4 research outputs found

    Scaling Effect of Fused ASTER-MODIS Land Surface Temperature in an Urban Environment

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    There is limited research in land surface temperatures (LST) simulation using image fusion techniques, especially studies addressing the downscaling effect of LST image fusion. LST simulation and associated downscaling effect can potentially benefit the thermal studies requiring both high spatial and temporal resolutions. This study simulated LSTs based on observed Terra Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LST imagery with Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model, and investigated the downscaling effect of LST image fusion at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 250, 500, and 1000 m spatial resolutions. The study area partially covered the City of Los Angeles, California, USA, and surrounding areas. The reference images (observed ASTER and MODIS LST imagery) were acquired on 04/03/2007 and 07/01/2007, with simulated LSTs produced for 4/28/2007. Three image resampling methods (Cubic Convolution, Bilinear Interpolation, and Nearest Neighbor) were used during the downscaling and upscaling processes, and the resulting LST simulations were compared. Results indicated that the observed ASTER LST and simulated ASTER LST images (date 04/28/2007, spatial resolution 90 m) had high agreement in terms of spatial variations and basic statistics based on a comparison between the observed and simulated ASTER LST maps. Urban developed lands possessed higher LSTs with lighter tones and mountainous areas showed dark tones with lower LSTs. The Cubic Convolution and Bilinear Interpolation resampling methods yielded better results over Nearest Neighbor resampling method across the scales from 15 to 1000 m. The simulated LSTs with image fusion can be used as valuable inputs in heat related studies that require frequent LST measurements with fine spatial resolutions, e.g., seasonal movements of urban heat islands, monthly energy budget assessment, and temperature-driven epidemiology. The observation of scale-independency of the proposed image fusion method can facilitate with image selections of LST studies at various locations

    Spatial Downscaling of GOES-R Land Surface Temperature over Urban Regions: A Case Study for New York City

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    The surface urban heat island (SUHI) effect is among the major environmental issues encountered in urban regions. To better predict the dynamics of the SUHI and its impacts on extreme heat events, an accurate characterization of the surface energy balance in urban regions is needed. However, the ability to improve understanding of the surface energy balance is limited by the heterogeneity of surfaces in urban areas. This study aims to enhance the understanding of the urban surface energy budget through an innovation in the use of land surface temperature (LST) observations from remote sensing satellites. A LST database with 5–min temporal and 30–m spatial resolution is developed by spatial downscaling of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites—R (GOES–R) series LST product over New York City (NYC). The new downscaling method, known as the Spatial Downscaling Method (SDM), benefits from the fine spatial resolution of Landsat–8 and high temporal resolution of GOES–R, and considers the temporal variation in LST for each land cover type separately. Preliminary results show that the SDM can reproduce the temporal and spatial variability of LST over NYC reasonably well and the downscaled LST has a spatial root mean square error (RMSE) of the order of 2 K as compared to the independent Landsat–8 observations. The SDM shows smaller RMSE of 1.93 K over the tree canopy land cover, whereas RMSE is 2.19 K for built–up areas. The overall results indicate that the SDM has potential to estimate LST at finer spatial and temporal scales over urban regions

    Detection of vegetation drying signals using diurnal variation of land surface temperature: Application to the 2018 East Asia heatwave

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    Satellite-based vegetation monitoring provides important insights regarding spatiotemporal variations in vegetation growth from a regional to continental scale. Most current vegetation monitoring methodologies rely on spectral vegetation indices (VIs) observed by polar-orbiting satellites, which provide one or a few observations per day. This study proposes a new methodology based on diurnal changes in land surface temperatures (LSTs) using Japan's geostationary satellite, Himawari-8/Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI). AHI thermal infrared observation provides LSTs at 10-min frequencies and ∼ 2 km spatial resolution. The DTC parameters that summarize the diurnal cycle waveform were obtained by fitting a diurnal temperature cycle (DTC) model to the time-series LST information for each day. To clarify the applicability of DTC parameters in detecting vegetation drying under humid climates, DTC parameters from in situ LSTs observed at vegetation sites, as well as those from Himawari-8 LSTs, were evaluated for East Asia. Utilizing the record-breaking heat wave that occurred in East Asia in 2018 as a case study, the anomalies of DTC parameters from the Himawari-8 LSTs were compared with the drying signals indicated by VIs, latent heat fluxes (LE), and surface soil moisture (SM). The results of site-based and satellite-based analyses revealed that DTR (diurnal temperature range) correlates with the evaporative fraction (EF) and SM, whereas Tmax (daily maximum LST) correlates with LE and VIs. Regarding other temperature-related parameters, T0 (LST around sunrise), Ta (temperature rise during daytime), and δT (temperature fall during nighttime) are unstable in quantification by DTC model. Moreover, time-related parameters, such as tm (time reaching Tmax), are more sensitive to topographic slope and geometric conditions than surface thermal properties at humid sites in East Asia, although they correlate with EF and SM at a semi-arid site in Australia. Additionally, the spatial distribution of the DTR anomaly during the 2018 heat wave corresponds with the drying signals indicated as negative SM anomalies. Regions with large positive anomalies in Tmax and DTR correspond to area with visible damage to vegetation, as indicated by negative VI anomalies. Hence, combined Tmax and DTR potentially detects vegetation drying indetectable by VIs, thereby providing earlier and more detailed vegetation monitoring in both humid and semi-arid climates

    Efficient Super-Resolution of Near-Surface Climate Modeling Using the Fourier Neural Operator

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    Downscaling methods are critical in efficiently generating high-resolution atmospheric data. However, state-of-the-art statistical or dynamical downscaling techniques either suffer from the high computational cost of running a physical model or require high-resolution data to develop a downscaling tool. Here, we demonstrate a recently proposed zero-shot super-resolution method, the Fourier neural operator (FNO), to efficiently perform downscaling without the need for high-resolution data. Because the FNO learns dynamics in Fourier space, FNO is a resolution-invariant emulator; it can be trained at a coarse resolution and produces emulation at any high resolution. We applied FNO to downscale a 4-km resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model simulation of near-surface heat-related variables over the Great Lakes region. The FNO is driven by the atmospheric forcings and topographic features used in the WRF model at the same resolution. We incorporated a physics-constrained loss in FNO by using the Clausius–Clapeyron relation to better constrain the relations among the emulated states. Trained on merely 600 WRF snapshots at 4-km resolution, the FNO shows comparable performance with a widely-used convolutional network, U-Net, achieving averaged modified Kling–Gupta Efficiency of 0.88 and 0.94 on the test data set for temperature and pressure, respectively. We then employed the FNO to produce 1-km emulations to reproduce the fine climate features. Further, by taking the WRF simulation as ground truth, we show consistent performances at the two resolutions, suggesting the reliability of FNO in producing high-resolution dynamics. Our study demonstrates the potential of using FNO for zero-shot super-resolution in generating first-order estimation on atmospheric modeling