21 research outputs found

    Distributed Detection of Cycles

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    Distributed property testing in networks has been introduced by Brakerski and Patt-Shamir (2011), with the objective of detecting the presence of large dense sub-networks in a distributed manner. Recently, Censor-Hillel et al. (2016) have shown how to detect 3-cycles in a constant number of rounds by a distributed algorithm. In a follow up work, Fraigniaud et al. (2016) have shown how to detect 4-cycles in a constant number of rounds as well. However, the techniques in these latter works were shown not to generalize to larger cycles CkC_k with k≥5k\geq 5. In this paper, we completely settle the problem of cycle detection, by establishing the following result. For every k≥3k\geq 3, there exists a distributed property testing algorithm for CkC_k-freeness, performing in a constant number of rounds. All these results hold in the classical CONGEST model for distributed network computing. Our algorithm is 1-sided error. Its round-complexity is O(1/ϵ)O(1/\epsilon) where ϵ∈(0,1)\epsilon\in(0,1) is the property testing parameter measuring the gap between legal and illegal instances

    Sublinear-Time Distributed Algorithms for Detecting Small Cliques and Even Cycles

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    In this paper we give sublinear-time distributed algorithms in the CONGEST model for subgraph detection for two classes of graphs: cliques and even-length cycles. We show for the first time that all copies of 4-cliques and 5-cliques in the network graph can be listed in sublinear time, O(n^{5/6+o(1)}) rounds and O(n^{21/22+o(1)}) rounds, respectively. Prior to our work, it was not known whether it was possible to even check if the network contains a 4-clique or a 5-clique in sublinear time. For even-length cycles, C_{2k}, we give an improved sublinear-time algorithm, which exploits a new connection to extremal combinatorics. For example, for 6-cycles we improve the running time from O~(n^{5/6}) to O~(n^{3/4}) rounds. We also show two obstacles on proving lower bounds for C_{2k}-freeness: First, we use the new connection to extremal combinatorics to show that the current lower bound of Omega~(sqrt{n}) rounds for 6-cycle freeness cannot be improved using partition-based reductions from 2-party communication complexity, the technique by which all known lower bounds on subgraph detection have been proven to date. Second, we show that there is some fixed constant delta in (0,1/2) such that for any k, a Omega(n^{1/2+delta}) lower bound on C_{2k}-freeness implies new lower bounds in circuit complexity. For general subgraphs, it was shown in [Orr Fischer et al., 2018] that for any fixed k, there exists a subgraph H of size k such that H-freeness requires Omega~(n^{2-Theta(1/k)}) rounds. It was left as an open problem whether this is tight, or whether some constant-sized subgraph requires truly quadratic time to detect. We show that in fact, for any subgraph H of constant size k, the H-freeness problem can be solved in O(n^{2 - Theta(1/k)}) rounds, nearly matching the lower bound of [Orr Fischer et al., 2018]

    Survey of Distributed Decision

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    We survey the recent distributed computing literature on checking whether a given distributed system configuration satisfies a given boolean predicate, i.e., whether the configuration is legal or illegal w.r.t. that predicate. We consider classical distributed computing environments, including mostly synchronous fault-free network computing (LOCAL and CONGEST models), but also asynchronous crash-prone shared-memory computing (WAIT-FREE model), and mobile computing (FSYNC model)

    Detecting Cliques in CONGEST Networks

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    The problem of detecting network structures plays a central role in distributed computing. One of the fundamental problems studied in this area is to determine whether for a given graph H, the input network contains a subgraph isomorphic to H or not. We investigate this problem for H being a clique K_l in the classical distributed CONGEST model, where the communication topology is the same as the topology of the underlying network, and with limited communication bandwidth on the links. Our first and main result is a lower bound, showing that detecting K_l requires Omega(sqrt{n} / b) communication rounds, for every 4 = sqrt{n}, where b is the bandwidth of the communication links. This result is obtained by using a reduction to the set disjointness problem in the framework of two-party communication complexity. We complement our lower bound with a two-party communication protocol for listing all cliques in the input graph, which up to constant factors communicates the same number of bits as our lower bound for K_4 detection. This demonstrates that our lower bound cannot be improved using the two-party communication framework

    Distributed Detection of Cliques in Dynamic Networks

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    This paper provides an in-depth study of the fundamental problems of finding small subgraphs in distributed dynamic networks. While some problems are trivially easy to handle, such as detecting a triangle that emerges after an edge insertion, we show that, perhaps somewhat surprisingly, other problems exhibit a wide range of complexities in terms of the trade-offs between their round and bandwidth complexities. In the case of triangles, which are only affected by the topology of the immediate neighborhood, some end results are: - The bandwidth complexity of 1-round dynamic triangle detection or listing is Theta(1). - The bandwidth complexity of 1-round dynamic triangle membership listing is Theta(1) for node/edge deletions, Theta(n^{1/2}) for edge insertions, and Theta(n) for node insertions. - The bandwidth complexity of 1-round dynamic triangle membership detection is Theta(1) for node/edge deletions, O(log n) for edge insertions, and Theta(n) for node insertions. Most of our upper and lower bounds are tight. Additionally, we provide almost always tight upper and lower bounds for larger cliques