4,306 research outputs found

    Single-Shot Clothing Category Recognition in Free-Configurations with Application to Autonomous Clothes Sorting

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    This paper proposes a single-shot approach for recognising clothing categories from 2.5D features. We propose two visual features, BSP (B-Spline Patch) and TSD (Topology Spatial Distances) for this task. The local BSP features are encoded by LLC (Locality-constrained Linear Coding) and fused with three different global features. Our visual feature is robust to deformable shapes and our approach is able to recognise the category of unknown clothing in unconstrained and random configurations. We integrated the category recognition pipeline with a stereo vision system, clothing instance detection, and dual-arm manipulators to achieve an autonomous sorting system. To verify the performance of our proposed method, we build a high-resolution RGBD clothing dataset of 50 clothing items of 5 categories sampled in random configurations (a total of 2,100 clothing samples). Experimental results show that our approach is able to reach 83.2\% accuracy while classifying clothing items which were previously unseen during training. This advances beyond the previous state-of-the-art by 36.2\%. Finally, we evaluate the proposed approach in an autonomous robot sorting system, in which the robot recognises a clothing item from an unconstrained pile, grasps it, and sorts it into a box according to its category. Our proposed sorting system achieves reasonable sorting success rates with single-shot perception.Comment: 9 pages, accepted by IROS201

    Quantifying the Evolutionary Self Structuring of Embodied Cognitive Networks

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    We outline a possible theoretical framework for the quantitative modeling of networked embodied cognitive systems. We notice that: 1) information self structuring through sensory-motor coordination does not deterministically occur in Rn vector space, a generic multivariable space, but in SE(3), the group structure of the possible motions of a body in space; 2) it happens in a stochastic open ended environment. These observations may simplify, at the price of a certain abstraction, the modeling and the design of self organization processes based on the maximization of some informational measures, such as mutual information. Furthermore, by providing closed form or computationally lighter algorithms, it may significantly reduce the computational burden of their implementation. We propose a modeling framework which aims to give new tools for the design of networks of new artificial self organizing, embodied and intelligent agents and the reverse engineering of natural ones. At this point, it represents much a theoretical conjecture and it has still to be experimentally verified whether this model will be useful in practice.

    Learning to Navigate Cloth using Haptics

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    We present a controller that allows an arm-like manipulator to navigate deformable cloth garments in simulation through the use of haptic information. The main challenge of such a controller is to avoid getting tangled in, tearing or punching through the deforming cloth. Our controller aggregates force information from a number of haptic-sensing spheres all along the manipulator for guidance. Based on haptic forces, each individual sphere updates its target location, and the conflicts that arise between this set of desired positions is resolved by solving an inverse kinematic problem with constraints. Reinforcement learning is used to train the controller for a single haptic-sensing sphere, where a training run is terminated (and thus penalized) when large forces are detected due to contact between the sphere and a simplified model of the cloth. In simulation, we demonstrate successful navigation of a robotic arm through a variety of garments, including an isolated sleeve, a jacket, a shirt, and shorts. Our controller out-performs two baseline controllers: one without haptics and another that was trained based on large forces between the sphere and cloth, but without early termination.Comment: Supplementary video available at https://youtu.be/iHqwZPKVd4A. Related publications http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~karenliu/Robotic_dressing.htm

    Bio-inspired Tensegrity Soft Modular Robots

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    In this paper, we introduce a design principle to develop novel soft modular robots based on tensegrity structures and inspired by the cytoskeleton of living cells. We describe a novel strategy to realize tensegrity structures using planar manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing. We use this strategy to develop icosahedron tensegrity structures with programmable variable stiffness that can deform in a three-dimensional space. We also describe a tendon-driven contraction mechanism to actively control the deformation of the tensegrity mod-ules. Finally, we validate the approach in a modular locomotory worm as a proof of concept.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Living Machine conference 201

    A Novel Graph-based Motion Planner of Multi-Mobile Robot Systems with Formation and Obstacle Constraints

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    Multi-mobile robot systems show great advantages over one single robot in many applications. However, the robots are required to form desired task-specified formations, making feasible motions decrease significantly. Thus, it is challenging to determine whether the robots can pass through an obstructed environment under formation constraints, especially in an obstacle-rich environment. Furthermore, is there an optimal path for the robots? To deal with the two problems, a novel graphbased motion planner is proposed in this paper. A mapping between workspace and configuration space of multi-mobile robot systems is first built, where valid configurations can be acquired to satisfy both formation constraints and collision avoidance. Then, an undirected graph is generated by verifying connectivity between valid configurations. The breadth-first search method is employed to answer the question of whether there is a feasible path on the graph. Finally, an optimal path will be planned on the updated graph, considering the cost of path length and formation preference. Simulation results show that the planner can be applied to get optimal motions of robots under formation constraints in obstacle-rich environments. Additionally, different constraints are considered
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