to solve the problem. In this paper, we use the same characterization to devise an improved algorithm for the same problem. Much of the efficiency we achieve comes from clever uses of the triangular range search technique. We also study a generalized version of the problem and present improved algorithms for this version of the problem as well