21 research outputs found

    Impacts of online banner advertisement on consumers' purchase intention: A theoretical framework

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    Virtual discussion between students and lecturers nowadays become easier and effective by using computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools.The issue on geographical distance is no longer a problem but there are some aspects that need attention, such as the consultation documentation, record log and the ability to see the records of these virtual relationships.Most current virtual communications software is focused on the communication and less on the process of before and after the virtual communication. In order to enhance the virtual communication process, we have designed and developed an Online Instructional Consultation (OICon) model to facilitate student-lecturer consultation for higher education mentor-mentee system in Malaysia.The model consists of 5 interrelated domains that are personalization, consultation processes and task involved, features and multimedia components, consultation content and consultation document.It provides alternative means on delivery of the contents and services as well as provides participants a range of option. By this way, students and lecturer can involve actively through online consultation at remote places, not just between lecturer and students but also on post-session discussion among peers.Point of correspondence includes implementation of CMC tools to facilitate online consultation processes for academic advisory purpose. OICon model was then transformed into a prototype system to verify the model. Based on the evaluation conducted, we found that users are relatively positive towards implementation of multimedia communication tools for consultation in higher education and they agreed that the OICon model is crucial for enhance and promote interactivity for consultation among students and lecturers


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    As a new e-commerce paradigm, social commerce has resulted from consumers relying on the online recommendations of friends and acquaintances. To clarify Chinese consumers’ social commerce intentions, we conducted an empirical study based on a uses and gratifications approach. The results indicate that perceived gratification from entertainment was found to be the strongest predictor of Chinese consumers’ social commerce intentions. This is followed by the perceived gratification from information seeking, expressive information sharing, cool and new trends, and social interaction. However, neither gratification from escape nor passing time was found to be significant predictor. In addition, perceived gratification from information seeking has a stronger influence on consumers’ social commerce intentions in females than in males, while perceived gratification from expressive information sharing has a stronger influence on consumers’ social commerce intentions in males than in females. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed in the paper


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    Advertising has grown exponentially over the last 10 years. In general, advertising can be defined as the activity of a profession of producing information for promoting the sale of commercial products or services in so many ways, including the World Wide Web. For instance, advertising via the web has received much attention from people all over the world. Web advertising, in particular, has big implications to the global businesses because of wide accessibility strategies throughtout the world. Therefore, this study is carried out to identify the antecedents that influenced consumer’s attitudes towards Tourism in Malaysia web advertising that is widely available. Based on a review of the existing literature in a range of fields, this study proposes a conceptual model of the positive relationships between customer’s atitude with informativeness, entertainment, credibility, economic value, interactivity and materialism. The proposed conceptual model is developed based on the Elaboration Likehood (ELM). Tourism Malaysia strongly rides on its slogan ‘Malaysia Truly Asia” that signifies the ever-changing and growing needs for the future. Furthermore, Tourism Malaysia web advertising also can affect the consumer’s decision-making process and behavior. The researcher expects this research to make several theoretical, managerial and policy contributions. For instance, the tourism promotional board which wants to change the customer’s attitude needs to take into consideration the influence factors such as informativeness, entertainment, credibility, economic value, interactivity and materialism for the web adverstisement

    Corporate Rebranding Strategy and Gender Patterns: Impacts on Rebranded Brand Attitudes and Ambivalence Towards Rebranding

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    Role of gender differences on individuals\u27 responses to electronic word-of-mouth in social interactions

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    Considering the significant effects of electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM), this research explores how individuals respond to eWOM and whether gender differences exist in their perceptions. To do so, by employing the perspective of social interactions, we examine the proposed relationships are different between genders. We collected data using a survey and tested the hypotheses via path analysis. The results indicate that, gender differences were found specific to search effort, product involvement, and information credibility. Women with strong online ties had a tendency to be more involved in the product information and to find the information more credible. In addition, when women had an increased search effort, they were more likely to have intention spread eWOM. This research provides insights to further research related to gender differences in eWOM by discussing implications for research and practice

    Influencer endorsement posts and their effects on advertising attitudes and purchase intentions

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    This study examines the effects of influencer posts on Instagram users. Based on uses and gratifications theory, this experiment- based investigation analyses the effect of three different levels of product exposure (strong, mild and low) within an influencer ad post on users’ attitudes toward the ad, and their purchase intentions. Based on a sample of 602 Instagram users from Generations Y and Z, the empirical findings show that users who attribute infotainment and credibility to an influencer ad post perceive it to have greater ad value, which improves their attitude toward the ad and, consequently, positively affects their purchase intentions. However, the results do not find support for the negative effect of irritation on ad value. The contributions of this study highlight that once users have freely decided to follow influencers on Instagram, they assume that their posts are going to be ad- related and this does not cause them to reject posts; consequently, endorsement exerts a similar effect on the value attributed to an ad post regardless of the level of salience of the product in the post

