4 research outputs found

    New Embedded Representations and Evaluation Protocols for Inferring Transitive Relations

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    Beyond word embeddings, continuous representations of knowledge graph (KG) components, such as entities, types and relations, are widely used for entity mention disambiguation, relation inference and deep question answering. Great strides have been made in modeling general, asymmetric or antisymmetric KG relations using Gaussian, holographic, and complex embeddings. None of these directly enforce transitivity inherent in the is-instance-of and is-subtype-of relations. A recent proposal, called order embedding (OE), demands that the vector representing a subtype elementwise dominates the vector representing a supertype. However, the manner in which such constraints are asserted and evaluated have some limitations. In this short research note, we make three contributions specific to representing and inferring transitive relations. First, we propose and justify a significant improvement to the OE loss objective. Second, we propose a new representation of types as hyper-rectangular regions, that generalize and improve on OE. Third, we show that some current protocols to evaluate transitive relation inference can be misleading, and offer a sound alternative. Rather than use black-box deep learning modules off-the-shelf, we develop our training networks using elementary geometric considerations.Comment: Accepted at SIGIR 201

    Technological taxonomies for hypernym and hyponym retrieval in patent texts

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    This paper presents an automatic approach to creating taxonomies of technical terms based on the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC). The resulting taxonomy contains about 170k nodes in 9 separate technological branches and is freely available. We also show that a Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model can be fine-tuned to generate hypernyms and hyponyms with relatively high precision, confirming the manually assessed quality of the resource. The T5 model opens the taxonomy to any new technological terms for which a hypernym can be generated, thus making the resource updateable with new terms, an essential feature for the constantly evolving field of technological terminology.Comment: ToTh 2022 - Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications, Jun 2022, Chamb{\'e}ry, Franc

    A Study on Learning Representations for Relations Between Words

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    Reasoning about relations between words or entities plays an important role in human cognition. It is thus essential for a computational system which processes human languages to be able to understand the semantics of relations to simulate human intelligence. Automatic relation learning provides valuable information for many natural language processing tasks including ontology creation, question answering and machine translation, to name a few. This need brings us to the topic of this thesis where the main goal is to explore multiple resources and methodologies to effectively represent relations between words. How to effectively represent semantic relations between words remains a problem that is underexplored. A line of research makes use of relational patterns, which are the linguistic contexts in which two words co-occur in a corpus to infer a relation between them (e.g., X leads to Y). This approach suffers from data sparseness because not every related word-pair co-occurs even in a large corpus. In contrast, prior work on learning word embeddings have found that certain relations between words could be captured by applying linear arithmetic operators on the corresponding pre-trained word embeddings. Specifically, it has been shown that the vector offset (expressed as PairDiff) from one word to the other in a pair encodes the relation that holds between them, if any. Such a compositional method addresses the data sparseness by inferring a relation from constituent words in a word-pair and obviates the need of relational patterns. This thesis investigates the best way to compose word embeddings to represent relational instances. A systematic comparison is carried out for unsupervised operators, which in general reveals the superiority of the PairDiff operator on multiple word embedding models and benchmark datasets. Despite the empirical success, no theoretical analysis has been conducted so far explaining why and under what conditions PairDiff is optimal. To this end, a theoretical analysis is conducted for the generalised bilinear operators that can be used to measure the relational distance between two word-pairs. The main conclusion is that, under certain assumptions, the bilinear operator can be simplified to a linear form, where the widely used PairDiff operator is a special case. Multiple recent works raised concerns about existing unsupervised operators for inferring relations from pre-trained word embeddings. Thus, the question of whether it is possible to learn better parametrised relational compositional operators is addressed in this thesis. A supervised relation representation operator is proposed using a non-linear neural network that performs relation prediction. The evaluation on two benchmark datasets reveals that the penultimate layer of the trained neural network-based relational predictor acts as a good representation for the relations between words. Because we believe that both relational patterns and word embeddings provide complementary information to learn relations, a self-supervised context-guided relation embedding method that is trained on the two sources of information has been proposed. Experimentally, incorporating relational contexts shows improvement in the performance of a compositional operator for representing unseen word-pairs. Besides unstructured text corpora, knowledge graphs provide another source for relational facts in the form of nodes (i.e., entities) connected by edges (i.e., relations). Knowledge graphs are employed widely in natural language processing applications such as question answering and dialogue systems. Embedding entities and relations in a graph have shown impressive results for inferring previously unseen relations between entities. This thesis contributes to developing a theoretical model to infer a relationship between the connections in the graph and the embeddings of entities and relations. Learning graph embeddings that satisfy the proven theorem demonstrates efficient performance compared to existing heuristically derived graph embedding methods. As graph embedding methods generate representations for only existing relation types, a relation composition task is proposed in the thesis to tackle this limitation