26 research outputs found

    Unsupervised ensemble of experts (EoE) framework for automatic binarization of document images

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    In recent years, a large number of binarization methods have been developed, with varying performance generalization and strength against different benchmarks. In this work, to leverage on these methods, an ensemble of experts (EoE) framework is introduced, to efficiently combine the outputs of various methods. The proposed framework offers a new selection process of the binarization methods, which are actually the experts in the ensemble, by introducing three concepts: confidentness, endorsement and schools of experts. The framework, which is highly objective, is built based on two general principles: (i) consolidation of saturated opinions and (ii) identification of schools of experts. After building the endorsement graph of the ensemble for an input document image based on the confidentness of the experts, the saturated opinions are consolidated, and then the schools of experts are identified by thresholding the consolidated endorsement graph. A variation of the framework, in which no selection is made, is also introduced that combines the outputs of all experts using endorsement-dependent weights. The EoE framework is evaluated on the set of participating methods in the H-DIBCO'12 contest and also on an ensemble generated from various instances of grid-based Sauvola method with promising performance.Comment: 6-page version, Accepted to be presented in ICDAR'1

    Learning Surrogate Models of Document Image Quality Metrics for Automated Document Image Processing

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    Computation of document image quality metrics often depends upon the availability of a ground truth image corresponding to the document. This limits the applicability of quality metrics in applications such as hyperparameter optimization of image processing algorithms that operate on-the-fly on unseen documents. This work proposes the use of surrogate models to learn the behavior of a given document quality metric on existing datasets where ground truth images are available. The trained surrogate model can later be used to predict the metric value on previously unseen document images without requiring access to ground truth images. The surrogate model is empirically evaluated on the Document Image Binarization Competition (DIBCO) and the Handwritten Document Image Binarization Competition (H-DIBCO) datasets

    Automatic Document Image Binarization using Bayesian Optimization

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    Document image binarization is often a challenging task due to various forms of degradation. Although there exist several binarization techniques in literature, the binarized image is typically sensitive to control parameter settings of the employed technique. This paper presents an automatic document image binarization algorithm to segment the text from heavily degraded document images. The proposed technique uses a two band-pass filtering approach for background noise removal, and Bayesian optimization for automatic hyperparameter selection for optimal results. The effectiveness of the proposed binarization technique is empirically demonstrated on the Document Image Binarization Competition (DIBCO) and the Handwritten Document Image Binarization Competition (H-DIBCO) datasets

    Deformable Part Models for Automatically Georeferencing Historical Map Images

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    Libraries are digitizing their collections of maps from all eras, generating increasingly large online collections of historical cartographic resources. Aligning such maps to a modern geographic coordinate system greatly increases their utility. This work presents a method for such automatic georeferencing, matching raster image content to GIS vector coordinate data. Given an approximate initial alignment that has already been projected from a spherical geographic coordinate system to a Cartesian map coordinate system, a probabilistic shape-matching scheme determines an optimized match between the GIS contours and ink in the binarized map image. Using an evaluation set of 20 historical maps from states and regions of the U.S., the method reduces average alignment RMSE by 12%

    A Multiple-Expert Binarization Framework for Multispectral Images

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    In this work, a multiple-expert binarization framework for multispectral images is proposed. The framework is based on a constrained subspace selection limited to the spectral bands combined with state-of-the-art gray-level binarization methods. The framework uses a binarization wrapper to enhance the performance of the gray-level binarization. Nonlinear preprocessing of the individual spectral bands is used to enhance the textual information. An evolutionary optimizer is considered to obtain the optimal and some suboptimal 3-band subspaces from which an ensemble of experts is then formed. The framework is applied to a ground truth multispectral dataset with promising results. In addition, a generalization to the cross-validation approach is developed that not only evaluates generalizability of the framework, it also provides a practical instance of the selected experts that could be then applied to unseen inputs despite the small size of the given ground truth dataset.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables. Presented at ICDAR'1

    U-Net-bin: hacking the document image binarization contest

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    Image binarization is still a challenging task in a variety of applications. In particular, Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO) is organized regularly to track the state-of-the-art techniques for the historical document binarization. In this work we present a binarization method that was ranked first in the DIBCO`17 contest. It is a convolutional neural network (CNN) based method which uses U-Net architecture, originally designed for biomedical image segmentation. We describe our approach to training data preparation and contest ground truth examination and provide multiple insights on its construction (so called hacking). It led to more accurate historical document binarization problem statement with respect to the challenges one could face in the open access datasets. A docker container with the final network along with all the supplementary data we used in the training process has been published on Github.The work was partially funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects 17-29-07092 and 17-29-07093)

    DeepOtsu: Document Enhancement and Binarization using Iterative Deep Learning

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    This paper presents a novel iterative deep learning framework and apply it for document enhancement and binarization. Unlike the traditional methods which predict the binary label of each pixel on the input image, we train the neural network to learn the degradations in document images and produce the uniform images of the degraded input images, which allows the network to refine the output iteratively. Two different iterative methods have been studied in this paper: recurrent refinement (RR) which uses the same trained neural network in each iteration for document enhancement and stacked refinement (SR) which uses a stack of different neural networks for iterative output refinement. Given the learned uniform and enhanced image, the binarization map can be easy to obtain by a global or local threshold. The experimental results on several public benchmark data sets show that our proposed methods provide a new clean version of the degraded image which is suitable for visualization and promising results of binarization using the global Otsu's threshold based on the enhanced images learned iteratively by the neural network.Comment: Accepted by Pattern Recognitio

    An Efficient Phase-Based Binarization Method for Degraded Historical Documents

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    Document image binarization is the first essential step in digitalizing images and is considered an essential technique in both document image analysis applications and optical character recognition operations, the binarization process is used to obtain a binary image from the original image, binary image is the proper presentation for image segmentation, recognition, and restoration as underlined by several studies which assure that the next step of document image analysis applications depends on the binarization result.  However, old and historical document images mainly suffering from several types of degradations, such as bleeding through the blur, uneven illumination and other types of degradations which makes the binarization process a difficult task. Therefore, extracting of foreground from a degraded background relies on the degradation, furthermore it also depends on the type of used paper and document age. Developed binarization methods are necessary to decrease the impact of the degradation in document background. To resolve this difficulty, this paper proposes an effective, enhanced binarization technique for degraded and historical document images. The proposed method is based on enhancing an existing binarization method by modifying parameters and adding a post-processing stage, thus improving the resulting binary images. This proposed technique is also robust, as there is no need for parameter tuning. After using document image binarization Contest (DIBCO) datasets to evaluate this proposed technique, our findings show that the proposed method efficiency is promising, producing better results than those obtained by some of the winners in the DIBCO

    Isolated Character Forms from Dated Syriac Manuscripts

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    This paper describes a set of hand-isolated character samples selected from securely dated manuscripts written in Syriac between 300 and 1300 C.E., which are being made available for research purposes. The collection can be used for a number of applications, including ground truth for character segmentation and form analysis for paleographical dating. Several applications based upon convolutional neural networks demonstrate the possibilities of the data set