992 research outputs found

    Multimodal Side-Tuning for Document Classification

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    In this paper, we propose to exploit the side-tuning framework for multimodal document classification. Side-tuning is a methodology for network adaptation recently introduced to solve some of the problems related to previous approaches. Thanks to this technique it is actually possible to overcome model rigidity and catastrophic forgetting of transfer learning by fine-tuning. The proposed solution uses off-the-shelf deep learning architectures leveraging the side-tuning framework to combine a base model with a tandem of two side networks. We show that side-tuning can be successfully employed also when different data sources are considered, e.g. text and images in document classification. The experimental results show that this approach pushes further the limit for document classification accuracy with respect to the state of the art.Comment: 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR

    Real-time self-adaptive deep stereo

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    Deep convolutional neural networks trained end-to-end are the state-of-the-art methods to regress dense disparity maps from stereo pairs. These models, however, suffer from a notable decrease in accuracy when exposed to scenarios significantly different from the training set, e.g., real vs synthetic images, etc.). We argue that it is extremely unlikely to gather enough samples to achieve effective training/tuning in any target domain, thus making this setup impractical for many applications. Instead, we propose to perform unsupervised and continuous online adaptation of a deep stereo network, which allows for preserving its accuracy in any environment. However, this strategy is extremely computationally demanding and thus prevents real-time inference. We address this issue introducing a new lightweight, yet effective, deep stereo architecture, Modularly ADaptive Network (MADNet) and developing a Modular ADaptation (MAD) algorithm, which independently trains sub-portions of the network. By deploying MADNet together with MAD we introduce the first real-time self-adaptive deep stereo system enabling competitive performance on heterogeneous datasets.Comment: Accepted at CVPR2019 as oral presentation. Code Available https://github.com/CVLAB-Unibo/Real-time-self-adaptive-deep-stere
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