14 research outputs found

    The Use of SMIL: Multimedia Research Currently Applied on a Global Scale

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    This paper describes the current use of the multimedia standard SMIL. SMIL features that relate to active areas of multimedia research are discussed. SMIL current implementation in existing browsers is described. Examples from the Web of SMIL applications representing different types of multimedia are presented. These discussions together provide an overview of how SMIL currently addresses the needs of multimedia distributed on the Web

    Generating Presentation Constraints from Rhetorical Structure

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    Hypermedia structured in terms of the higher-level intent of its author can be adapted to a wider variety of final presentations. Many multimedia systems encode such high-level intent as constraints on either time, spatial layout or navigation. Once specified, these constraints are translated into specific presentations whose timelines, screen displays and navigational structure satisfy these constraints. This ensures that the desired spatial, temporal and navigation properties are maintained no matter how the presentation is adapted to varying circumstances. Rhetorical structure defines author intent at a still higher level. Authoring at this level requires that rhetorics can be translated to final presentations that properly reflect them. This paper explores how rhetorical structure can be translated into constraints, which are then translated into final presentations. This enables authoring in terms of rhetorics and provides the assurance that the rhetorics will remain properly conveyed in all presentation adaptation

    The Link vs. the Event: Activating and Deactivating Elements in Time-Based Hypermedia

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    Activation and deactivation of media items plays a fundamental role in the playing of multimedia and time-based hypermedia presentations. Activation and deactivation information thus has to be captured in an underlying document format. In this paper we show that a number of aspects of activation and deactivation information can be captured using both link structures and events in time-based hypermedia. In particular, we discuss how deactivation and activation can be specified, how the activations and deactivations can be initiated and potential (synchronization) relationships between the elements involved. We first introduce the notions of time-based scheduling and event-based scheduling and then present a short summary of linking. We discuss the similarities between event-based scheduling and linking. We describe a number of aspects of activation and deactivation that can be specified within a document. We then discuss how activation and deactivation information can be recorded in link structures and events

    Hypermedia and the semantic web: a research agenda

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    Until recently, the Semantic Web was little more than a name for the next generation Web infrastructure as envisioned by its inventor, Tim Berners-Lee. Now, with the introduction of XML and RDF, and new developments such as RDF Schema and DAML+OIL, the Semantic Web is rapidly taking shape. In this paper, we first give an overview of the state-of-the-art in Semantic Web technology, the key relationships with traditional hypermedia research, and a comprehensive reference list to various sets of literature (Hypertext, Web and Semantic Web). The core of the paper presents a research agenda b

    Analyse von Nutzeraktivitäten in linearen und nicht-linearen Lernvideos

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    In diesem Beitrag werden verschiedene Ansätze zur visuellen Analyse von Nutzeraktivitäten in linearen und nicht-linearen Lernvideos behandelt. Ziel ist es dabei, durch geeignete Visualisierungsinstrumente besser zu verstehen, wie Lernende einzelne Videos nutzen und sich innerhalb von Videokollektionen verhalten. Ausgehend von der Erhebung und Aufbereitung von Logdaten werden Visualisierungen für die Betrachtung von einzelnen Lernenden und Lerngruppen vorgestellt. Das Nutzerverhalten in nicht-linearen Videos respektive Hypervideos wird durch Verlaufspfade, Segment-Zeit-Diagramme und Graphen veranschaulicht. 24.04.2014 | Niels Seidel (Dresden

    Interactive graphical timelines as collaborative scenario management tools

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    Training emergency response decision makers using live, virtual and/or constructive simulations can be highly complex since certain situations can generate stimulusresponse cycles that depend significantly on unpredictable human judgments. In particular, effective training scenarios require a combination of content contributed via pre-authored scripts and content generated dynamically during the training exercise. Large-scale exercises require multiple domain experts contributing oversight and content to the scenario as it proceeds. Such real-time adaptation requires situational and group awareness based on an understanding of pre-scripted materials and the adaptations of others. This thesis describes the evolution and evaluation of a collaborative graphical timeline system, called the Scenario Timeline System (STS), which facilitates asynchronous and synchronous collaborative timeline management, and its application in large-scale, computer-supported emergency response training exercises

    Deliverable D5.1 LinkedTV Platform and Architecture

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    The objective of Linked TV is the integration of hyperlinks in videos to open up new possibilities for an interactive, seamless usage of video on the Web. LinkedTV provides a platform for the automatic identification of media fragments, their metadata annotations and connection with the Linked Open Data Cloud, which enables to develop applications for the search for objects, persons or events in videos and retrieval of more detailed related information. The objective of D5.1 is the design of the platform architecture for the server and client side based on the requirements derived from the scenarios defined in WP6 and technical needs from WPs 1-4. The document defines workflows, components, data structures and tools. Flexible interfaces and an efficient communications infrastructure allow for a seamless deployment of the system in heterogeneous, distributed environments. The resulting design builds the basis for the distributed development of all components in WP1-4 and their integration into a platform enabling for the efficient development of Hypervideo applications

    CWI-evaluation - Progress Report 1993-1998

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    Do You Have the Time? Composition and Linking in Time-based Hypermedia

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    Most hypermedia documents don't incorporate time explicitly. This prevents authors from having direct control over the temporal aspects of a presentation. In this paper we discuss the concept of presentation time - the timing of the individual parts of a presentation and the temporal relations among them. We argue why time is necessary from a presentation perspective, and discuss its relationship with other temporal views of a presentation. We derive the requirements and present our solution for incorporating temporal and linking information in a model of time-based hypermedia

    CWI Self-evaluation 1999-2004

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