16 research outputs found

    Understanding and Enhancing the Use of Context for Machine Translation

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    To understand and infer meaning in language, neural models have to learn complicated nuances. Discovering distinctive linguistic phenomena from data is not an easy task. For instance, lexical ambiguity is a fundamental feature of language which is challenging to learn. Even more prominently, inferring the meaning of rare and unseen lexical units is difficult with neural networks. Meaning is often determined from context. With context, languages allow meaning to be conveyed even when the specific words used are not known by the reader. To model this learning process, a system has to learn from a few instances in context and be able to generalize well to unseen cases. The learning process is hindered when training data is scarce for a task. Even with sufficient data, learning patterns for the long tail of the lexical distribution is challenging. In this thesis, we focus on understanding certain potentials of contexts in neural models and design augmentation models to benefit from them. We focus on machine translation as an important instance of the more general language understanding problem. To translate from a source language to a target language, a neural model has to understand the meaning of constituents in the provided context and generate constituents with the same meanings in the target language. This task accentuates the value of capturing nuances of language and the necessity of generalization from few observations. The main problem we study in this thesis is what neural machine translation models learn from data and how we can devise more focused contexts to enhance this learning. Looking more in-depth into the role of context and the impact of data on learning models is essential to advance the NLP field. Moreover, it helps highlight the vulnerabilities of current neural networks and provides insights into designing more robust models.Comment: PhD dissertation defended on November 10th, 202

    English academic discourse : its hegemonic status and implications for translation

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    Tese de doutoramento em Estudos da Cultura (Estudos de Tradução), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Letras, 2009Disponível no document

    Interactive Machine Learning for User-Innovation Toolkits – An Action Design Research approach

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    Machine learning offers great potential to developers and end users in the creative industries. However, to better support creative software developers' needs and empower them as machine learning users and innovators, the usability of and developer experience with machine learning tools must be considered and better understood. This thesis asks the following research questions: How can we apply a user-centred approach to the design of developer tools for rapid prototyping with Interactive Machine Learning? In what ways can we design better developer tools to accelerate and broaden innovation with machine learning? This thesis presents a three-year longitudinal action research study that I undertook within a multi-institutional consortium leading the EU H2020 -funded Innovation Action RAPID-MIX. The scope of the research presented here was the application of a user-centred approach to the design and evaluation of developer tools for rapid prototyping and product development with machine learning. This thesis presents my work in collaboration with other members of RAPID-MIX, including design and deployment of a user-centred methodology for the project, interventions for gathering requirements with RAPID-MIX consortium stakeholders and end users, and prototyping, development and evaluation of a software development toolkit for interactive machine learning. This thesis contributes with new understanding about the consequences and implications of a user-centred approach to the design and evaluation of developer tools for rapid prototyping of interactive machine learning systems. This includes 1) new understanding about the goals, needs, expectations, and challenges facing creative machine-learning non-expert developers and 2) an evaluation of the usability and design trade-offs of a toolkit for rapid prototyping with interactive machine learning. This thesis also contributes with 3) a methods framework of User-Centred Design Actions for harmonising User-Centred Design with Action Research and supporting the collaboration between action researchers and practitioners working in rapid innovation actions, and 4) recommendations for applying Action Research and User-Centred Design in similar contexts and scale

    Sensing the Cultural Significance with AI for Social Inclusion

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    Social Inclusion has been growing as a goal in heritage management. Whereas the 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) called for tools of knowledge documentation, social media already functions as a platform for online communities to actively involve themselves in heritage-related discussions. Such discussions happen both in “baseline scenarios” when people calmly share their experiences about the cities they live in or travel to, and in “activated scenarios” when radical events trigger their emotions. To organize, process, and analyse the massive unstructured multi-modal (mainly images and texts) user-generated data from social media efficiently and systematically, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shown to be indispensable. This thesis explores the use of AI in a methodological framework to include the contribution of a larger and more diverse group of participants with user-generated data. It is an interdisciplinary study integrating methods and knowledge from heritage studies, computer science, social sciences, network science, and spatial analysis. AI models were applied, nurtured, and tested, helping to analyse the massive information content to derive the knowledge of cultural significance perceived by online communities. The framework was tested in case study cities including Venice, Paris, Suzhou, Amsterdam, and Rome for the baseline and/or activated scenarios. The AI-based methodological framework proposed in this thesis is shown to be able to collect information in cities and map the knowledge of the communities about cultural significance, fulfilling the expectation and requirement of HUL, useful and informative for future socially inclusive heritage management processes


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    A letter to the editor is presented in response to the article The Georgia Confederate Flag Dispute, by J. Michael Martinez in the summer 2008 issue along with the response of the author

    Not invented here: Power and politics in public key infrastructure (PKI) institutionalisation at two global organisations.

