9 research outputs found

    Distributionally Robust Optimization and Robust Statistics

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    We review distributionally robust optimization (DRO), a principled approach for constructing statistical estimators that hedge against the impact of deviations in the expected loss between the training and deployment environments. Many well-known estimators in statistics and machine learning (e.g. AdaBoost, LASSO, ridge regression, dropout training, etc.) are distributionally robust in a precise sense. We hope that by discussing the DRO interpretation of well-known estimators, statisticians who may not be too familiar with DRO may find a way to access the DRO literature through the bridge between classical results and their DRO equivalent formulation. On the other hand, the topic of robustness in statistics has a rich tradition associated with removing the impact of contamination. Thus, another objective of this paper is to clarify the difference between DRO and classical statistical robustness. As we will see, these are two fundamentally different philosophies leading to completely different types of estimators. In DRO, the statistician hedges against an environment shift that occurs after the decision is made; thus DRO estimators tend to be pessimistic in an adversarial setting, leading to a min-max type formulation. In classical robust statistics, the statistician seeks to correct contamination that occurred before a decision is made; thus robust statistical estimators tend to be optimistic leading to a min-min type formulation

    Statistical Estimation Under Distribution Shift: Wasserstein Perturbations and Minimax Theory

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    Distribution shifts are a serious concern in modern statistical learning as they can systematically change the properties of the data away from the truth. We focus on Wasserstein distribution shifts, where every data point may undergo a slight perturbation, as opposed to the Huber contamination model where a fraction of observations are outliers. We consider perturbations that are either independent or coordinated joint shifts across data points. We analyze several important statistical problems, including location estimation, linear regression, and non-parametric density estimation. Under a squared loss for mean estimation and prediction error in linear regression, we find the exact minimax risk, a least favorable perturbation, and show that the sample mean and least squares estimators are respectively optimal. For other problems, we provide nearly optimal estimators and precise finite-sample bounds. We also introduce several tools for bounding the minimax risk under general distribution shifts, not just for Wasserstein perturbations, such as a smoothing technique for location families, and generalizations of classical tools including least favorable sequences of priors, the modulus of continuity, as well as Le Cam's, Fano's, and Assouad's methods.Comment: 60 pages, 7 figure

    Distributionally Robust Optimization: A Review

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    The concepts of risk-aversion, chance-constrained optimization, and robust optimization have developed significantly over the last decade. Statistical learning community has also witnessed a rapid theoretical and applied growth by relying on these concepts. A modeling framework, called distributionally robust optimization (DRO), has recently received significant attention in both the operations research and statistical learning communities. This paper surveys main concepts and contributions to DRO, and its relationships with robust optimization, risk-aversion, chance-constrained optimization, and function regularization