17 research outputs found

    Penerapan Teknik Seo (Search Engine Optimization) pada Website dalam Strategi Pemasaran melalui Internet

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    The purpose of this research is how to optimize a web design that can increase the number of visitors. The number of Internet users in the world continues to grow in line with advances in information technology. Products and services marketing media do not just use the printed and electronic media. Moreover, the cost of using the Internet as a medium of marketing is relatively inexpensive when compared to the use of television as a marketing medium. The penetration of the internet as a marketing medium lasted for 24 hours in different parts of the world. But to make an internet site into a site that is visited by many internet users, the site is not only good from the outside view only. Web sites that serve as a medium for marketing must be built with the correct rules, so that the Web site be optimal marketing media. One of the good rules in building the internet site as a marketing medium is how the content of such web sites indexed well in search engines like google. Search engine optimization in the index will be focused on the search engine Google for 83% of internet users across the world using Google as a search engine. Search engine optimization commonly known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an important rule that the internet site is easier to find a user with the desired keywords

    Penerapan SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Produk

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    Jumlah pengguna internet di seluruh dunia terus bertambah dan akan terus tumbuh seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi komunikasi. Media pemasaran produk maupun jasa bukan cuma pada media cetak dan elektronik tapi juga media internet. Internet bisa melewati batas negara menjadi salah satu kekuatan internet sebagai media pemasaran. Terlebih, biayanya relatif murah. Penetrasi internet sebagai media pemasaran berlangsung selama 24 jam di penjuru dunia. Tapi membuat situs internet yang banyak dikunjungi tidak cukup mudah karena perlu optimasi dibagian-bagian tertentu. Optimasi pada website lebih dikenal sebagai SEO (Search Engine Optimization) yang merupakan kaidah penting agar situs internet lebih mudah dicari pengguna dengan kata kunci yang diinginkan. Dengan menerapkan SEO maka website tersebut dapat muncul di halaman pertama pencairan dan dengan itu diharapkan traffic pengunjung juga ikut meningkat serta dalam media promosi dapat mendongkrak angka penjualan

    Vermitteln Suchmaschinen vollständige Bilder aktueller Themen? Untersuchung der Gewichtung inhaltlicher Aspekte von Suchmaschinenergebnissen in Deutschland und den USA

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    Objective — The goal was to identify potential search engine content bias by comparing pictures of selected current and international events, from Google and Bing across Germany and the US. Criteria were developed for (1) completeness, (2) coverage, and (3) weighting of the particular content aspects. Methods — Empirical analysis was conducted using a hybrid / cross-functional methodology taken from the social sciences (content analysis) and information science (retrieval tests). Results — Both Google and Bing (1) do not provide complete coverage in neither Germany nor the US, (2) both do not cover the three most important content aspects on the first three result positions, and (3) there do not seem to be significant differences regarding the weighting of the content aspects. However, these results are somewhat limited, due to the methodology and the evaluation. Conclusions — The findings indicate that search engine content bias indeed exists. This could have an effect on how public opinions are formed. The topic should be further analyzed, especially in the light of effort required for obtaining results of high quality

    Confirmation Bias: Roles of Search Engines and Search Contexts

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    Prior work shows that confirmation bias, defined as the tendency to seek confirming evidence, is prevalent on the Web as well. While this has been attributed to individuals\u27 psychological needs or cognitive limitations, the roles of search engines and search contexts have largely been neglected. The goals of this study are to examine how search contexts may change the composition of search results, and how – if at all – search engines may contribute to confirmation bias. Results of two studies show that search engines may exacerbate confirmation bias by generating results that consist only of confirming evidence for search contexts where disconfirming evidence is identified using different terms or phrases. This induces individuals to make biased decisions. Findings of this study deepen our understanding of the ways in which confirmation bias unfolds on the Web when individuals use search engines

    Auditing the representation of migrants in image web search results

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    Search engines serve as information gatekeepers on a multitude of topics that are prone to gender, ethnicity, and race misrepresentations. In this paper, we specifically look at the image search representation of migrant population groups that are often subjected to discrimination and biased representation in mainstream media, increasingly so with the rise of right-wing populist actors in the Western countries. Using multiple (n = 200) virtual agents to simulate human browsing behavior in a controlled environment, we collect image search results related to various terms referring to migrants (e.g., expats, immigrants, and refugees, seven queries in English and German used in total) from the six most popular search engines. Then, with the aid of manual coding, we investigate which features are used to represent these groups and whether the representations are subjected to bias. Our findings indicate that search engines reproduce ethnic and gender biases common for mainstream media representations of different subgroups of migrant population. For instance, migrant representations tend to be highly racialized, and female migrants as well as migrants at work tend to be underrepresented in the results. Our findings highlight the need for further algorithmic impact auditing studies in the context of representation of potentially vulnerable groups in web search results