79 research outputs found

    Pre-phase Improvement For Distributed Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Block Outlier Methods for Malicious User Detection in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing

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    Block outlier detection methods, based on Tietjen-Moore (TM) and Shapiro-Wilk (SW) tests, are proposed to detect and suppress spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF) attacks by malicious users in cooperative spectrum sensing. First, we consider basic and statistical SSDF attacks, where the malicious users attack independently. Then we propose a new SSDF attack, which involves cooperation among malicious users by masking. In practice, the number of malicious users is unknown. Thus, it is necessary to estimate the number of malicious users, which is found using clustering and largest gap method. However, we show using Monte Carlo simulations that, these methods fail to estimate the exact number of malicious users when they cooperate. To overcome this, we propose a modified largest gap method.Comment: Accepted in Proceedings of 79th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-Spring (VTC-Spring), May 2014, Seoul, South Kore

    Fully Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio networks (CRN) sense spectrum occupancy and manage themselves to operate in unused bands without disturbing licensed users. The detection capability of a radio system can be enhanced if the sensing process is performed jointly by a group of nodes so that the effects of wireless fading and shadowing can be minimized. However, taking a collaborative approach poses new security threats to the system as nodes can report false sensing data to force a wrong decision. Providing security to the sensing process is also complex, as it usually involves introducing limitations to the CRN applications. The most common limitation is the need for a static trusted node that is able to authenticate and merge the reports of all CRN nodes. This paper overcomes this limitation by presenting a protocol that is suitable for fully distributed scenarios, where there is no static trusted node

    Equity-Based free channels assignment for secondary users in a cognitive radio network

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    The present paper addresses the equity issue among the secondary users in a cognitive radio network. After using a multi scheduler algorithm and a fairness metric namely Jain’s Equity Index; we enhance the equity between the secondary users’ transfer rates by 0.64 in average, relative to a previous work

    A Secure Cooperative Sensing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio networks sense spectrum occupancy and manage themselves to operate in unused bands without disturbing licensed users. Spectrum sensing is more accurate if jointly performed by several reliable nodes. Even though cooperative sensing is an active area of research, the secure authentication of local sensing reports remains unsolved, thus empowering false results. This paper presents a distributed protocol based on digital signatures and hash functions, and an analysis of its security features. The system allows determining a final sensing decision from multiple sources in a quick and secure way.Las redes de radio cognitiva detectora de espectro se las arreglan para operar en las nuevas bandas sin molestar a los usuarios con licencia. La detecciĂłn de espectro es mĂĄs precisa si el conjunto estĂĄ realizado por varios nodos fiables. Aunque la detecciĂłn cooperativa es un ĂĄrea activa de investigaciĂłn, la autenticaciĂłn segura de informes locales de detecciĂłn no ha sido resuelta, por lo tanto se pueden dar resultados falsos. Este trabajo presenta un protocolo distribuido basado en firmas digitales y en funciones hash, y un anĂĄlisis de sus caracterĂ­sticas de seguridad. El sistema permite determinar una decisiĂłn final de detecciĂłn de mĂșltiples fuentes de una manera rĂĄpida y segura.Les xarxes de rĂ dio cognitiva detectora d'espectre se les arreglen per operar en les noves bandes sense destorbar els usuaris amb llicĂšncia. La detecciĂł d'espectre Ă©s mĂ©s precisa si el conjunt estĂ  realitzat per diversos nodes fiables. Encara que la detecciĂł cooperativa Ă©s una Ă rea activa d'investigaciĂł, l'autenticaciĂł segura d'informes locals de detecciĂł no ha estat resolta, per tant es poden donar resultats falsos. Aquest treball presenta un protocol distribuĂŻt basat en signatures digitals i en funcions hash, i una anĂ lisi de les seves caracterĂ­stiques de seguretat. El sistema permet determinar una decisiĂł final de detecciĂł de mĂșltiples fonts d'una manera rĂ pida i segura

    Cognitive node selection and assignment algorithms for weighted cooperative sensing in radar systems

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    Trust-based Throughput in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) deal with opportunistic spectrum access in order to fully utilize the scarce of spectrum resources, with the development of cognitive radio technologies to greater utilization of the spectrum. Nowa- days Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising concept for improving the utilization of limited radio spectrum resources for future wireless communications and mobile computing. In this paper, we propose two approaches. At first we propose a trust aware model to authenticate the secondary users (SUs) in CRNs which provides a reliable technique to establish trust for CRNs. Secondly, we propose trust throughput mechanism to measure throughput in CRNs

    Cognitive Radio Networks: Realistic or Not?

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    A large volume of research has been conducted in the cognitive radio (CR) area the last decade. However, the deployment of a commercial CR network is yet to emerge. A large portion of the existing literature does not build on real world scenarios, hence, neglecting various important interactions of the research with commercial telecommunication networks. For instance, a lot of attention has been paid to spectrum sensing as the front line functionality that needs to be completed in an efficient and accurate manner to enable an opportunistic CR network architecture. This is necessary to detect the existence of spectrum holes without which no other procedure can be fulfilled. However, simply sensing (cooperatively or not) the energy received from a primary transmitter cannot enable correct dynamic spectrum access. For example, the low strength of a primary transmitter's signal does not assure that there will be no interference to a nearby primary receiver. In addition, the presence of a primary transmitter's signal does not mean that CR network users cannot access the spectrum since there might not be any primary receiver in the vicinity. Despite the existing elegant and clever solutions to the DSA problem no robust, implementable scheme has emerged. In this paper, we challenge the basic premises of the proposed schemes. We further argue that addressing the technical challenges we face in deploying robust CR networks can only be achieved if we radically change the way we design their basic functionalities. In support of our argument, we present a set of real-world scenarios, inspired by realistic settings in commercial telecommunications networks, focusing on spectrum sensing as a basic and critical functionality in the deployment of CRs. We use these scenarios to show why existing DSA paradigms are not amenable to realistic deployment in complex wireless environments.Comment: Work in progres
