10 research outputs found

    An 8-DPSK TCM modem for MSAT-X

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    This paper describes the real-time digital implementation of an 8-differentiated phase-shift keying (DPSK) trellis-coded modulation (TCM) modem for operation on an L-band, 5 kHz wide, land mobile satellite (LMS) channel. The modem architecture as well as some of the signal processing techniques employed in the modem to combat the LMS channel impairments are described, and the modem performance over the fading channel is presented

    Trellis-coded MPSK modulation techniques for MSAT-X(sup)1

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    Various trellis-coded modulated phase shift keying (MPSK) modulation techniques for transmitting 4.8 kbps over a 5 kHz RF channel are considered. The tradeoffs between coherent versus differentially coherent types of demodulation, and interleaving are discussed as well as optimum trellis-codes designed for fading channels. Simulation results are presented

    Pilot-aided modulation for narrow-band satellite communications

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    This paper discusses a number of tone-aided modulation techniques which have been studied as part of the Mobile Satellite Experiment (MSAT-X) Program. In all instances tone(s) are inserted into data-free portions of the transmit spectrum and used by the receiver to sense the amplitude and frequency/phase distortions introduced by the channel. The receiver then uses this information in a feedforward manner to lessen the effect of the distortions on the data detection performance. Particular techniques discussed are the Tone Calibration Technique (TCT), the Dual Tone Calibrated Technique (DTCT), Transparent Tone-In-Band (TTIB), and Dual-Tone Single Sideband (DTSSB)

    Asynchronous timing and Doppler recovery in DSP based DPSK modems for fixed and mobile satellite applications

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    While conventional analog modems employ some kind of clock wave regenerator circuit for synchronous timing recovery, in sampled modem receivers the timing is recovered asynchronously to the incoming data stream, with no adjustment being made to the input sampling rate. All timing corrections are accomplished by digital operations on the sampled data stream, and timing recovery is asynchronous with the uncontrolled, input A/D system. A good timing error measurement algorithm is a zero crossing tracker proposed by Gardner. Digital, speech rate (2400 - 4800 bps) M-PSK modem receivers employing Gardner's zero crossing tracker were implemented and tested and found to achieve BER performance very close to theoretical values on the AWGN channel. Nyguist pulse shaped modem systems with excess bandwidth factors ranging from 100 to 60 percent were considered. We can show that for any symmetric M-PSK signal set Gardner's NDA algorithm is free of pattern jitter for any carrier phase offset for rectangular pulses and for Nyquist pulses having 100 percent excess bandwidth. Also, the Nyquist pulse shaped system is studied on the mobile satellite channel, where Doppler shifts and multipath fading degrade the pi/4-DQPSK signal. Two simple modifications to Gardner's zero crossing tracker enable it to remain useful in the presence of multipath fading

    An aeronautical mobile satellite experiment

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    The various activities and findings of a NASA/FAA/COMSAT/INMARSAT collaborative aeronautical mobile satellite experiment are detailed. The primary objective of the experiment was to demonstrate and evaluate an advanced digital mobile satellite terminal developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory under the NASA Mobile Satellite Program. The experiment was a significant milestone for NASA/JPL, since it was the first test of the mobile terminal in a true mobile satellite environment. The results were also of interest to the general mobile satellite community because of the advanced nature of the technologies employed in the terminal

    Publications of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1989

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    This bibliography describes and indexes by primary author the externally distributed technical reporting, released during 1989, that resulted from scientific and engineering work performed, or managed, by JPL. Three classes of publications are included: JPL publications in which the information is complete for a specific accomplishment; articles from the quarterly Telecommunications and Data Acquisition (TDA) Progress Report; and articles published in the open literature

    Trellis coding with Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) for satellite-based land-mobile communications

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    This volume of the final report summarizes the results of our studies on the satellite-based mobile communications project. It includes: a detailed analysis, design, and simulations of trellis coded, full/partial response CPM signals with/without interleaving over various Rician fading channels; analysis and simulation of computational cutoff rates for coherent, noncoherent, and differential detection of CPM signals; optimization of the complete transmission system; analysis and simulation of power spectrum of the CPM signals; design and development of a class of Doppler frequency shift estimators; design and development of a symbol timing recovery circuit; and breadboard implementation of the transmission system. Studies prove the suitability of the CPM system for mobile communications

    Proceedings of the Mobile Satellite Conference

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    A satellite-based mobile communications system provides voice and data communications to mobile users over a vast geographic area. The technical and service characteristics of mobile satellite systems (MSSs) are presented and form an in-depth view of the current MSS status at the system and subsystem levels. Major emphasis is placed on developments, current and future, in the following critical MSS technology areas: vehicle antennas, networking, modulation and coding, speech compression, channel characterization, space segment technology and MSS experiments. Also, the mobile satellite communications needs of government agencies are addressed, as is the MSS potential to fulfill them

    Proceedings of the Third International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1993)

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    Satellite-based mobile communications systems provide voice and data communications to users over a vast geographic area. The users may communicate via mobile or hand-held terminals, which may also provide access to terrestrial cellular communications services. While the first and second International Mobile Satellite Conferences (IMSC) mostly concentrated on technical advances, this Third IMSC also focuses on the increasing worldwide commercial activities in Mobile Satellite Services. Because of the large service areas provided by such systems, it is important to consider political and regulatory issues in addition to technical and user requirements issues. Topics covered include: the direct broadcast of audio programming from satellites; spacecraft technology; regulatory and policy considerations; advanced system concepts and analysis; propagation; and user requirements and applications