9 research outputs found

    Almost strict domination and anti-de Sitter 3-manifolds

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    We define a condition called almost strict domination for pairs of representations ρ1:π1(Sg,n)PSL(2,R)\rho_1:\pi_1(S_{g,n})\to \textrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R}), ρ2:π1(Sg,n)G\rho_2:\pi_1(S_{g,n})\to G, where GG is the isometry group of a Hadamard manifold (X,ν)(X,\nu), and prove it holds if and only if one can find a (ρ1,ρ2)(\rho_1,\rho_2)-equivariant spacelike maximal surface in a certain pseudo-Riemannian manifold, unique up to fixing some parameters. The proof amounts to setting up and solving an interesting variational problem that involves infinite energy harmonic maps. Adapting a construction of Tholozan, we construct all such representations and parametrize the deformation space. When (X,ν)=(H,σ)(X,\nu)=(\mathbb{H},\sigma), an almost strictly dominating pair is equivalent to the data of an anti-de Sitter 3-manifold with specific properties. The results on maximal surfaces provide a parametrization of the deformation space of such 33-manifolds as a union of components in a PSL(2,R)×PSL(2,R)\textrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R})\times \textrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R}) relative representation variety

    AdS 3-manifolds and Higgs bundles

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    In this paper we investigate the relationships between closed AdS 3-manifolds and Higgs bundles. We have a new way to construct AdS structures that allows us to see many of their properties explicitly, for example we can recover the very recent formula by Tholozan for their volume. We give natural foliations of the AdS structure with time-like geodesic circles and we use these circles to construct equivariant minimal immersions of the Poincaré disc into the Grassmannian of time-like 2-planes of ℝ^(2,2)


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    peer reviewedWe generalize a well-known existence and uniqueness result for equivariant harmonic maps due to Corlette, Donaldson, and Labourie to a non-compact infinite energy setting and analyze the asymptotic behaviour of the harmonic maps. When the relevant representation is Fuchsian and has hyperbolic monodromy, our construction recovers a family of harmonic maps originally studied by Wolf. We employ these maps to solve a domination problem for representations. In particular, following ideas laid out by Deroin-Tholozan, we prove that any representation from a finitely generated free group to the isometry group of a CAT(−1) Hadamard manifold is strictly dominated in length spectrum by a large collection of Fuchsian ones. As an intermediate step in the proof, we obtain a result of independent interest: parametrizations of certain Teichmüller spaces by holomorphic quadratic differentials. The main consequence of the domination result is the existence of a new collection of anti-de Sitter 3-manifolds. We also present an application to the theory of maximal immersions into the Grassmanian of timelike planes in R2,