6,976 research outputs found

    Users' trust in information resources in the Web environment: a status report

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    This study has three aims; to provide an overview of the ways in which trust is either assessed or asserted in relation to the use and provision of resources in the Web environment for research and learning; to assess what solutions might be worth further investigation and whether establishing ways to assert trust in academic information resources could assist the development of information literacy; to help increase understanding of how perceptions of trust influence the behaviour of information users

    Marketing, Consumers and Technology: Perspectives for Enhancing Ethical Transactions

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    The advance of technology has influenced marketing in a number of ways that have ethical implications. Growth in use of the Internet and e-commerce has placed electronic cookies, spyware, spam, RFIDs, and data mining at the forefront of the ethical debate. Some marketers have minimized the significance of these trends. This overview paper examines these issues and introduces the two articles that follow. It is hoped that these entries will further the important marketing and technology ethical debate

    Ignore These At Your Peril: Ten principles for trust design

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    Online trust has been discussed for more than 10 years, yet little practical guidance has emerged that has proven to be applicable across contexts or useful in the long run. 'Trustworthy UI design guidelines' created in the late 90ies to address the then big question of online trust: how to get shoppers online, are now happily employed by people preparing phishing scams. In this paper we summarize, in practical terms, a conceptual framework for online trust we've established in 2005. Because of its abstract nature it is still useful as a lens through which to view the current big questions of the online trust debate - large focused on usable security and phishing attacks. We then deduct practical 10 rules for providing effective trust support to help practitioners and researchers of usable security

    Are Privacy Issues Important in Mexican Online Markets? An Empirical Investigation into Published Online Privacy Statements of Mexican Web Sites

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    Electronic commerce has had a considerable development in the world; it always implies information exchange, -being it frequently personal information-, between Internet users and site owners. Providing such data to a website, when usually users don’t even know where the company is located, has brought concerns about the use of private information by online business. Some countries have started to pass laws and guidelines regarding the use of private information gathered online, and also non government associations have started to certificate websites in the use and management of personal data. This study explores and analyzes the content of 120 privacy statements from online companies established in Mexico to address all privacy dimensions that seems to be important in online environment and to evaluate characteristics and differences in the use of the personal identifiable information among them. When possible, a comparison is made between some of the results of this research for companies operating in Mexico, and the findings made by Pollach (2006) for companies operating in U.S.A. Finally some possible future work is described and some conclusions are made

    Empirical Examination Of Effects Of Web Assurance Seals On Perceived Level Of Assurance And Price Tolerance With A Focus Being Placed On CPA-Associated Seals

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    Since the emergence of electronic commerce (e-commerce), the trustworthiness of commercial web sites has been one of the most important, persistent, and interesting issues both in industry and academia. Not surprisingly, web assurance seals have attracted considerable attention among e-commerce vendors due to its potential role as a key factor in the formation of initial trust. However, recent evidence indicates that web assurance seals fail to enhance online purchasing behavior in spite of rosy promises from seal providers. This research examines the mechanism of perceived assurance level formulation through the use of web assurance seal, seeking possible answers to whether Certified Public Accountant (CPA)-associated seals have more effect on the perceived assurance levels than non-CPA-associated seals. As such, the success of web assurance seal is contingent on multiple factors including the attributes of the assurance seal providers, the perceived value of the seal, and the familiarity of the web assurance seal. Overall, this article contributes to both practice and research by shedding light on the largely ignored phenomenon, namely, of web assurance seal failure and by exploring fundamental factors affecting web assurance seal initiative’s success

    E-commerce Systems and E-shop Web Sites Security

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    Fruitfulnes of contemporary companies rests on new business model development, elimination of communication obstacles, simplification of industrial processes, possibilities of responding in real-time and above all meeting the floating custom needs. Quite a number of company activities and transactions are realized within the framework of e-business. Business transactions are supported by e-commerce systems. One of the e-commerce system part is web interface (web sites). Present trend is putting the accent on security. E-commerce system security and web sites security is the most overlooked aspect of securing data. E-commerce system security depends on technologies and its correct exploitation and proceedings. If we want e-commerce system and e-shops web sites with all services to be safety, it is necessary to know all possible risks, use up to date technologies, follow conventions of web sites development and have good security management system. The article deals with definition and description of risk areas refer to e-commerce systems and e-shop web sites and show fundamental principles of e-commerce systems and e-shop web sites security.E-commerce system, e-shop web sites, security, security proceedings, web technologies

    What is preventing e-commerce from reaching its full potential? An investigation into trust as a barrier for the adoption of B2C e-commerce in the United Kingdom

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    Although electronic commerce has seen considerable growth in recent years, usage figures suggest that U.K consumers are still hesitant to make the switch to onJine shopping. This study initially reviewed the literatures on trust, Internet security, consumer purchasing behaviour and electronic commerce, and then combined the literature review findings with initial results obtained from a pilot study, and a model identifying the factors that affect consumers' perceived trustworthiness of web sites when making purchasing decisions on the Internet was created. The model was then tested by means of a consumer perception survey that used a novel quantitative survey instrument to investigate current consumer perceptions of e-commerce, from the perspective of both Internet and Non Internet users, and determined the main barrier to business to consumer (B2C) electronic commerce as identified by the potential consumers themselves. These quantitative findings were then used to further develop the model of trust, encompassing all the potential factors that the research identified could impact on a consumer's perceived level of trust in a web site, thus ultimately affecting their decision to purchase. This model was then tested through further qualitative research that incorporated observational studies to test consumer reactions to an onJine shopping scenario, using a special selection of web sites that should have (based on the model) a positive or negative influence on consumers' trust. Although the research design was qualitative in nature, a triangulation approach was adopted to ensure that the information generated was highly relevant and directly applicable to the creation of a model of trust. The model was revised, with the final version named the Model of Factors Affecting Consumer Trust Online (M.O.F.A.C.T.O). The implications of the model and recommendations for further research are discussed

    Saving Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in a Virtual World? A Comparative Look at Recent Global Electronic Signature Legislation

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    This piece focuses on recent global legislative initiatives designed to establish a legal framework supporting electronic signatures. As many governments worldwide increasingly seek to encourage the growth of e-commerce, the enactment of such legislation has become a priority
