94 research outputs found

    Upper tails for triangles

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    With ξ\xi the number of triangles in the usual (Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi) random graph G(m,p)G(m,p), p>1/mp>1/m and η>0\eta>0, we show (for some Cη>0C_{\eta}>0) \Pr(\xi> (1+\eta)\E \xi) < \exp[-C_{\eta}\min{m^2p^2\log(1/p),m^3p^3}]. This is tight up to the value of CηC_{\eta}.Comment: 10 page

    The missing log in large deviations for triangle counts

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    This paper solves the problem of sharp large deviation estimates for the upper tail of the number of triangles in an Erdos-Renyi random graph, by establishing a logarithmic factor in the exponent that was missing till now. It is possible that the method of proof may extend to general subgraph counts.Comment: 15 pages. Title changed. To appear in Random Structures Algorithm

    Moment inequalities for functions of independent random variables

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    A general method for obtaining moment inequalities for functions of independent random variables is presented. It is a generalization of the entropy method which has been used to derive concentration inequalities for such functions [Boucheron, Lugosi and Massart Ann. Probab. 31 (2003) 1583-1614], and is based on a generalized tensorization inequality due to Latala and Oleszkiewicz [Lecture Notes in Math. 1745 (2000) 147-168]. The new inequalities prove to be a versatile tool in a wide range of applications. We illustrate the power of the method by showing how it can be used to effortlessly re-derive classical inequalities including Rosenthal and Kahane-Khinchine-type inequalities for sums of independent random variables, moment inequalities for suprema of empirical processes and moment inequalities for Rademacher chaos and U-statistics. Some of these corollaries are apparently new. In particular, we generalize Talagrand's exponential inequality for Rademacher chaos of order 2 to any order. We also discuss applications for other complex functions of independent random variables, such as suprema of Boolean polynomials which include, as special cases, subgraph counting problems in random graphs.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117904000000856 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    On the method of typical bounded differences

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    Concentration inequalities are fundamental tools in probabilistic combinatorics and theoretical computer science for proving that random functions are near their means. Of particular importance is the case where f(X) is a function of independent random variables X=(X_1, ..., X_n). Here the well known bounded differences inequality (also called McDiarmid's or Hoeffding-Azuma inequality) establishes sharp concentration if the function f does not depend too much on any of the variables. One attractive feature is that it relies on a very simple Lipschitz condition (L): it suffices to show that |f(X)-f(X')| \leq c_k whenever X,X' differ only in X_k. While this is easy to check, the main disadvantage is that it considers worst-case changes c_k, which often makes the resulting bounds too weak to be useful. In this paper we prove a variant of the bounded differences inequality which can be used to establish concentration of functions f(X) where (i) the typical changes are small although (ii) the worst case changes might be very large. One key aspect of this inequality is that it relies on a simple condition that (a) is easy to check and (b) coincides with heuristic considerations why concentration should hold. Indeed, given an event \Gamma that holds with very high probability, we essentially relax the Lipschitz condition (L) to situations where \Gamma occurs. The point is that the resulting typical changes c_k are often much smaller than the worst case ones. To illustrate its application we consider the reverse H-free process, where H is 2-balanced. We prove that the final number of edges in this process is concentrated, and also determine its likely value up to constant factors. This answers a question of Bollob\'as and Erd\H{o}s.Comment: 25 page
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