    Rethinking Advertising Skepticism in China after West

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    Abstract: The present article reviews skepticism on the instrument of advertising in China which emphasizes that advertising in its existing institution doesn’t fit in the Chinese context. The literature reveals that consumer perceives the meaning of controversial, deceitful and waste of resources of advertising practice. It is reason of consumption of luxurious goods and increases the values of advertised item. Consumerism, consumer culture, sexual imagery, materialism and social differences are the conducive elements by advertisers to exploit for their utmost desire of maximization of profits. The review indicates that the regulation/code of conduct of advertising in the Western style is not a panacea. The elucidation of advertising as phenomena can arguably be addressed in the indigenous socio-political and cultural setting. In post-socialist China, Confucius ideals recommended as cultural, political, social and economic manifestation for authorities. It is suggested that institutionalization of advertising in accordance to Confucius’ “li”, “ren” and “xiaokang” serve the objectives of harmony, fair balance between economic growth and development and moreover issues concerning to the ecology. Key Words: Advertising scepticism; Advertising regulation; China; Confucius norms; Consumerism; Material cultureRĂ©sumĂ©: Le prĂ©sent article suggĂšre des commentaires de l’effet de scepticisme sur l'instrument de la publicitĂ© en Chine, lequel souligne que la publicitĂ© dans son institution existante ne rentre pas parfaitement dans le contexte chinois. La littĂ©rature montre que le consommateur perçoit le sens de la controverse, fourbe et le gaspillage des ressources de la pratique de la publicitĂ©. C'est la raison de la consommation de biens de luxe et augmente les valeurs de l'annonce. SociĂ©tĂ© de consommation, la culture de consommation, de l'imagerie sexuelle, le matĂ©rialisme et les diffĂ©rences sociales sont les Ă©lĂ©ments conductifs par les annonceurs d'exploiter pour leur plus grand dĂ©sir de maximisation des profits. L'examen indique que le rĂšglement / code de conduite de la publicitĂ© dans le style Occidental n'est pas une panacĂ©e. L'Ă©lucidation de la publicitĂ© en tant que phĂ©nomĂšnes peut sans doute ĂȘtre abordĂ©e dans le contexte socio-politique et culturelle de milieu indigĂšne. En post-socialiste de la Chine, les idĂ©aux de Confucius ont recommandĂ© que les manifestations culturelles, politiques, sociales et Ă©conomiques pour les autoritĂ©s. Il est suggĂ©rĂ© que l'institutionnalisation de la publicitĂ© conformĂ©ment selon le Confucius "li", "ren" et "xiaokang" servent les objectifs de l'harmonie, le juste Ă©quilibre entre la croissance Ă©conomique et le dĂ©veloppement et d'ailleurs les questions relatives Ă  l'Ă©cologie. Mots clĂ©s: L’effet de scepticisme de la publicitĂ©; RĂ©glementation de la publicitĂ©; La Chine; Les normes de Confucius; Le consumĂ©risme; La culture matĂ©riell

    Online advertising and consumer behavior in Tunisia

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    The aim of this study was to present new mediating and moderating variables in the relationship between online advertising and purchase intention as well as visiting the store. Therefore, a qualitative study of 17 Tunisian Internet users was conducted (semi-structured interview). Results showed that the lifestyle change and the disposition to visit the store are the mediating variables between these consequences and electronic advertising (purchase intention and visiting the store). Furthermore, the involvement with the product is the moderating variable between e-advertising and lifestyle change, including disposition to visit the store

    The Impact of Online Advertising on Store Visiting: Saudi Arabia

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    This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the issue of electronic advertising in Saudi Arabia. The main purpose of this research is to explore the impact of internet advertising on companies’ visits to stores through an exploratory study. The systematization of literary sources and approaches for solving electronic advertising problems indicates that new mediating and moderating variables could have an impact on the relation between Internet advertising and visits to stores. In this research, the disposition to visit the point of sale is assimilated as a mediating construct rather than an implication with the product as a moderating variable. The relevance of this scientific problem decision is that this investigation of the consequences of electronic advertising for offline customer comportment in Saudi Arabia is unprecedented research that seeks to address this interesting question. The investigation of the role of online advertising and the impact of mediating and moderating variables on the visit to the store in the paper was carried out in the following logical sequence: the data were collected via an electronic survey. Of the 500 randomly selected Internet users in Saudi Arabia, only 350 responses were valid. This research used a structural equation model and multigroup analysis to examine the direct and indirect influences of variables. This paper presents the results of an empirical analysis that revealed a positive relation between internet advertising and visits to points of sale. The disposition to visit the point of sale mediates the relationship between Internet advertising and concrete visits to the store. The effect of the product moderates the effect of internet advertising on the disposition to visit the point of sale in Saudi Arabia. The research empirically confirms and theoretically proves that Saudi shoppers fine online advertising to be attractive when this advertising must have some actions and concepts flash. Therefore, Saudi directors should follow this form and use an effective mixture of content and animation. The e-shoppers who are involved are persons who have little engagement; for this reason, they are simply concerned about the tools of the publicity communication

    Project description and crowdfunding success: an exploratory study

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