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    This dissertation explores the impact of power and politics in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) institutionalisation. We argue that this process can be understood in power and politics terms because the infrastructure skews the control of organisational action in favour of dominant individuals and groups. Indeed, as our case studies show, shifting power balances is not only a desired outcome of PKI deployment, power drives institutionalisation. Therefore, despite the rational goals of improving security and reducing the total cost of ownership for IT, the PKIs in our field organisations have actually been catalysts for power and politics. Although current research focuses on external technical interoperation, we believe emphasis should be on the interaction between the at once restrictive and flexible PKI technical features, organisational structures, goals of sponsors and potential user resistance. We use the Circuits of Power (CoP) framework to explain how a PKI conditions and is conditioned by power and politics. Drawing on the concepts of infrastructure and institution, we submit that PKIs are politically explosive in pluralistic, distributed global organisations because by limiting freedom of action in favour of stability and security, they set a stage for disaffection. The result of antipathy towards the infrastructure would not be a major concern if public key cryptography, which underpins PKI, had a centralised mechanism for enforcing the user discipline it relies on to work properly. However, since this discipline is not automatic, a PKI bereft of support from existing power arrangements faces considerable institutionalisation challenges. We assess these ideas in two case studies in London and Switzerland. In London, we explain how an oil company used its institutional structures to implement PKI as part of a desktop standard covering 105,000 employees. In Zurich and London, we give a power analysis of attempts by a global financial services firm to roll out PKI to over 70,000 users. Our dissertation makes an important contribution by showing that where PKI supporters engage in a shrewdly orchestrated campaign to knit the infrastructure with the existing institutional order, it becomes an accepted part of organisational life without much ceremony. In sum, we both fill gaps in information security literature and extend knowledge on the efficacy of the Circuits of Power framework in conducting IS institutionalisation studies

    Sexy Technical Communication

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    Sexy technical writing
we’ve got to be kidding, right? But no, we aren’t. Good technical writing is powerful and clear and gets the job done. It brings people together and solves problems. Good technical writing purrs and hums like that BMW you plan to be driving someday.What’s not sexy about that? On the other hand, poor technical writing skills may lead to a lifetime of asking people if they want fries with that
or worse, selling vacuum cleaners door to door. There’s no need to ask what’s not sexy about that! WE – your textbook authors – are a team of dedicated writers, tech writing teachers, designers, artists and professionals who are absolutely passionate about technical writing. That’s why we decided to create a text for you that we all loved, a text that would be free and always available to you. Now, that’s sexy. We hope you love what we have done as much as we have loved doing it
and notice
we haven’t even asked for a donation!https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/facbooks2016/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Some Technical Vocabulary of Rhetorical Invention in the Treatise of Anonymous Seguerianus, Hermogenes\u27 On Statis , and Book Three of the [Pseudo-]Hermogenic Work On Invention

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    From the debates of the Christian councils to the homilies of the local priests, from the opaque scripting of the Byzantine epistle to the clarities of stasis theory, from the entertaining fictions of declamation to the promulgation of Byzantine cannon law, the citizens of Byzantium were never far from the rhetorical, and they themselves knew it. But the development of rhetorical theory in the Greek West has gained little attention, and what has been given to it has generally concentrated on questions of style. This dissertation examines some of the most basic qualities of that theory of rhetorical invention which Byzantium inherited and made its own, and which served as the foundation of its theoretical approach for a thousand years. The present study attempts to provide a basic in-road to Byzantine rhetoric by comparing and contrasting the technical vocabulary of rhetorical invention (such as epicheireme [ 3 ,pi c3i&d12;r hma ], enthymeme [ 3 ,nj u&d12;mhm a ], development [ 3 ,rg asi&d12;a ], artistic proof [ , 3&d12; nt3cnov pi&d12;st iv ], inartistic proof [ , a&d12; t3cnovp i&d12;sti v ], etc.) as it is employed, first, in the treatise of Anonymous Seguerianus and then in the inventional corpus of Hermogenes of Tarsus (whose works became the standard textbooks of Byzantine rhetoric). By examining alterations in the vocabulary of rhetorical invention surrounding Hermogenes\u27 reconstitution of the subject, one accomplishes two important tasks. First, such an examination lays out in a detailed and specific manner some of the changes in rhetorical theory which are represented in the Hermogenic inventional (as opposed to the stylistic) works, thus contributing to a more complete view on the history and development of rhetoric. Second, such an examination, once completed, provides the rhetorical theorist with an absolutely essential foundation upon which to build an understanding of rhetoric in Byzantium. This understanding of the Byzantine alterations in technical vocabulary provides a tool with which the rhetorician may investigate and interrogate Byzantine texts with respect to their critical outlook, their development, and their deviation from the Hermogenic norm